Rails - Jul 2006

Monday July 31 2006
11:47PM 0 using Class#Find in dynamic fixtures
11:28PM 1 Pagination of Complex Queries
11:21PM 4 Text field not being submitted via form_remote_tag; works via form_tag
11:05PM 0 How do I make controller hierachies? Inherit or route them?
11:04PM 0 to_xml using lots of memory
10:57PM 0 RJS: Add item to select list (in order) and select
10:47PM 0 RMagic via Rails: "Corrupt JPEG data"
10:32PM 2 Problem with dropping the column_id column...
10:31PM 0 Newbie guidance: Dates and grouping
10:29PM 1 Adding "groups" to a user model
9:49PM 0 [OT] Javascript based drawing editor for RoR project
9:41PM 1 Adding new rows to a db
9:28PM 0 parsing a file
9:25PM 0 [Job] Web Software Engineer opening in Indianapolis, IN
9:11PM 3 date_select for valid days only. No Feb 30
9:08PM 10 nothing uploads.....why? (newbie question)
8:45PM 0 Sr. RoR Position open in NYC
8:28PM 9 Problems with ever-increasing ID value
8:15PM 4 switching database dynamically based on incoming request
8:09PM 1 How do I call a controller from a model, console, or outside of rails?
7:40PM 4 mail list question
7:33PM 0 problems testing helpers - link_to and url_for don''t work...
7:26PM 2 Wizard-like multi-page transaction
7:19PM 0 Callback not called in development mode
7:16PM 3 Problem in posting xml content.
7:06PM 1 Use of push_with_attributes
6:25PM 5 can someone explain RoR MVC from a C++ or Java perspective?
5:45PM 2 ambiguous column name in has_many :through
5:35PM 2 Testing the flash.now
5:34PM 0 Can''t get into production mode!
5:20PM 3 Simply_RESTful and Bulk Import URLs
5:19PM 7 Problem with routes when I move the app to a different machine
4:55PM 1 Migrations that set default values
4:48PM 3 Missing controller default code
4:22PM 3 Calling Image File
4:19PM 2 **NewBIE** CSS reference in view pages...
4:08PM 0 RUSSIAN RoR community -- www.rubyonrails.ru
4:04PM 0 Rails training for Windows developers
3:46PM 4 RJS to find an element
3:37PM 2 RJS: hide element problem
2:11PM 1 Grouping arrays in the View
2:05PM 9 Multiple Pagination
1:51PM 0 acts_as_list with single table inheritance
1:38PM 17 Ruby on Snails
12:50PM 0 Polymorphic has_many association through a belongs_to
11:42AM 3 getting the last four digits of a string or number
10:54AM 1 Running setup code after boot
10:26AM 0 Feedback from model callbacks
10:13AM 1 validate date field
9:38AM 0 Online update functionality
9:15AM 2 [UPDATE] More info on RubyConf 2006 registration
9:13AM 5 PostgreSQL
9:08AM 3 Soapbox
9:07AM 0 rescue_action_in_public useless to capture low level errors
8:53AM 5 ActionWebService API
8:52AM 1 How to get result of following SQL Query in Ruby?
8:47AM 2 add title to links
8:24AM 1 Rails on Fedora Core 4 + Apache 2.0.54
8:00AM 2 is it possible to make to_xml use underscore instead of dash?
7:36AM 6 Popup Calendar and DateBoxEngine and Change Made ...
7:32AM 2 The error occured while evaluating nil.gsub!
6:51AM 3 programmer needed (paying work)
6:50AM 2 updating records in a many-to-many relationship
4:35AM 0 Autosubmitted checkbox
4:35AM 0 Issues with has_many, belongs_to and dependency settings
3:33AM 4 Login Password text field values
3:13AM 2 How do you grab the source HTML from a url?
3:08AM 0 validates_confirmation_of won''t work
2:36AM 1 Ruby Cookbook
2:16AM 20 RADRAILS installation guide
2:16AM 3 PostgreSQL, postgres gem, rails2.pdf, http://ruby.scripting.ca/postgres/ confusion...
2:04AM 0 Selecting emails by headers
2:04AM 3 Polymorphic associations and single table inheritance
1:43AM 6 Unable to install Gems with RubyGems on Intel OSX with DarwinPorts
1:14AM 0 Rest and Mime Types
Sunday July 30 2006
11:25PM 3 Accessing @org.id yields internal number, not record id
11:04PM 1 FileColumn - Validate Before Saving
10:22PM 0 after_validation_on_update double invokes
8:49PM 3 ActiveRecord - Multiple Address for a single record
8:40PM 0 error resizing image using minimagick
8:35PM 1 Doubt on composite index
8:25PM 1 slightly OT: opinions on best webservice implementation
8:25PM 0 form_remote_tag and rendering partials with <script> tags
8:09PM 1 ActionController
8:05PM 0 Deploying Rakefiles?
7:57PM 0 Ruby/Rails User Groups in Southern California
7:28PM 1 login plugins
7:15PM 0 Regula expression ruby question
7:14PM 2 how to use remote_function :with option?
7:14PM 0 Laszlo to AWS SOAPAction problem
7:10PM 0 RubyConf*MI 2006!
5:34PM 1 custom routing in simply_restful
5:12PM 0 Composite Keys 0.3.3
4:57PM 1 javascript ''point to file'' widget (as seen in dreamweaver)
4:55PM 1 Insert multiple new child records with the parent
4:54PM 3 Where to store filesystem path?
4:40PM 8 Method_missing from Ruby for Rails book
4:40PM 0 making friend request, many to many relationship
4:39PM 2 Can''t submit tickets to dev.rubyonrails.org
4:39PM 1 Pune Ruby web site / blog / wiki and Pune Rails Hackathon
4:36PM 1 Flash
4:36PM 0 ActiveRecord
4:35PM 2 Comments on rails usage
4:25AM 34 ruby suitable for financial apps?
3:59AM 3 Returning custom error messages in ActionWebService
3:03AM 1 forum supports some-html
2:32AM 1 PDF to HTML converter for Ruby?
2:19AM 2 options_from_collection_for_select & multiple columns
2:15AM 0 Migrations: execute() and importing SQL files
2:14AM 1 Bug? find_by_id(nil) returns object just created
12:40AM 0 Standard user registration proccess
12:06AM 0 Rails installation problem - activesupport
12:02AM 0 Error in new record using Fireruby
Saturday July 29 2006
11:56PM 3 Engines question
11:05PM 1 newbie - best place to put methods used in controllers?
11:05PM 6 Anyway for a model to call url_for?
11:05PM 1 best way to update one-to-many relationship
11:04PM 2 Instance Variables within Controller during AJAX request
10:59PM 0 SOAP for large datasets
10:59PM 1 Anything wrong with this test? Cannot access fixture
10:58PM 0 rails cannot find new scaffold.
10:48PM 0 Accessing vars within helpers in Markaby
10:45PM 0 displaying select value and debugging RoR application
10:44PM 4 good css based website layouts for download???
5:40PM 1 Debian - plugins being installed to the wrong place?
5:34PM 3 Lighttpd Configuration Independent of Hostname or IP
5:33PM 2 PHP in Rails app running on WEBRick
5:33PM 2 uninitialized constant ApplicationController
5:23PM 1 Problem starting push server in Jugganaut
5:07PM 3 Validating two models
4:57PM 0 validations not run till after action in controller is called
4:54PM 0 date_select with calendar
4:54PM 2 Cannot save Date field
4:53PM 0 ActiveRecord question
4:35PM 0 Mongrel-modproxy Issue
4:33PM 0 RJS templates, Safari 1.3
4:31PM 6 why is webrick running in development mode?
4:31PM 0 error_messages_for - Custom formating
4:30PM 1 Web service and Builder doesn't return Norwegian ÆØÅ
5:11AM 29 Dynamically generating 10k pages per second
4:51AM 2 Finding sum
4:51AM 9 export to a CSV or XLS file
4:42AM 1 creating and storing records in Ruby
2:54AM 9 How to write RoR code
1:57AM 6 Complex tests - use a DSL instead of fixtures
Friday July 28 2006
11:51PM 0 i need help migrating an old table
11:02PM 1 How to ajax highlight a flash
10:57PM 0 cannot read a table in Oracle when scaffold''ing
10:51PM 0 GEM-based rails application installer
10:26PM 1 Huge resource of images, video, and sound clips?
10:23PM 2 ez_where: Stuck Again
9:38PM 4 [mod_fcgid] 503 server temporarily unavailable
9:20PM 4 Validation Reflection plugin
8:36PM 1 Dev and production modes
8:23PM 8 mass emails
8:01PM 2 has_many :through with :order column on the join model
7:54PM 2 newb question...
7:23PM 1 putty mysql error
7:01PM 5 RoR & Lightbox
6:57PM 1 Selectbox: display value for :include_blank => true?
6:54PM 3 Forms: handle foreign keys (AssociationTypeMismatch)
6:52PM 11 Forum
6:47PM 1 How to set environment specific config variables DRY-ly
6:41PM 1 Foreign columns
5:55PM 0 STI hiding attributes
5:28PM 1 Nasty pitfall: don''t use ^ and $ in validation regexes!
5:27PM 2 Slowness on PUT requests
5:19PM 8 Manning Ruby/Rails contest
5:15PM 0 controller subdomains
5:07PM 8 Building a Search Page as part of CRUD
4:36PM 0 Pushing a client
4:30PM 2 RJS + Internet Explorer
4:22PM 3 ActionWebService Struct member name including ''-''
3:50PM 1 account_location plugin
3:37PM 0 newbie----what''s wrong with my code
3:21PM 0 OT - Recruiting ROR developer (ownership %, game related)
3:19PM 6 need recommendations for apache configurations
3:12PM 0 Search Forum
2:36PM 2 Scaffold and Undercores in Tablenames
2:25PM 4 ajax scaffold
2:24PM 7 Uploading 2+ files simultaneously
2:22PM 2 Delete has_many_and_belongs_to_many relation
2:00PM 0 reserved words
1:53PM 2 change url based on account name
1:49PM 1 Rails not using default database value when saving model
1:49PM 0 refreshing a page continuously
1:40PM 0 [UPDATE] RubyConf 2006 registration pre-info
1:35PM 0 How to detect and simply signal that the DB is/got down?
1:07PM 4 add one month or one year to a date
12:55PM 2 has_many :through with multiple paths
11:54AM 0 rails clock lags
11:21AM 2 passing a variable from controller to model
10:56AM 0 typo 4 on dreamhost
10:38AM 7 [VAPOUR] Dr Nic''s Magic Models
10:16AM 0 How to call a controller class method via HTTP
9:22AM 15 Store/product stock design question
8:41AM 0 [CONTRACTING JOB] We are looking for RoR developers, preferably with JavaScript knowledge
8:11AM 1 How do I get an original file name from an upload using file_field?
7:55AM 0 extracted error?? new question...
7:41AM 0 Dreamhost, fastcgi, validates_uniqueness_of.... is not always unique?
7:12AM 0 best way to handle failed updates when using REST ?
4:16AM 3 render :update working incorrectly
3:44AM 0 Mongrel and Upload Status
3:07AM 6 STRFTIME() why is it not defined
3:04AM 2 string replacement?
2:57AM 0 Running migrations without shell access
2:20AM 2 ActiveRecord design question
2:17AM 7 auto_complete_for exists but not being found by Rails
1:56AM 0 Apache/Mongrel Deployment Errors
1:44AM 5 Best practice for sharing code between rails apps.
12:58AM 2 gem install (Errno::EACCES)
12:50AM 12 MenuEngine
12:42AM 0 error sending emails
12:42AM 2 Problems connecting to remote mysql db
12:41AM 3 forms to pdf generation
12:05AM 1 long waiting time for first page due to session[:user]
12:03AM 4 SCGI + Rails at System Startup
Thursday July 27 2006
11:45PM 1 Password Protection
11:40PM 1 no method??
11:18PM 1 auto_complete_for method not found error
11:14PM 2 best OS platform for rails development
10:57PM 2 Agile Web Development Problem
10:54PM 4 sending emails
10:43PM 0 Controllers, Models, and Validations...
10:04PM 17 How do you stop a Ruby method from executing?
10:01PM 3 timer service
9:46PM 1 Routes not working when submitting a form
9:31PM 1 Form entries with decimals generating float errors
9:30PM 1 Rails Trac
8:52PM 7 Newbie question---
8:10PM 2 (Agile Rails 2nd ED) Depot App: Iteration B1 500 Error
7:58PM 2 ActiveRecord retrieval style? Lazy initialtization?
7:51PM 1 Passing a parameter in a method via URL
7:47PM 7 WebService
7:45PM 0 Why is false.blank? => true ?
7:45PM 3 How do I update a div''s content in the controller?
7:25PM 1 response from ajax request
7:16PM 1 form_remote_tag
7:03PM 2 Creating multiple objects from form data
7:03PM 1 Flex and Rails
7:01PM 0 Using CRUD + non-standard URLs
7:00PM 4 Considering Rubyonrails
6:59PM 3 Multiple @content_for_layout in template?
6:46PM 0 Can''t get BackgroundRb to work
6:42PM 9 CalendarHelper
6:00PM 0 Can I Filter searching, via checkboxes ? I have a diagram
5:38PM 2 is there an easy way to move data from one table and copy it
5:36PM 0 Should I be extending UserEngine for User Preferences?
5:07PM 0 Profiling functional tests
5:06PM 0 how to render/send an incoming stream of data?
4:31PM 2 setting initial text field values in a form
4:25PM 1 getdate_column
4:06PM 0 ActiveRecords::Calculations trouble
4:06PM 1 ActiveRecords::Calculations
4:06PM 0 Custom Fields
4:02PM 5 Calculate methods on attr_accessor objects
3:58PM 3 [somewhat OT] Apache config for Rails + ColdFusion + PHP
3:46PM 7 cannot get past "Booting WEBrick"
3:35PM 0 How to run korn shell script?
3:07PM 1 get value from array
2:45PM 0 Separating file_column upload directory by account
2:31PM 1 How to find Bandwidth usage...
2:24PM 3 A number (id?) is added after css/js tags like style.css?1154009736
2:00PM 0 Quick question about integrating existing PHP app in Rails
12:59PM 0 Rails Plugin Packs
12:46PM 7 ''remember me'' using cookies
11:57AM 3 WAP With Rails?
11:56AM 0 Functional Testing Issues
11:13AM 4 roles based authentication
11:07AM 1 rake question
10:39AM 1 calendar plugin?
10:10AM 0 CRUD, REST and associations
9:34AM 2 accessing a variable inside a plugin
9:18AM 3 setting up model for existing database
9:10AM 3 Subversion library for RoR
8:53AM 2 Saving records in mySQL for many-to-many relationship
8:05AM 0 newbie
7:57AM 0 Is there a non sql active_record db adapter out there ?
6:54AM 0 Override default Rail Generator options
6:37AM 0 what version of sqlite3?
6:34AM 1 Update second pulldown menu based on first menu selection?
6:34AM 0 autotest on win32 doesn''t see any tests
5:57AM 16 Net::LDAP 0.0.3 released, adds TLS encryption
5:54AM 2 How to accelerate the page''s display?
5:35AM 1 Getting a MySQL deadlock when running RailsCron...
5:35AM 1 Weird issue with editing data.
5:32AM 1 form_tag vs form_remote_tag ----- the :condition option
3:43AM 5 Dreamhost working deploy.rb? Can anyone post/send me a copy?
3:25AM 1 importing data with migration for habtm
2:48AM 4 How To Test For W3C compliance locally and possibly to include it in to Continuous integraition process
2:47AM 0 installing typo in dreamhost
12:42AM 9 Introspecting validates_presence_of
12:21AM 4 problem with elsif
Wednesday July 26 2006
11:45PM 4 can you pass data when you render :action
11:26PM 5 Mongrel + mod_proxy URL issues
11:26PM 0 [job] ruby position in Monterrey, Mexico
11:07PM 0 documentaiton RoR and RadRail
10:14PM 1 Connecting to mysql 4.1.12 server
9:55PM 0 capistrano CLI automation - using capistrano as a library
9:54PM 1 Capistrano / svn problem
9:43PM 2 text_field and date_select in collection
9:43PM 0 error when updating table with select box
9:06PM 0 help with best practice connection for apache 1.3.x and rails
9:06PM 0 DB/ActiveRecord optimization of BLOBs
9:03PM 2 How to determine whether dev,test or prod from the code
9:02PM 0 legacy mysql db column c$car_type
9:02PM 3 Polymorphic Association with Single Table Inheritance?
8:26PM 5 Restricting before_filter to certain actions?
8:25PM 1 Netjotter application release
8:06PM 0 Generation SQL from Migrations
7:47PM 0 controller cant find my RMagick installation on OSX 10.4
7:29PM 4 MasterView rails-optimize (x)html friendly template engine - Release 0.2.4
7:28PM 1 mixing ebr and builder together and having it render as html in the browser
7:28PM 2 newbie - HABTM confused...
6:51PM 6 Javascript tooltips in rails?
6:32PM 1 Scaffolding Problems
6:27PM 0 Ajax and onsubmit
6:24PM 0 Making methods in application.rb not accessible to the web?
6:24PM 1 Find with two levels has_many
6:23PM 0 LoadError: no such file to load
6:22PM 15 Rails without a primary key
6:00PM 7 syntax for specifying :html fallback on form_remote_tag
5:56PM 4 How to Firebug XHR/AJAX requests
5:55PM 0 render :update do | page | to modify a css class string...
5:38PM 0 SQL query syntax
5:37PM 2 Questions regarding complex searching
5:37PM 1 Installing MySQL server (user-pwd)
5:03PM 5 Can we have have protected methods in our REST controllers?
5:02PM 1 How to reload classes in lib/ without restarting server
5:01PM 5 code for uploading files to the filesystem instead of db
4:44PM 3 svn command doesn''t work when trying to install plugins
4:44PM 0 Has anyone managed to get the Paypal plugin to work?
4:43PM 1 loading file at start ?
4:43PM 1 lesson learned: script/runner does not abort on failed require
4:41PM 8 change text_field_tag class
4:25PM 1 AuditTrail in Rails
4:25PM 0 Using validators for appending to a HABTM association
4:25PM 2 European number format - the rational ruby way
4:25PM 0 embedded DTD using Builder
4:13PM 1 please tell me how to add "reply-to" header in action mailer
4:12PM 1 Polymorphic Associations: dynamic finders
4:12PM 3 Reorder lists only after clicking link
4:12PM 4 Which is the best place to put business logic ?
4:12PM 4 create! should return an Active Record object no matter what
4:11PM 0 How to Globalize using variants of templates?
4:10PM 0 formatting output with lookup values
4:10PM 3 radrails controllers
4:10PM 2 How to highlight the search term in the search result
4:09PM 1 Easy auditing plugin?
4:09PM 0 Model named Application
4:08PM 1 Calling another method in the same controller
4:07PM 3 Capistrano - freezes & I don''t get prompted for password??
4:07PM 2 A Struct inside of a Struct
4:06PM 5 RoR data models ( extreme newbie question)
4:05PM 8 team captain - habtm w/has_one...
4:05PM 0 Locks and preventing agaisnt race-conditions with the db
4:04PM 1 fixtures not loading when running rake test - ok other times
4:04PM 2 Question about Recipe 52
4:03PM 1 ajax render_partial
4:03PM 0 NULLs and model relationships
4:03PM 0 Please Ignore/Delete!!
4:03PM 0 Globalize strategy for content ?
4:02PM 2 return values from a function - basic question
4:01PM 0 page.replace_html render(:action => ''other_action'')
4:01PM 0 HTML Emails with a layout in Action Mailer?
4:00PM 1 how do I change color to an highlight effect ?
7:55AM 9 file upload
6:54AM 7 RHTML in database?
6:35AM 0 SortableFloats demo in script.aculo.us
6:35AM 0 radio_button groups
5:46AM 1 my "observer" is blind
5:33AM 4 Upload File
5:32AM 0 validates_presence_of broken
4:38AM 1 Is capistrano command meant to be run on remote server??
4:35AM 1 Plz answer my query in date_select
4:09AM 1 Something is wrong with this peice of code...
4:07AM 1 List directory names in a dropdown control?
3:33AM 3 Getting Ajax.Updater or page.replace_html to render js?
3:25AM 4 yhtml plugin
3:25AM 0 SAX Parsing and erb?
2:45AM 3 newbie: Scaffold doesn''t pickup DB changes
2:39AM 3 adding class or id tags to tags like linkto and form
2:37AM 3 insert_html inserting fragment twice
2:18AM 1 if and else
2:14AM 3 models don''t like NOT NULL DEFAULT "" columns
2:13AM 0 render :update issue getting whole new page
2:13AM 3 Is Truer Coding Nirvana Possible?
1:59AM 4 How to Install Engines?
1:58AM 4 BackgrounDRb - uninitialized constant
1:54AM 4 Dropdown with concatenated columns.
1:53AM 2 Apache Setup, static site = site.com, rails = site.com/rails
1:52AM 7 Delete_all causes a deadlock on MSSQL database ???
1:42AM 0 validates_presence_of in upload_progress plugin
1:41AM 0 Something wrong with the div
1:41AM 2 There is Something wrong with the div...
1:40AM 1 How to create table entry with multiple related categories?
1:40AM 2 How do you stop a ruby method prematurely
1:10AM 4 Execute code when an inheritance happens, or disabling STI
12:50AM 1 Uploading BLOB into MySQL
12:50AM 1 sessions (newbie problem)
12:49AM 9 RadRails config? Getting blank project only created?
12:48AM 1 file upload in an integration test
12:48AM 2 sessions
12:31AM 1 how do I get the IP address of form poster?
12:29AM 2 ResponseLogger Plugin
12:27AM 1 Organization Question
12:10AM 0 webrick slows and crashes on thumbnail creation
Tuesday July 25 2006
9:55PM 1 mysql cluster database.yml setup
9:37PM 6 Subtract a field from the current time in MySQL?
9:14PM 11 Prevent users from entering urls
9:14PM 2 What to use in params[:name]
9:06PM 7 Problem running rake db:migrate
8:50PM 4 Problem installing plugins
8:47PM 1 Managing backtrace
8:21PM 1 How do I validate using associated objects?
8:20PM 1 Best place for authorization management tool?
8:06PM 2 Losing precision while copying interval type data (Postgres)
8:01PM 8 Calender Script?
7:42PM 2 Page doesn''t have scroll bar :/
7:42PM 0 redirects with data
7:42PM 0 Typo 4.0.0 on Dreamhost (how to disable article preview?)
7:42PM 5 webrick server slow or does not connect
7:41PM 1 rails compatible http servers that support ssl client auth
7:41PM 0 Sending emails slow - is this normal?
7:40PM 7 Paypal - Instant Payment Notifications
7:40PM 3 Controller namespace problem?
7:40PM 0 Helper in controller?
7:40PM 0 configure rails on apache2 without virtual host
7:40PM 0 writing an email file attachment to the filesystem
7:39PM 1 Personalised website user account
7:39PM 1 Feeling silly
7:39PM 3 Ruby hangman (was Re: List etiquette question)
7:38PM 1 send mail from a form
7:38PM 1 newbie--how do i load a parsed file?
7:38PM 2 join in legacy DB?
7:37PM 4 Knowing when a user is logged in
7:37PM 4 Sorting by two fields
2:09PM 0 including database in set_table_name
2:08PM 2 Ruby Central''s Regional Conference Grant Program
2:01PM 1 Battle of Namings: stylesheet_link_tag vs link_to_javascript
1:52PM 2 Authentication design/ideas
1:46PM 1 ? Password Protection ?
1:44PM 9 Can anyone explain this code? It uses Inject
1:42PM 0 dynamic hostname portion in Email links?
1:41PM 2 Model relationship confusion ...
1:34PM 1 template
1:27PM 3 Rails based price quote system
12:54PM 3 Task scheduler
12:32PM 6 Newbie CMS question
11:35AM 3 dynamic languages - how to leverage/make best use?
11:17AM 2 routing tests
11:05AM 0 URLs not working in Action:Mailer emails
10:58AM 6 form and pagination question
10:43AM 8 Creating records in two models in a RESTful way.
9:59AM 1 Can I use Production mode but with Dev type characteristics?
9:06AM 12 DRYing - similar named fields, etc.
6:59AM 1 how to enable a ruby on rails app for multi-row CRUD
6:03AM 0 Bug in AbstractRequest.path() ?
5:18AM 2 web services client problem
5:09AM 0 RESOLVED: Re: NameError (uninitialized constant Mysql)
5:06AM 3 create production tables? use "rake db:migrate"?
4:23AM 3 about ERB sample
3:53AM 3 Saving to_xml to a file
3:49AM 0 error_messages_for broken in edge
3:13AM 0 Errors logged but not returned to browser, WEBrick hangs
3:04AM 6 DRY question (newbie)
2:34AM 2 img is downloaded for multi times?
1:36AM 1 save trouble with has_many belongs_to relationship
1:23AM 2 Shovel/TextDrive error: missing SSHAgent.socket
12:33AM 1 Node Attributes
12:12AM 7 Question about Associations and Eager Loading
12:09AM 4 playing a wav file in RoR
Monday July 24 2006
11:32PM 3 Customize list.rhtml to display only certain db columns
11:17PM 8 Views in one controller reaching out to other controllers (best practices)
11:12PM 9 Mongrel: auto-reload plugins?
10:58PM 3 Confused on URLs to my Rails App
10:21PM 1 problem with has_many associations
10:20PM 4 List etiquette question
10:17PM 0 Concurrent Uploads with Mongrel
9:47PM 0 database connection handles
9:27PM 1 Change a <select> value in RJS?
8:00PM 2 how to avoid repeating code in controller
7:47PM 4 Mongrel + BackgrounDRb + File Column = Upload Progress Bar?
7:41PM 2 InPlaceSelectEditor question
7:17PM 2 :disable_with for button_to ???
7:08PM 0 Error: NameError (uninitialized constant Mysql)
7:02PM 0 Rails doesn''t like .rb source files saved in unicode ?
6:45PM 3 Creating performance test fixtures from development db? How?
6:30PM 0 Inflector stops on the first match
5:40PM 2 BIG JS limit? Using replace_html with partials containing JS
5:35PM 1 Dev Web Server Setup Suggestions?
5:33PM 0 dynamic database switching..
5:07PM 0 Redirect/rendering out of xhr
5:02PM 0 Why doesn''t default_url_options :anchor => ... work for render
4:58PM 0 Ajax page.replace_html model validation render partial errors
4:54PM 0 Small assignment in RoR for $100 (urgent)
4:52PM 1 has_many + finder_sql
4:50PM 0 good resources for Opinion?
4:45PM 4 Destroy action doesn''t work?
4:41PM 2 Newbie error message!
4:15PM 7 [PATCH] Support for DB Clusters/Replication in ActiveRecord (RFC)
4:09PM 0 parsing xml from post
3:51PM 5 Actionmailer sending many emails in same SMTP connection?
3:32PM 1 Testing w/out DB connection
2:41PM 3 Rails and Dojo
2:35PM 1 date_select and ActiveRecord find()
2:33PM 8 Off-topic: Rails hosting
2:24PM 1 Injecting actions into controllers
2:10PM 2 RadRails plus InstantRails
1:59PM 12 RadRails
1:52PM 22 which webserver to use in production?
1:32PM 1 All functional tests fail with RoutingError
1:16PM 4 how to get your controller to close a browser popup window
12:57PM 1 Undo "script/generate model mymodel"
12:51PM 3 HowTo?: Eager caching of third order ActiveRecord assoc.
12:42PM 3 Question about layout
12:11PM 1 Tabnav Plugin: Tabbed navigation made easy
12:01PM 9 RadRails with Eclipse
11:51AM 7 RoR + MySQL + Unicode
11:42AM 3 how to install busy_handler for SQLite3
11:27AM 1 XMLRPC WebService and Structs
11:12AM 1 Relationship Conventions
10:47AM 1 Gems Problem -- no Metadata found
10:24AM 3 0.9.0 Version of Gem installation problem?
9:08AM 0 Errors with my generate
9:04AM 1 Version of gem
8:36AM 3 administration tutorial
8:35AM 0 set day in date_select
8:22AM 0 HTML YAML Builder
7:39AM 0 apache proxy lighttpd
7:11AM 6 error_messages_for not working
7:09AM 7 Apache server-status?auto in rails
6:00AM 0 Dynamic Scope plugin
5:42AM 1 RMagick
5:06AM 1 Newbie error: undefined local variable or method
5:05AM 1 Default in date_select
4:46AM 0 Trouble passing form input to controller action
4:27AM 1 meantime_filter won''t pick up my missing methods
3:26AM 3 Newbie Q: How to creat 2 classes
2:58AM 1 upload progress
2:36AM 4 [Slightly OT] Dealing with lost connections
2:05AM 4 scope
1:12AM 2 Thread.new with ActiveRecord under Mongrel vs. FastCGI
12:53AM 2 Flash problem with RoR? missed something?
Sunday July 23 2006
11:46PM 2 Accessing form values
10:56PM 4 ActionWebServices
10:52PM 9 Kubuntu, Apache 2.2, Mongrel, Mongrel Cluster
10:50PM 6 routes
9:05PM 18 help with "rake db:migrate" error please?
8:57PM 3 ANN: scoped_proxy plugin
8:31PM 0 How to pass a javascript variable to ruby variable
8:24PM 3 Where else can I access this ROR List ?
7:44PM 1 Rails Job Oppening in NYC
7:43PM 0 composed_of and validates_presence_of
6:58PM 3 Error in executing "ruby script/server"
6:51PM 2 How would you do this without using render_component
6:31PM 8 embedding subversion version information into HTML
5:57PM 8 belongs_to :through ?
5:44PM 4 Anything like with_scope for ActionController?
5:11PM 1 Typo 4.0.0 on Dreamhost
5:10PM 0 Refactoring or renaming things in Rails
4:56PM 6 Best way to sort the emails in a mailing list?
4:15PM 2 pagination_links and friendly urls
4:07PM 4 Newbie question about .rhtml
3:46PM 0 Howto "scope" based on long chains of relationships
3:34PM 3 help jedit
3:22PM 2 Recommendations for managing tests for non-models and non-controllers in rails?
2:39PM 0 [PATCH] (+tests) with_scope :order doesn''t work with included associations
2:11PM 0 Composite Primary Keys 0.3.2
1:39PM 8 destroy vs delete
11:24AM 0 Schema design with edge class
11:17AM 2 [OT] Ajax design question - breaking a table with text...
11:08AM 2 Copying a file from a URL to local machine.
10:54AM 3 Newbie: Display hierarchical Records in a view
7:57AM 1 link_to
7:33AM 2 how to paginate child records
6:55AM 6 how do you give focus to a form field?
5:48AM 1 some question about ''observer_field''
4:48AM 1 reaper
4:45AM 4 has_many AND has_many :through ?
3:40AM 0 Google Checkout
3:18AM 3 Hosting on VPS
2:01AM 2 REST controller with up and down for model that acts_as_list
12:28AM 7 "throwing out the old": does Rails really not support...
Saturday July 22 2006
10:54PM 3 refactoring commonly used aggregations
10:30PM 0 search path for templates? (meta-programming)
10:27PM 2 radrails 0.7 - can''t download / no access to mailing list?
9:44PM 7 Validation with has_many
9:16PM 0 SOAP and caching
8:55PM 3 Newbie: Replacing index.html in public folder
8:54PM 2 acts_as_automatic
8:21PM 1 Newbie: Consistency and foreign keys
7:54PM 1 browser_detect plugin
7:52PM 1 InPlaceEditor with Autocompletion
7:07PM 4 Reading floating points into a field stored as Integers
7:04PM 1 Input on application design
7:01PM 0 When do you protect a method?
6:21PM 4 Accessing the controller name in your views?
6:14PM 3 How to use variables in your layout views?
5:06PM 2 How to SELECT from multiple talbes with AR#find and associations?
4:59PM 10 Non English characters
4:58PM 2 Database relationships
4:18PM 0 how to apply before/after_filter to actionmailer
3:53PM 3 How do you find out what action rendered a page
2:27PM 5 Prototype error. replace content inside a <TR> in IE
12:56PM 0 Script to generate Relations
10:46AM 2 XHTML validation for functional tests
10:27AM 4 Visible elements in RJS
10:10AM 3 Extend dynamically a model
9:48AM 3 Connection refused - connect(2)
9:00AM 2 selected values in combo box
8:08AM 0 Job opportunity for Rails developer in Stoke-on-Trent, UK
7:57AM 1 (bug) auto_complete_for has no support for umlauts!
7:36AM 12 Community request - can someone show me REST?
7:35AM 5 Single id column
7:28AM 0 RSS XML Generation Problem
6:59AM 2 fetching records from tables
6:53AM 17 Problem getting form_remote_tag to work with image upload
6:30AM 1 Create workspace
6:06AM 16 capistrano deploy failing on /public/system "No such file or directory"
5:56AM 0 form_remote_tag and send_file
5:48AM 3 Doubts regarding Models
4:38AM 5 HTML generation w/out browser Interpretation
4:22AM 1 How to debug this
4:02AM 0 Arrow keys to move between text_fields?
3:55AM 2 redirect_to error
3:32AM 1 Effect.Appear prevents links from working in firefox
2:44AM 2 Gruff Graphs
2:06AM 0 Issues using PayPal''s Website Payments Pro in Rails
12:45AM 0 multiple return values in action web service
12:44AM 2 Error: Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try..
12:20AM 0 Pop-up menu
Friday July 21 2006
11:37PM 8 Ruby on Rails Impossible Windows
11:36PM 0 [RESOLVED] Marshal.dump not dumping entire object?
11:26PM 6 Troubleshooting tips for getting Apache/RailsApp/Dreamhost
11:14PM 3 ActionMailer doesn''t send any mail
11:13PM 0 Questions about akismet and rails
11:10PM 1 Passing a variable between methods
10:27PM 2 Tableless ActiveRecord attribute and my aching head
10:12PM 0 Help with buttons and labels
10:09PM 1 saving money as decimals now ok?
10:01PM 20 New version of AWDwR
8:02PM 7 Layouts
7:50PM 3 Plain text passwords in database.yml
7:37PM 2 Source code missing for "Agile Web Development with Rails"
7:29PM 0 Ajax page.replace_html model validation errors
6:45PM 0 Review of Rails Debuggers
6:41PM 2 mongrel, memcache and sessions
6:28PM 4 observe_field submit behavior
6:25PM 3 Unobtrusive Javascript plugin
6:19PM 4 RoR for new apps, PHP for existing (?)
6:16PM 2 is there a debugger for Ruby?
6:14PM 1 Newbie Question about Ruby on rails---cant upload data
6:10PM 4 Using a controller to initiate a plugin?
6:07PM 0 Hex Code to HTML Special Code
5:48PM 1 validates_acceptance_of weirdness
5:35PM 1 How to dynamically add more rows and submit data
5:30PM 1 Lighttpd for rails app subdomain apache for the rest
5:04PM 0 Marshal.dump not dumping entire object?
4:44PM 1 Partial, Table Layout, Multiple Controllers/Models... DRY?
4:29PM 1 mongrel_rails production vs development mode
4:27PM 1 Using "validates" in Model Question on Control Flow
4:11PM 6 pulling information from LDAP server using Ruby on Rails
4:04PM 10 Using an image button for "link_to_remote"
3:31PM 0 adding item in database from remote controller
2:59PM 0 [ADV] Free Rails Workshop in Vancouver this Wednesday
2:53PM 9 multi-server rails deployment
2:42PM 3 ROR - Apache - FastCGI / Can''t see stylesheets or javascript
2:40PM 0 Getting controller_name from inside an Observer
2:36PM 2 Rubyists in Europe
2:27PM 1 Handling a tiered subscription service
2:15PM 3 How can I create OrderItems that go in a Order?
2:07PM 1 Ajax.InPlaceEditor is not a constructor error?
2:05PM 9 How 37s affects Rails
1:50PM 4 Printed/PDF Reports (Text/Tabular/Summary) in Rails
1:40PM 1 Capistrano before and after tasks
1:36PM 2 New Generator: hasmanythrough
1:12PM 3 Re-formatting email line breaks
12:47PM 1 What''s wrong with this code?
12:32PM 4 max upload file size
11:47AM 3 Extending scaffold with plugin
10:55AM 3 adding numbers
10:49AM 1 setting image resolution with Rmagick
10:42AM 4 weird table pluralization problem
10:37AM 2 File.open behavior for ActiveRecord, to ensure save after manipulation?
10:36AM 2 Dreamhost - how to login to your unix account?
9:41AM 1 help appreciated on acts_as_taggable issue
9:37AM 5 Reports in Rails
8:32AM 4 Autocompleting InPlaceEditor
7:56AM 0 [Slightly OT] Need Query Help
7:17AM 1 apache cgi error
7:11AM 0 SSI and CGI output
6:47AM 8 How to stop webrick daemon
6:44AM 10 why validation on server side
6:40AM 20 Struts vs RoR
6:38AM 2 ActiveRecorod observers don''t work in mongrel?
6:28AM 0 Webrick stops responding after extended inactivity.
6:25AM 1 Rails and IMAP
6:06AM 3 Migration and Mysql row ID
5:52AM 4 pre-alpha Rails Admin Console
5:38AM 2 Migration Date Format
5:03AM 1 rjs template modifying form_remote_tag
4:24AM 3 Credit card processing through Australian gateways (eway etc)
3:25AM 1 Saving multiple variables using link_to_remote
3:05AM 0 Selecting customers and addresses in a form (was Getting joined collections on a form)
3:04AM 3 [Slightly OT] CSS with wildcard?
2:18AM 1 19 Rails Tricks Most Rails Coders Don''t Know
2:08AM 1 Datagrid with RJS
2:00AM 5 How to display data using helpers and collections
1:50AM 3 Specifying a view template
1:49AM 1 RJS Failing
1:46AM 3 Interface with Flickr
1:13AM 0 has_many :through and form parameters
12:45AM 1 Paginate - does it requires a specialized route?
12:30AM 3 Help me run rails on apache on Linux Fedora
12:25AM 15 RoRED a free Ruby on Rails editor for Windows
Thursday July 20 2006
11:22PM 1 Override coulmn data type - urgent
10:48PM 7 Can this be done?
10:22PM 9 Including children''s children?
9:44PM 0 Ruby Classes
9:39PM 1 cleanest, least hideous way to do dropdown date validation?
9:29PM 3 Flickr API and Ruby Question...
9:22PM 2 a rails model question
8:45PM 6 replace_html + javascript
8:32PM 4 Plugins: svn externals vs. local repository
8:26PM 1 active record: is this possible?
8:22PM 19 Recipes versus Ruby for Rails: what''s best after Agile?
7:57PM 3 sort_by with via a parent models child
7:45PM 1 guru needed: connecting to a second (remote) db that may not be available
7:40PM 1 file_column - assigning with an actual file rather than a multipart
7:23PM 13 GoDaddy Woes
6:54PM 0 Specifying In-Reply-To, Message-ID and References headers in AM
6:48PM 0 training/workshops in the New York area???
6:42PM 0 Routing error
5:53PM 3 Newbie question-----Downloading a file and sending it to DB
4:54PM 3 Does Find also tell you a count of the array size?
4:43PM 0 Custom Rails Application Logging
4:40PM 5 RJS where to put helper method?
4:10PM 0 Textile advice
4:05PM 0 page.replace_html = Safar scrollbar bug?
3:28PM 2 workweek_select
3:27PM 0 Getting joined collections on a form
3:09PM 0 Rails Job Opening
2:59PM 5 How can I make has_many prevent a delete that would lead to orphans?
2:55PM 5 Need HELP changing link_to_remote to a button
2:52PM 1 Having issues saving line items to the DB
2:51PM 1 System Calls
2:07PM 11 Any good alternative to single-table-inheritance?
2:06PM 3 [OT Ruby] Displaying a binary ?
2:05PM 0 RJS and calendar_helper troubles .... tab characters covering web page
1:56PM 5 Why don''t I get 404s?
1:20PM 0 Refactoring common code to module
1:10PM 4 Help with Rails and postgres with sequence numbers (global?)
12:46PM 3 AJAX Form, :postion => :bottom but replace when error?
12:25PM 2 ROR dev on Different Ruby versions
11:05AM 4 SVN rails problem
10:48AM 3 Output to browser in .rhtml templates
10:37AM 1 paypal vs vpaypal
10:07AM 1 Ruby Vs Java Vs Coldfusion Vs Rails
9:57AM 3 Ruby beginner..
9:49AM 3 acts_as_tree
9:31AM 0 partials ''n'' stuff
9:25AM 7 How do you use :message with validation?
9:16AM 1 Model CRUD via web services
8:55AM 0 acts_as_taggable
8:15AM 3 Instant Rails not finding database
7:49AM 16 Juggernaut Released - (a.k.a Armageddon)
7:15AM 1 self referential xml using builder
7:12AM 11 3 columns
7:11AM 2 Authentication & Authorisation - Whats the common approach?
6:55AM 4 setting site up on dreamhost
6:32AM 1 Outputting date as "1 day ago" or "53 minutes ago"
6:22AM 3 ActiveRecord/ActionController in javascript code
6:17AM 2 mysqld taking up 100% cpu
6:15AM 2 Why is my rxml view being wrapped by the rhtml template in views/layouts?
6:13AM 1 Remote machine
6:09AM 4 drop down list
4:47AM 1 Ajax and observe_field not updating specified DIV
4:44AM 1 Need Phone Number Lookup Service API for Rails App
4:20AM 1 external updates to database
3:59AM 1 Help required - willing to pay
3:10AM 0 Shattered 0.3.3 - an opinionated 3d game development framework
2:58AM 0 Rails Caching Tips
2:53AM 2 Carrying model date from one page to the next
2:49AM 0 Rails Omnigraffle template
2:29AM 2 using association properties in form helpers
2:22AM 0 Tracking 500 Errors
1:17AM 6 Ruby on Rails & FastCGI 500 Error
1:11AM 0 possible file upload bug in integration test
1:04AM 1 Installing flickr.rb on Dreamhost Error - HELP
12:37AM 3 Is warpedtour.com running on rails?
Wednesday July 19 2006
11:51PM 1 Eval class
11:48PM 1 Updating a model from a checkbox (noob question)
11:35PM 1 How to add validation to in_place_editor
11:32PM 0 Custom paginator?
11:15PM 3 Component Question
11:10PM 4 Using Application.rhtml as layout for all controllers
10:50PM 1 What''s the point of the show view when using the scaffold tool?
10:45PM 1 record validation based on controller method
10:33PM 4 Rails crashes my fcgid/fastcgi/scgi on apache2/lighttpd :<
9:58PM 0 Magick::GravityType Error
9:56PM 0 AR: Be careful w/legacy column names with capital letters
9:49PM 3 How do I check the retuned value from check_box_tag?
8:35PM 1 OT: firewall settings for svn and gems
8:23PM 0 Toturial on Rails + LiteSpeed LSAPI
8:20PM 3 How do I change :type attribute in a view?
8:17PM 1 Is params hash frozen?
8:13PM 0 Authorization Plugin 1.0 rc3 + Test App
7:39PM 3 undefined method `use_ssl='' for #<Net::HTTP
7:27PM 13 MySQL Replication as Load Balancing
6:49PM 1 using link_to_remote to post form values
6:44PM 0 Web Service (server) and file_column issues
6:08PM 0 Find, .map and Distinct
6:05PM 12 [Slightly OT] POSTing data to a Rails App
6:04PM 0 Form helpers produce invalid XHTML code!
5:49PM 0 Flexible Fixtures patch -- anyone have an offline copy?
5:47PM 0 Wanted: Rails screencast for WebFaction
5:05PM 2 SimplyRestful bug?
5:03PM 7 Email Form for Contact Page
3:38PM 0 training in NY?
3:36PM 2 best practice deployment
3:34PM 5 SOAP on rails? Confused...
3:23PM 0 AJAX burning up the cpu
3:22PM 0 RoR Developer required for new venture
3:16PM 3 render :partial inserting new line in RJS
3:03PM 1 Help setting up https on Dreamhost
2:58PM 3 Flickr.rb - Limiting photo results!
2:51PM 0 New to Rails - need advice!
2:31PM 2 UK ISP for RoR?
2:19PM 0 Clearing dependent collections
2:15PM 1 RoutingError -- but only for one controller
1:20PM 5 Model Validation - with a twist
12:33PM 1 Testing the flash is brittle?
12:13PM 3 Trouble with links in the layout - Help
11:49AM 5 weird result for a custom attr reader!
11:12AM 4 How do I overwrite/extend a scaffold module?
10:59AM 0 File Uploads And 500 Errors
10:45AM 11 Getting data from the database only once
10:02AM 3 Rails & Mongrel & Lighttpd > NameError in Production
8:44AM 6 ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved - bizarre behaviour.
6:35AM 1 Session management with SOAP and AWS
6:08AM 1 Admin Console
5:47AM 6 Howto: Check_box with a variable (no model)
5:41AM 0 save without after_save, after_create, after_update?
5:34AM 1 flickr.rb error
4:55AM 0 C, PHP, RoR Programmer position in Sydney
4:21AM 2 Creating a safe sequence generator
3:56AM 0 Start Jetty in rake?
3:41AM 0 RoR Developer Needed this Second
2:56AM 0 file_column and 500 errors
1:57AM 2 can''t use symbols in redirect_to?
1:40AM 1 Catch 22 with after_save. Please help.
12:55AM 1 Displaying data in a table
12:50AM 11 Hosting a Ruby App From Home - Approach?
12:49AM 2 prototype question
12:39AM 3 color picker
12:22AM 2 Mouse Location
Tuesday July 18 2006
10:55PM 1 Need Help Updating Records
10:03PM 4 Multiple Layouts - Single Controller
9:49PM 0 del.icio.us links in the layout - HELP
9:44PM 0 Markaby and select?
9:28PM 5 Ruby on rails local groups, everyone?
9:13PM 15 Agile Web Developement with Rails
8:51PM 3 Navigation techniques, everyone?
8:48PM 0 how to ensure that a file has been selected on a file_field?
8:48PM 2 2-column select lists (Available/Selected)
8:23PM 0 [FYI] Paul Graham RailsConf 2006 Keynote
7:58PM 9 Simple Array Issue - HELP
7:50PM 5 Right-click popup menu?
7:50PM 1 Bad values for acts_as_nested_set?
7:49PM 0 another 2 newbie questions
7:45PM 3 DB Migrations & Column Order
7:44PM 0 RoR: find a record by date
7:12PM 0 AJAX issue: How to push rest of records up after deleting a record
7:10PM 6 before_filter chains and halting at an arbitrary filter
6:56PM 6 When is a site too small for Rails?
6:42PM 0 ffmpeg and IO.popen
6:39PM 0 Graphical stats with Rails Stats plugin
6:36PM 7 Observer not working
6:11PM 0 Rails Error w/ ActiveLdap
6:11PM 1 Rail w/ ActiveLdap
6:00PM 9 Displaying HTML pulled directly from a database
5:40PM 2 FLV Player
5:38PM 2 validate method doesn''t recognize another instance method
4:47PM 2 Using :if with validates_xxx_of
4:36PM 6 Replace Pound/Pens/Balance with Ruby alternative
4:32PM 13 RANDOM
4:26PM 1 updating boolean field in model from check box value
4:13PM 1 Document Management Suggestions
4:02PM 2 Write a new generator
3:56PM 5 SQL query question
3:51PM 2 Turn element hidden by default (ajax question)
3:47PM 1 Saving an ActiveRecord object
3:20PM 0 Naming Relationship
3:19PM 1 usermonitor / user stamping active record
3:09PM 1 Auto-populating time portion of a datetime field from a form
3:04PM 5 mac users: what program do you use to create your views?
3:03PM 2 connecting to a coldfusion web service
2:47PM 3 basic variable question
2:33PM 0 act_as_tree with ordered items
1:47PM 1 One or several controllers?
1:42PM 0 Ruby on Rails Book question
1:31PM 6 backgroundrb - Connection closed
1:19PM 1 Ajax contact form
1:18PM 1 Replacing scaffolds
1:01PM 5 Newbie RoR question
12:41PM 3 Newbie validation question
12:40PM 2 RubyOnRails certification
12:29PM 2 date conversion
10:58AM 5 a best way to write this.
10:17AM 0 Returned mail: Data format error
9:52AM 0 PHP script timeout RoR counterpart ?
9:46AM 8 Including files from lib/
9:41AM 16 Session is being shared between tabs!!??
9:34AM 3 RFlickr usage
9:18AM 0 acts_as_taggable problem with saving tags.
9:08AM 1 Gmail for your domain and actionmailer
8:21AM 5 Installing ROR/Webrick app on Windows 2000/2003 Server
8:02AM 0 non-optimal sql
7:40AM 2 newbie help re: loading data and relationships in migrations
6:20AM 1 RadRails and SVN
6:09AM 2 how to generate calculated db fields
6:02AM 2 Scaffold a Plural table w/ No Pluralization in environment
5:58AM 0 Bug in acts_as_list?
5:29AM 2 Testing which RuntimeError is raised
5:13AM 2 A quick question on forms
5:08AM 1 Capistrano Deployment on Dreamhost
4:53AM 2 File Browser / shared domain tool
1:29AM 1 Fixtures Max Size? SystemStackError: stack level too deep
12:47AM 4 Limiting markdown/textile
12:27AM 6 RJS - Insert at top of table?
Monday July 17 2006
11:56PM 0 Is there an example of using "Prototype Window Class'' with rails?
10:40PM 18 Inserting datetime value into SQL Server
10:29PM 1 RJS and PeriodicalUpdater -- example?
10:26PM 0 Re: Who owns the web application after it code''s distributed
10:04PM 2 after_save deletes is an exception is raised?
9:38PM 3 functional tests run fine on their own but fail with rake
9:37PM 7 Who owns the web application after it code''s distributed?
9:34PM 6 DRY? Converting Boolean to Yes/No
9:31PM 7 Ajax Tabbed Browsing
9:30PM 1 Access session data from observer
9:29PM 3 Plugins and Engines
9:25PM 0 RoR Performance Tools
9:02PM 5 Functional Tests misbehaving with Globalize
8:43PM 0 error_message_on / error_messages_for
8:01PM 6 Best Practices: Splitting the "view model" from AR model
7:56PM 1 payment or active merchant
7:54PM 1 How to DRY up validates_presence_of
7:47PM 1 acts_as_tree and :include
7:47PM 22 Rails - where are the BIG web apps?
7:03PM 2 actionmailer / @recipeints
6:47PM 7 SSL [X.509] Authentication in Rails?
6:18PM 0 Global function
5:55PM 4 Inner SELECT-s in Rails
5:49PM 3 Best practices - field initialization based on display rules
5:18PM 1 Updating multiple children from one page
5:09PM 0 Weird problem with TimeZone::adjust and TimeZone::unadjust. Please help.
5:03PM 0 Help wanted for Browsergame
4:53PM 1 ruby-debug 0.2
4:48PM 19 updating model
4:18PM 6 taking input
4:16PM 6 Rails+Mongrel+Lighthttpd: Ruby-Sendfile Problem
3:51PM 0 Getting rails to work on MSSQL2k5
3:47PM 2 error_messages_for ?
3:30PM 2 Trouble with has_one
3:23PM 0 Northern Virginia Ruby user''s group meeting 7/19/06
3:22PM 10 getting the user name
3:12PM 1 CSV
2:48PM 0 Pound + Mongrel = Easy RoR deployment
2:27PM 1 Uploading data
2:27PM 5 Keeping attributes of two models in sync
1:57PM 0 Difference between mongrel and webrick handling request.request_uri
12:52PM 1 :create paramaters don''t get through (scoped_acces plugin)
12:43PM 0 viewing calculation
11:44AM 2 count and result
11:31AM 3 Extending Ruby classes in Rails
11:22AM 1 RDoc
11:21AM 2 european date format
11:13AM 5 quantic phenomena in migrations
10:33AM 6 Has markaby been abandoned?
10:05AM 0 how to load & tranfer file into some email id
9:01AM 3 ROR and MogileFS
8:54AM 14 REST Relationship Models
8:42AM 0 Tracking who is online and what they are doing (Digg Spy)
8:37AM 0 ANN: Rails Workshop with David Black, Sept 18, Amsterdam, NL
7:51AM 0 organization of controllers
7:50AM 1 AJAX/drop-down form entry
7:47AM 2 how to manipulate the OUTLOOK EXPRESS in Ruby
7:47AM 0 collection_select help
7:38AM 4 how to invoke model methods in controller & vice versa
7:32AM 4 how to do url encoding for given text in rails?
7:21AM 0 respond_to and redirect_to
6:35AM 2 MySQL server error
5:11AM 0 My earlier post re: DB Admin Console
4:57AM 0 Modifying URLs
3:48AM 0 Critical Information Regarding Your Credit Card
3:28AM 4 Division not working!?!??
2:43AM 0 Ruby-GetText-Package-1.7.0
2:01AM 1 code snippets
1:56AM 2 Getting the original url from a controller action method
1:39AM 2 IndexedSearchEngine Question
1:34AM 3 trouble with render :partial from controller
1:23AM 1 RJS template help
12:55AM 2 DB Admin Console
12:50AM 6 3 newbie questions
12:28AM 1 Using UTC as the time zone?
12:09AM 1 sortable_element - Altering defaults set by rails
Sunday July 16 2006
11:09PM 1 form helpers with non-ActiveRecord objects
10:40PM 4 Cheap Hosting Options? (for Ruby on Rails) Suggestions?
10:10PM 6 Apache2.2 + Mongrel: what do you think about these perfs?
9:21PM 6 using collection_select
9:03PM 1 Rails Core Weekly July 2 - July 16
8:32PM 6 How to access element attributes using RJS?
8:12PM 3 RJS problem
8:05PM 7 RJS and Action Renders but page doesn''t update
7:53PM 14 Rails, FCGI, DreamHost, and endless frustrations
7:32PM 6 Pin in the Map - "tinyurl for maps" rails app
6:35PM 2 how does base camp manage there accounts
6:24PM 4 Calculations across multiple tables
6:11PM 4 migrations questions: MySQL -> postgreSQL
5:51PM 9 acl_system help is needed
5:49PM 2 Can scaffold do tall tables instead of wide?
5:47PM 0 Routes Misunderstanding
5:21PM 0 Problems with validates_lenght_of
4:40PM 7 form_helpers ?
4:25PM 1 Captcha Module
4:14PM 0 Why does belongs_to handle "conflicts" this way?
3:36PM 29 Problem installing on Mac OSX
1:23PM 1 Help: migrating data from fixtures
12:30PM 0 Captcha Fun
9:20AM 1 RailsConf slides anywhere?
8:28AM 0 send_file with stream enabled
8:21AM 3 Binding text_field et al to object.attribute.name
6:39AM 1 Don''t log params
4:48AM 1 Helpers for partials too ?
4:16AM 0 Patch for selecting MySQL socket in app_generator.rb
3:57AM 1 Helpers for models ?
3:53AM 2 HELP - Save drop down list using "collection_select"
1:37AM 2 how to specify a hash in a migration create_table.
1:31AM 3 Bug in mongrel_cluster
1:15AM 1 Mongrel starting problem on new Debian box
1:09AM 0 in_place_edit-like functionality in my controller
12:45AM 3 pagination over custom-sorted collections?
12:43AM 17 AWDWR question
12:36AM 0 Bug Helper / Request for Feedback
12:04AM 3 OT: Radrails
Saturday July 15 2006
11:36PM 0 Validate using boolean values
11:04PM 0 RJS help?
10:48PM 3 How bad is it to have 7 joins in my find_by_sql?
9:31PM 6 calendar_helper
9:24PM 13 Active Record: Can it auto-create database tables for you?
9:15PM 2 find() with id array - can i preserve the ordering?
9:07PM 12 Safe way to destroy records
8:39PM 1 Is there a huge performance difference between using multiple periodically_call_remote functions or one?
6:14PM 6 Subversion and migrations confusion
6:11PM 0 How to pass search parameter to ruby from index file
6:10PM 0 railsmanual.com search from POST to GET
5:09PM 1 Relationship problem, newbie problem, need help!!
4:03PM 5 Textmate command to display Active Record object attributes
3:23PM 2 Database Config as DSL
2:49PM 4 learning from typo.
2:12PM 2 Migrations question
12:43PM 7 :maxsize => 30 in form not working
12:15PM 3 Why app/helpers are not app/view/helpers ?
12:02PM 1 Trouble using date_select with blank options
11:35AM 0 Need help with csv upload and import
9:40AM 0 laszloonrails porblems
9:25AM 2 Render -> ActionController -> Render -> ...
7:53AM 4 updating multiple records with form
7:35AM 1 ActionMailer and PDF Attachment and corrupt file?
5:42AM 4 routing requirements broken in Rails 1.1.4?
3:31AM 1 Redirect_to from initialize method
3:26AM 0 periodically_call_remote :frequency
3:09AM 8 Connecting to a remote database
1:51AM 1 writing directories and files
1:29AM 3 SocketError when trying to install Rails with RubyGems
12:21AM 8 Urgent! -- need suggestion
12:20AM 0 need suggestion
Friday July 14 2006
11:49PM 2 Configuration search order
11:18PM 2 db:migrate question
10:48PM 1 passing an entire hash to an action
10:24PM 3 css in builder
10:05PM 0 Instiki and Rails
10:04PM 5 Ideas for AJAX pagination
10:02PM 0 splitting a page into two
9:53PM 1 Weird validation problem
9:48PM 5 file_column and has_many
9:14PM 5 migration and inserting default data
8:55PM 2 watermark with file_colum
8:44PM 3 Apache Takes 10mins to Reboot
8:34PM 1 error with Dates in SQL Server
8:32PM 0 Setting up a Proc for conditional validation (:if option)
8:24PM 0 Uploading Files
8:06PM 1 role-based conditionals
7:47PM 3 override to_string for single attribute?
7:05PM 0 FOSCON II: The Ruby Rodeo
7:01PM 20 Method for associated relationships
6:57PM 2 Per Session Database Connection
6:57PM 2 Validation not executing on save - need help debugging
6:56PM 1 ActiveRecord, can it save more than one row at a time????
6:42PM 0 Can''t see local vars and method params in breakpointer
6:37PM 1 creating a computed column with activerecord for to_xml
6:32PM 6 Get a collection through ActiveRecord for using with option_groups_from_collection_for_select
6:31PM 6 Using RoR to produce .xhtml files
6:13PM 0 acts_as_nested_set and acts_as_threaded
6:04PM 2 RESTful thinking - Need some guidance.
5:55PM 0 NumberHelper.number_to_human_size
5:17PM 7 A handful of basic Rails questions
4:58PM 0 Right way to customize Login Engine
4:53PM 4 Help with link_to_remote or javascript generator
4:27PM 2 how to get builder 2.0 to escape attributes in rxml
4:04PM 7 Form validation - keepin correct fields displayed on refresh
3:55PM 1 Rails Deployment OS
3:52PM 3 Faxing from RoR
3:48PM 4 sending additional parameters to before_filter
3:42PM 2 multiple options & checkboxes
3:39PM 0 Visualizing relationships between controllers and views
2:58PM 0 datetime_select and onchange?
2:44PM 5 Acts_As_Taggable Plugin multiple controllers.
2:27PM 3 Accessing the Model class from Controller
1:53PM 39 Time to split the list?
1:20PM 2 Question: SVN the down and dirty
1:05PM 5 Newbie Formating output
12:09PM 5 browser connection issue to http://localhost:3000/ on XP ?
11:56AM 4 Rails Lighttpd Issue on Fedora
10:07AM 1 auto completion with composite field
9:47AM 1 Appending something to a Rails route?
9:40AM 1 receiving nil exception in rake tests
9:25AM 8 CAS Authentication filter.
9:25AM 0 Newbie: Application Error (Rails) no such file to load -- ../config/../config/routes.rb
9:17AM 6 Don''t understand :: in ActionController::Base
8:35AM 1 no such file found
8:32AM 0 no such file to load?
8:15AM 3 Migration not updating fields
8:01AM 14 [URGENT] Need help getting rails app back up desperately
7:47AM 1 Converting Date string to Time Object
7:43AM 0 avoiding the application startup time
7:24AM 0 Let''s Optimize ActiveRecord!
7:10AM 3 postgres migration notices
6:29AM 3 compare two tables and find the difference?
5:20AM 7 Using ActionView free style
4:23AM 2 help with session
3:16AM 0 Ajax / Comet (Streaming http)
2:58AM 3 Rails newbie: How does the submit_tag work?
1:50AM 9 DRY Javascript Degredation
12:11AM 0 OpenID immediate mode
12:03AM 0 App crash but nothing in logs
Thursday July 13 2006
11:32PM 5 Relationships: one model referencing same table for different data sets?
11:32PM 0 AZ Ruby on Rails Community
11:14PM 6 Webservices Xml-Rpc and authentication
10:52PM 3 payment gem, server anomolies
10:38PM 4 Does text_field go directly to attributes hash in AR object?
10:34PM 0 Virtual hosting within one application (with lighttpd)
9:49PM 1 Destroy doesn''t destroy!
9:25PM 1 Issue with Web Service
9:25PM 1 Where should method shared btwn controllers go?
9:23PM 0 Small footprint Rails server
8:59PM 0 getting ROR to work
8:54PM 3 Validation question
8:52PM 1 error_messages_for
8:42PM 0 Receiving faxes and storing then in a database?
8:25PM 8 Acts As Authenticated - smarter login box
8:22PM 0 Openbase and Rails issue
8:06PM 1 Incorrect composed_of I think
8:05PM 0 best practice on making a searchable/filterable list?
7:59PM 3 not quite getting ajax to work..
7:56PM 0 Loading different fixtures?
7:54PM 2 Nested Data
7:35PM 3 Performance diff between rendering partial vs. calling a helper?
7:35PM 0 how to generate api.rubyonrails.com as local ?
7:27PM 6 Content_for_layout
7:26PM 2 application always unresponsive overnight
5:29PM 4 script injection/cross-site scripting protection
5:24PM 5 Does Javascript let you default input params like Ruby does?
4:49PM 2 Getting data from the select menu
4:32PM 5 Generic page element display initializer in a layout?
4:15PM 0 webservices and date time error - part 2
3:59PM 2 Iframe upload indicator
3:33PM 3 Capistrano / developing on win32 / deplyoying on Linux
3:26PM 0 Forms and regular expressions
3:24PM 10 Problem with flashes staying on between pages
3:18PM 1 what does the ''select(x,y,w) function/command do in Rails?
3:17PM 0 what does the ''select(x,y,w) do?
3:12PM 3 strange behavior with link_to for "blog" and "gallery"
3:11PM 4 Regenerate DB
3:09PM 5 how to get to the parent of a child object.
2:56PM 2 Intel Mac, Rails, MYSQL - access denied
2:48PM 6 Migrations + foreign keys
2:47PM 1 From the Agile book, page 144 regarding a div tag helper
2:34PM 6 creating meaningful urls, (changing default)
2:28PM 2 mail sending
2:11PM 1 fixtures getting a little hard to manage
1:51PM 1 PDF and Charts???
1:41PM 2 find_by_id(nil) does not always return nil
1:30PM 0 Adding attributes to many through associations
1:29PM 5 RJS - bug I think - caching in development mode
1:27PM 0 error_messages_for and seperate controllers
1:26PM 0 How to get dependent Model(s) from Controller
1:08PM 6 Render partial questions
12:29PM 3 mongrel, apache, mod_proxy, etc...
12:07PM 2 EmacsRails cheat sheet
11:40AM 0 Remote form and input type=image x, y coordinates problem
11:38AM 0 uploading into server
10:36AM 2 partial_counter
10:28AM 1 debugging in Radrails
10:05AM 0 I''m not the biggest fan of rants but, anyone fancy responding to this?
9:39AM 0 Freelance developer required
9:20AM 0 Trac currently not accepting new tickets
8:29AM 4 why I don''t like to use some 3rd party plugins
8:20AM 1 How to create a child from a parent
8:15AM 2 Simple dropdown menu
7:33AM 0 AR Sybase adapter with FreeTDS
7:12AM 10 Book Question on RoR
6:37AM 5 ActiveRecord inheritance
6:01AM 1 model navigation problem with foreign key
3:53AM 8 can''t convert true into integer
3:24AM 1 Problems With IO.popen
2:47AM 0 file_column
12:57AM 2 having a problem with acts_as_state_machine
12:26AM 0 Installing SQLite 3 on Windows Screencast
12:14AM 1 RailsCron usage question
Wednesday July 12 2006
11:33PM 1 Adding Comments...
11:26PM 1 Dumping schema
11:01PM 2 37 Signals - Music
10:57PM 6 Copying Records
10:03PM 5 SystemStackError
9:52PM 2 Problem w/ Rails 1.1.4 and pagination_links using params?
9:46PM 1 HOWTO: Install RMagick on OS X
9:45PM 1 Converting Datetime in view
9:43PM 0 Give form elements "fieldWithErrors" class in non-std. way?
9:40PM 0 Multiple Gruff graphs on one page
9:39PM 10 Recurring mySQL Error
9:16PM 1 validate method not getting called?
9:09PM 1 routing: controllers ''user'' and ''user/blogs'' not possible?
8:52PM 0 Watir on Rails
8:47PM 0 What is the best way to override an _entire_ AR::Errors msg?
8:41PM 0 Rails and Theme Centric Design
7:23PM 10 Rails: Good for everything?
7:17PM 2 Weird problem. How to tell if an attribute has changed? Please help.
7:02PM 3 Ajax, the Back button, and Sweepers
6:53PM 2 YART (Yet Another Rails Talk)
6:17PM 1 Changing Application Error (Rails) to something pretty?
6:16PM 2 Can''t get observe_field to take a variable for a field name
5:48PM 3 request.xhr? is false after redirecting an AJAX request?
5:22PM 5 railsapp/db/migrate Newbie question
5:14PM 4 error when using plugin discover
4:57PM 3 How to get the current URL?
4:49PM 0 Parent Child - Transaction Issue
4:40PM 1 Getting the value of a text area
4:21PM 0 scgi and rails startup on OS X Tiger
4:15PM 11 ruby-debug 0.1.3
3:56PM 1 Is it possible to reload all ActiveRecord objects
3:49PM 1 tail -f and periodically call remote
3:30PM 0 Billing Automation
3:28PM 1 RXML returns a blank page
3:16PM 11 ruby rails performance
2:54PM 1 flash object not clearing?
2:42PM 7 Does anyone work with iso-8859-1 database ?
2:17PM 1 odd habtm behavior? or is it me?
2:09PM 6 Showing rows on a page
2:06PM 5 validates_peresence_of
1:52PM 0 Strange error
1:41PM 0 RadRails guys need your help
1:32PM 9 Props to Mongrel/Zed
12:59PM 0 two-way dictionary
12:49PM 5 File manipulation
12:34PM 2 (Re-)designing a CMS
12:25PM 1 Test for file_column
11:56AM 0 acts_as_authenticated and paypal
11:41AM 6 So what is REST? I don''t get how it fits in Rails
11:40AM 5 DRY version of RoR book PAYMENT_TYPES example
11:32AM 0 Form validation with Javascript does not work
10:54AM 0 updating two divs based on condition
10:24AM 0 Lookup Field ??
9:50AM 0 Working with multiple objects on forms
8:29AM 12 pass hash as parameter
6:04AM 5 2 subdirectories 1 controller?
5:40AM 1 -Infinity for Doule type column
4:34AM 0 migrations passing version number.
3:26AM 0 Odd "sweep" error on older code
3:26AM 5 start_form_tag n00b question
3:09AM 1 Question re: Computing a field in a DB record
2:46AM 3 Most efficient way to "increment" a string?
1:32AM 7 Failure in comparisons
1:23AM 2 How to call a remote url?
1:14AM 9 Instant Rails Screencast
12:40AM 2 Initializing log4r once
12:20AM 0 Enterprise Ruby Studio
Tuesday July 11 2006
11:57PM 4 validates_unlike plugin
11:11PM 17 [Best Practices] phone numbers??
10:34PM 1 Nil.
10:25PM 9 problems with observe_field
10:23PM 0 Clearing out AR object''s errors array on multiple form posts
10:18PM 0 assert_redirected_to not recognizing routes
10:08PM 4 assert fails with <false> is not true
10:05PM 1 ActiveRecord ''group'' options does not work with includes?
9:55PM 1 session state w/ >1 processes
9:54PM 1 Can one controller use another''s Helper Methods?
9:54PM 4 how get a substring of a string
9:32PM 5 What are people using for date fields
9:29PM 1 Getting ActionMailer off the ground
9:18PM 0 How to get the whole mysql dump from the UI
9:10PM 0 view/manipulate session data in integration tests?
9:10PM 1 Has And Belongs To Many and Pagination
8:58PM 1 counter_cache, has_many and belongs_to
8:56PM 1 Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz
8:54PM 4 checkboxes with a has_many :through relation
8:52PM 1 Securing MySQL with InstantRails
8:36PM 0 Should I use exclamation marks for methods that change associations?
8:35PM 32 Database Concurrency Without a Web Server?
8:34PM 1 Determine if attributes changed?
8:31PM 0 Access session from observer?
8:29PM 0 ActiveMailer HTML + Plain Text + Attachment?
8:28PM 0 using acts_as_list storing the information in a session
8:27PM 1 error when ''Booting WEBrick''
8:26PM 1 Dynamically setting the session domain?
8:24PM 0 Arbitrary elements in form_for?
8:23PM 18 Zip Code Ranges
4:29PM 4 Variable Losing it''s Value
3:46PM 1 form_remote_tag ISSUE !
3:45PM 2 acts_as_versionable and prospective versions
3:42PM 0 better way to include helpers into application controller/test_helper?
3:40PM 0 using logger from script/runner
3:07PM 0 Please please somebody RESCUE me Reg. form_remote_tag !
3:07PM 0 Inplace editor oddity
2:56PM 0 auto_discovery_link_tag in a partial ?
2:55PM 1 Saving a request in the session
2:33PM 6 @record.each do |record|
2:29PM 1 Validating composed_of
2:08PM 0 text_field_with_auto_complete problem
1:59PM 1 Aggregate Controllers
1:42PM 2 Trademark registration
1:01PM 0 Ajax.InPlaceEditor + onComplete
12:24PM 1 paginate with only some columns
12:09PM 1 responds_to_parent plugin
11:53AM 0 plugin creation: where to put "include Reloadable"
11:40AM 4 add method parameter for form helper
11:29AM 8 Stop updated_at from auto updating?
10:47AM 0 dynamic routes from the url? is this even possible?
10:47AM 4 smtp server
10:46AM 1 smpt server
10:05AM 1 Render to file ?
9:51AM 2 Index start page
9:19AM 0 rails@lists.rubyonrails.org
8:25AM 0 malformed utf-8 character error
7:07AM 1 instance vars in layouts
6:51AM 0 Routes à la Basecamp
6:28AM 0 Problem with Oracle Sequence.
5:03AM 0 Creating an association in a join table
4:39AM 0 "uninitialized constant Enum" in RoR app under Apache
3:55AM 7 Rails associations: Easy Question requires dumb answer
3:10AM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 22, Issue 187
2:59AM 0 Named routes raising exception
2:24AM 3 LoginGenerator Killing Me ;)
1:42AM 1 Dragging and Dropping between lists
1:07AM 2 extending an active record model with obj.extend(Module)
12:25AM 3 update_attributes and save!
Monday July 10 2006
11:55PM 1 rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=xyz
11:27PM 2 cross controller functional tests?
11:18PM 4 Session variable data validation
11:11PM 0 Paypal gem issues Webrick won''t boot :(
10:32PM 8 Setup new data in the test database _after_ unit test runs
10:27PM 9 ROR questions
10:18PM 1 ActiveRecord batch insert for MySQL
10:02PM 1 Adding table attributes / columns
9:50PM 2 Simple question about retrieving id''s
9:20PM 2 File_Column error msg "Image location invalid image"
9:20PM 1 Ruby in Paris?
9:00PM 1 Migration and foreign keys
8:51PM 26 Rails on a Mac - I''ve seen the light
8:46PM 3 SVN+SSH
8:38PM 2 How do I hide source when I distribute rails?
8:31PM 1 :revert => false for Droppables
8:30PM 4 Detecting the close of a browser
8:12PM 18 Deleting join association of has_many :through
7:55PM 7 What is has_many :through really buying you over HABTM?
7:47PM 13 LDAP auth/az for Rails
7:36PM 2 Problem with migrations, postgresql, AWDwR
7:22PM 3 Problem with migrations
6:58PM 3 Receiving mail - "No such file to load -- pathname"
6:50PM 0 changing cache file extension for select output
6:22PM 0 Dependent nullify doesn''t use save?
6:09PM 2 use auto_increment before data is stored
6:08PM 1 Redirects and keeping flash
5:59PM 0 Deploying Rails with Pound in Front of Mongrel, Lighttpd, and Apache
5:55PM 7 problem with starting WEBrick
5:54PM 3 WEBrick start problem
5:43PM 0 Package plugin as gem
5:21PM 6 Gruff: Display label vertical
4:39PM 3 Are user-made modules supposed to work?
4:31PM 1 Capistrano on Windows - Send Binary File
4:24PM 10 Problem using Feedtools on my Rails project!
4:24PM 4 find()
4:14PM 10 has_many :through and foreign key parameters
4:03PM 0 functional spider test for broken links?
4:00PM 2 while loops
3:44PM 3 Can migrations set up foreign key references?
3:16PM 2 Polymorphic associations in reverse?
3:00PM 0 Steel IDE 0.7 for Ruby and Rails
2:51PM 2 backups/version controll/source controll
2:49PM 3 search plugin?
2:47PM 0 ajax scaffold problem
2:41PM 7 How to obscure/encrypt password parameter?
2:24PM 3 finding particular record
2:23PM 0 busy cursor in ajax
2:12PM 4 Advice on handling money
2:00PM 0 link_to_remote, how to send "data" to another <div> when something system detects something wrong???
1:59PM 1 Serializing objects to the database
1:28PM 1 link_to_remote questions
1:24PM 0 change post form to get form
1:18PM 10 IE vs Firefox -- http:// matters?
1:08PM 0 tzinfo time zones and us states
12:58PM 2 Formatting of dates in a text_field
12:37PM 2 I have installed Ruby on Rails but it doesnt work
12:34PM 0 Fastcgi on Apache / Windows causes trouble
11:23AM 2 cookies rendering in view
9:34AM 0 SCGI not Fast CGI
8:47AM 7 Code suggestions with Radrails .rhtml view files
8:34AM 2 inline javascript in partials
8:31AM 0 creating / manipulating ms-word files
8:24AM 0 Rail is necessary to connecting between Ruby and MySQL Datab
7:44AM 1 caching
7:25AM 4 HABTM vs. using has_many :through
5:26AM 3 how to access a model from application.rb
5:18AM 1 Paginating Problema :(
4:06AM 0 ssh issues with capistrano
1:35AM 0 Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Mysql::Error)
1:07AM 0 Strange acts_as_paranoid behavior
Sunday July 9 2006
11:11PM 1 connecting to sqlite3
11:04PM 0 2 ActiveRecord Calculations
10:35PM 0 Orlando Ruby Users Group
10:22PM 2 serialized DateTime objects returning as Time objects
10:06PM 17 Has many / belongs to error with mysql
9:21PM 1 Tiger OS X darwin ports problem with readline
8:49PM 3 Automatically post del.icio.us to Typo
7:06PM 1 Drop down menu in rails?
6:56PM 1 REST Interface
6:54PM 3 Verify hash key in hash in params hash
6:23PM 1 youtube api for ruby
6:19PM 1 Cannot connect to my new applications
5:55PM 0 syntax: multiple markers at this line
5:16PM 2 Controller and action design patterns
4:55PM 9 undefined method stupidity
4:54PM 1 Problems with controller modules
4:08PM 8 Can the has_many create() method return an ID?
3:53PM 2 float to percentages
3:34PM 1 Problem with LoginEngine
2:24PM 0 RailsConf Europe, Sept. 14-15: don''t put it off!
2:05PM 4 concurrent ajax requests
12:16PM 1 language support
12:10PM 2 filters
10:20AM 2 using content from a model in application.rhtml
9:01AM 6 ajax effects
8:24AM 2 Error using sqlite3
7:08AM 0 account_location couple of questions.
6:29AM 1 Can''t find where to put non-index methods for appController
1:46AM 1 Accessing the name of a controller''s module?
1:46AM 0 Creating threads question
1:38AM 5 Tip: searchable Rails api docs from within RadRails!
1:33AM 8 find_all order question
12:31AM 1 Quick Question
12:18AM 3 Mongrel and proxying with Apache 2 mod_proxy
Saturday July 8 2006
11:38PM 10 A rant about parameters
11:27PM 4 Application generation
11:15PM 0 Testing cookies - integration tests
10:25PM 6 Trying to create pulldown select menu for US State form fiel
9:19PM 0 RoR group in Fort Worth / Arlington Texas
8:55PM 1 reversing display order in for?
7:33PM 2 NoMethodError in Recipe#index
6:07PM 3 Make AJAX form do multiple actions?
6:02PM 0 July Houston Ruby/RoR group meeting
5:24PM 1 Need Help Understanding Situation with Table Columns
5:15PM 0 Subject: Trying to Get Results from Form Element -CLOSED-
5:14PM 0 Re: Scope of Class variables
4:27PM 9 How to handle dynamically columned tables in rails
2:41PM 1 Ajax, RJS, and Standard Form Errors
8:56AM 2 Creating/Saving dependent objects
5:01AM 0 Different URL generation in regular and named routes.
1:35AM 2 Trouble getting select to work
1:26AM 4 Hidden fields in forms
12:48AM 0 error_messages display in Internet Explorer (IE)
12:33AM 1 conditional table association?
12:02AM 1 overriding validation messages
Friday July 7 2006
11:55PM 4 need help with some ugly code - is there a better way?
10:25PM 2 many-to-many error
10:25PM 5 Re: Rails migration issue
10:08PM 0 Preview Text Area
10:04PM 1 Rails migrations issue
10:00PM 0 Re: url parameter :id with slash (/) failed to route
9:58PM 7 file_column repository broken?
9:14PM 5 link_to: link is missing id
7:49PM 8 Going to production soon, need server advice
7:27PM 1 Cronjob / .rb help clearing session table (new to cronjobs)
7:24PM 2 disabling a layout before calling javascript window.open
7:12PM 4 Saving Objects without Saving Objects
7:05PM 0 keeping error messages out of the model
6:59PM 1 Style on _fields
6:56PM 0 gem update error?
6:55PM 2 Get controller''s module path
6:24PM 0 Net::HTTP.get_reponse issues ...
6:09PM 1 Add_column not working
6:01PM 0 lib/ directory not working?
5:51PM 0 datetime/date problems w/ Oracle
5:17PM 3 Send a 30 Second Clip of an mp3
4:52PM 2 Testing views with Hpricot
4:44PM 6 mongrel/win32/apache2 link modification question.
4:39PM 1 question about routes and using flash for navigation
4:28PM 2 Problem with GetText 1.6.0 - undefined method ''N_''
3:56PM 13 Rails Recipes Book: Authentication
3:36PM 2 Ajax "Waiting..." flash while round-tripping
3:27PM 15 Does Berkeley DB and Rails seem like a good match?
3:14PM 4 Help installing Ferret
2:13PM 1 Listing Mysql Results
2:03PM 0 How to pass javascript variables to a method
1:44PM 1 FYI: Manuals Site
12:43PM 2 how to do $pVar ++
11:46AM 3 How do URL''s like /images/xx get mapped to the correct place?
11:46AM 2 How does layouts work?
11:14AM 0 reintializing a model object to invoke model callbacks
11:12AM 0 Pagination and accessing old objects/parameters
11:04AM 3 calculate number of months difference between two dates
10:48AM 3 quick send_data question...
10:48AM 8 Possible name clash?
10:45AM 4 Calling a method each time an ActiveRecord Object is accessd
10:06AM 0 Different error 500 page for ajax errors
9:46AM 3 ActiveRecord thread-safety
9:08AM 3 Credit Card validation using rails? can i do it on rails?
9:03AM 4 Controllers - model vs. use case centric
8:57AM 0 2 sets of validations for one table possible?
8:50AM 0 has_many relation handling
7:49AM 5 Can a route require POST or GET? / REST problem with routing
7:03AM 1 Pessimistic Locking Plugin Breaks ActiveRecord::Base.count()
6:56AM 0 How to add remote sites on Opinion forum?
6:31AM 2 gem install mysql ***extconf.rb failed***
4:51AM 2 Errno::ENOENT in RecipeController#new
4:40AM 1 Multiple table SQL query in rails?
3:27AM 3 dynamically updating a listbox from another listbox
3:15AM 3 Observer and Plugin conflict...
1:26AM 3 Newbie Model question (HABTM?)
1:21AM 0 A game that you can be FRB
12:59AM 0 Ruby on AIX?
12:29AM 7 Sequencing control with edit method in CRUD examples
Thursday July 6 2006
11:20PM 3 URI.escape() broken or misdocumented in Ruby 1.8.4
11:11PM 4 update_all Not Incrementing lock_version
10:42PM 6 Mutex::Synchronize with backgroundrb
10:38PM 2 Scaffold with Foreign Key fields possible?
10:08PM 1 multiple xhr requests
9:51PM 4 get month number of a date
9:40PM 0 session scoped controllers
9:15PM 2 Custom init. of ActiveRecord objects - best practices
8:14PM 5 Single table inheritance
7:52PM 4 ERb question: Embedding <%= %> in helper method calls
7:50PM 0 Slow initial controller request in development mode
7:38PM 1 sessions with new threads
7:18PM 3 Stacked Area graph?
6:51PM 1 finding the current controller???
6:44PM 1 ActiveRecord::find or Enumerable::find
6:28PM 4 Using Integers to Store Bits of Information
6:27PM 0 updating model bypasses callbacks
6:27PM 1 Bug test di Rails
6:19PM 0 Ruby Workflow Engine
6:05PM 3 Calling Method
6:02PM 0 Paging with multiple tables/models
5:49PM 7 form_remote_tag submitting to an rjs file.
5:46PM 1 Problem implementing password and password confirmation
5:25PM 3 Understanding date_select naming conventions
5:18PM 6 Capistrano deployment questions == Best practice type ones
5:13PM 0 Cheet shet or overview of visibility between modal, views, and controllers ?
4:45PM 0 Layouts, Searching/Sorting
4:14PM 0 Ajax form results display help
3:52PM 3 Accessing form field contents
3:40PM 1 Engines 1.1.3 (brought to you by a small french pirate and the number #180)
3:23PM 2 Validation Error
3:06PM 1 How did I turn off params ?
2:29PM 9 Where to put code - controller or model
2:27PM 2 change prot numbers (run 2 rails applications, same time)
1:57PM 0 radio_button with boolean fields does not work with postgresql
1:44PM 6 Problem with gettext and functional tests
1:40PM 1 Table name problem
1:33PM 1 gem repository
12:47PM 5 Generate scaffold failing
12:39PM 2 rjs rails to execute?
12:31PM 17 Linux distros
12:21PM 5 What is protected?
12:15PM 5 What is require ''digest/sha1''?
12:14PM 7 REPOST: Musings on Rails and logging philosophies
11:54AM 0 Trying to get a command line function to work in rails
11:53AM 5 Building a standalone application with RoR
11:48AM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 22, Issue 108
11:34AM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 22, Issue 107
11:33AM 0 ActiveRecord''s bundled Transaction::Simple namespace issues?
11:14AM 0 redirect_to in IE6
10:04AM 1 <model>.update(...) not calling before_update callback.
9:57AM 1 Laszlo DHTML on Rails?
9:54AM 4 Oracle HR on Rails
9:28AM 0 Can''t generate AR from script (ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished)
9:06AM 3 How To write an acts_as* plugin
8:49AM 0 Web Service with no value returned
8:31AM 1 version control or symbolic links
7:54AM 0 problema con i test automatizzati
7:33AM 4 Ruby code colorizer
6:47AM 6 Functional tsts
6:01AM 1 migrations work from script/console, but not command line
5:40AM 0 big size file uploading problem w/IE
4:39AM 2 Not accepting nil values in fields when CREATING a record
4:17AM 1 Form not inserting data into database
4:06AM 0 Using in_place_editor_field for collections?
3:31AM 6 Help with overriding / overwriting date values in ActiveRecord to accept Euro Style Date from a Textbox
3:17AM 4 has_one, belongs_to - I am just not getting it
2:54AM 0 Multiple sites per rails install.
2:40AM 6 Class variables in templates/layouts
1:56AM 2 @oldbid = 0 why?
1:42AM 1 Multiple Keys in a Database Table
1:27AM 2 link_to_remote method display a loading image?
1:05AM 4 Need advice on code-like columns
Wednesday July 5 2006
11:59PM 0 MasterView rails-optimized (x)html friendly template engine - Release 0.2.3
11:27PM 1 Routing via function
11:21PM 3 override created_on column name
11:21PM 1 created_on in HABTM table getting parent dates
11:02PM 0 @products = Product.find_by_sql "SELECT *...... "
10:44PM 1 time.next_week bug?
10:36PM 3 PLUGIN newbie: How do I use an installed plugin
10:32PM 3 Calling render_to_string from a view
10:31PM 1 RuntimeError with Rails Recipe "Authenticating Your Users"
10:13PM 1 Routing error "unitialized constant" after refactoring
9:58PM 0 Javascript repeating fields.
9:52PM 0 how do i know the value double of a date...
9:39PM 5 ok, lightTPD is installed... how do i use it.
9:28PM 2 How to make a search between two values ?
9:26PM 1 form_remote_tag and update
8:52PM 5 ''m having trouble with BackgrounDrb
8:44PM 1 TMail + Receing mail and extract attachments
8:38PM 7 HABTM join table has an "ID" column - is this an issue?
7:44PM 0 single sign on - with other apps?
7:38PM 0 Any bibiliography plugin?
7:36PM 1 Newbie SaltedHashLogin add new fields
7:34PM 1 Process incoming SOAP requests?
7:23PM 0 TestableLogger plugin
7:09PM 2 Protecting Static content
7:08PM 1 send_data image
6:55PM 2 RJS - Getting and Setting Form Element Values Question
6:46PM 4 degrading gracefully - how to tell if JS is enabled?
6:43PM 0 RedCloth Error with :filter_html and external images links
6:29PM 0 function of ruby to get cdbl(date)
5:28PM 2 activerecord - finding parent info..
5:07PM 1 [Newbie] Generated files don''t use Windows end-of-lines.
4:43PM 0 ActionView::Base.field_error_proc where to put it?
4:40PM 1 ActiveRecord / PostgreSQL Performance Issue
4:21PM 3 display message when not running off the production database
3:44PM 5 How do I reset rails in production mode on DreamHost?
3:38PM 0 ActionMayday! Sends from Console, but not from App
3:37PM 2 Vim and .rhtml
3:33PM 1 newbie question: Mapping Collections
3:21PM 1 List of projects
3:16PM 1 Prototype Based Validation with form_remote_tag
3:09PM 6 upload file in a database or a server?
2:53PM 5 Looooong renders suddenly
2:50PM 4 Hosting client applications - part time developer
2:26PM 0 Dynamic image resizing and caching
2:22PM 3 Is there any schema of full-text search that support utf-8?
2:18PM 0 rendering wiki markup
1:57PM 0 Different log file per controller
1:38PM 0 using lighttpd - fastcgi
1:35PM 13 interactive web app
12:56PM 1 actionmailer
12:50PM 5 Help with migrations and create
12:14PM 1 Need some Gruff graphing help - custom dimensions?
12:09PM 2 Association Extensions
12:02PM 0 Next, Finish Form
11:50AM 1 Weird Script/Server Issue
11:41AM 2 Serialized object behaves weird
11:35AM 2 [Newbie] The pickaxe book and benchmark
11:11AM 0 How to use one error page for the whole project
10:32AM 10 Scalable alternative to #find_all
10:30AM 19 associations question
10:19AM 0 Association and legacy database
10:11AM 3 list of users
9:48AM 1 Setting a HTML ID with form_tag / form_remote_tag
9:07AM 0 Creating URLs like Wikipedia.org
9:06AM 10 rake migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
9:05AM 0 Can a fireworks product with javascript works with rails?
8:47AM 2 How do I access the session in a rails plugin?
8:20AM 2 get value from array.
8:07AM 0 Rg pmkrxzjjmagynt
8:04AM 4 Rails Web Hosting?
7:34AM 0 Getting "really" started with Rails - Free Mini-Workshop - JULY 26 @ 6:30PM
6:46AM 2 Rails debugging - a (slightly) better approach?
6:12AM 0 using show argument of Open4.popen4 win32:open3 module
5:53AM 8 loginGenerator - getting logged in username
5:01AM 3 splitting a story with double-spaced para''s
4:56AM 0 User Group Brisbane, Australia
4:17AM 1 Securing my database with user session data
4:12AM 2 How to write get functional test when there is no action by that name
2:54AM 3 mongrel - server pooping out..
2:36AM 2 splitting a paragraph into words and spaces
1:55AM 8 Beating the authentication horse (dead yet?)
Tuesday July 4 2006
11:42PM 2 links to images keep breaking
11:15PM 3 Engine Not Starting
11:12PM 2 WAP/WML/Mobile Internet Access with RoR
10:34PM 1 Select Box problem in the controler with Ajax
8:48PM 0 Best way of storing and recalling data for display?
8:13PM 1 LoginGenerator Problem
8:07PM 4 MySQL error when running rake migrate
7:42PM 0 ActionController::UnknownAction hangs application
6:59PM 0 undefined method `category_url''
6:43PM 8 writing to many_to_many table
6:35PM 3 RailsConf 2006 Video Available
6:10PM 13 NewBie question
6:08PM 2 has_many working correctly only on reload!
5:01PM 4 Image don''t show up when i run my Rails with webrick server
4:19PM 4 adding 0 to beginning of a number
4:15PM 7 inverse of eval() ?
4:05PM 1 Has_many :through with checkboxes?
3:22PM 1 mysql_adapter.rb help please
2:57PM 0 Uploading files - getting size
2:12PM 2 searching
1:55PM 1 How to override ActiveRecord#base#destroy
1:54PM 0 transacting with different db tables
1:04PM 2 Display a calendar helper
12:47PM 0 Help with first AJAX action
12:12PM 1 options_for_select - default nil value
11:33AM 4 Please help me
11:09AM 3 OCIError: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
11:08AM 1 List as per particular month
10:51AM 4 ROaR: A Ruby on Rails Podcast
10:35AM 2 clear all sessions keys
10:12AM 1 redirect being performed on server when via AJAX call?
9:33AM 1 select(object, method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {})
9:28AM 1 ActiveRecord write stops script from responding to SIGTERM
8:38AM 0 [OT] TextMate snippet is not working
8:31AM 0 sparklines
8:20AM 4 Question about Salted Hash Login Generator
7:59AM 0 Time zone (select and offset)
7:56AM 2 Problem: MySQL drops first connection then fine
6:41AM 1 Quick question: Iterate through a collection - no duplicates
6:00AM 1 Multiple parent ids
4:54AM 1 Smart html output for an object?
4:33AM 1 Changing default word separator in URLs?
4:14AM 11 Any CMS for Ruby on Rails..
3:01AM 0 removing stale active record sessions
2:08AM 3 act_as_state_machine plugin inaccessible
12:55AM 0 Multiple and nested controllers or routing
12:30AM 1 Rails 1.2?
12:08AM 8 inherits_from: Multiple table inheritance
Monday July 3 2006
11:47PM 5 How do I code this conditional statement in Ruby
10:50PM 1 Model Relations, Creating, Errors and stuff
10:49PM 5 stopping error mailer on development
10:32PM 1 how to get value from the post on the List page
10:28PM 2 rjs renders string or partial but not template or action
10:24PM 1 staying in control over the case in file_column plugin
9:43PM 0 Imageshack API
9:15PM 2 1.1.4: link_to with mixed case controller names "broken"?
8:56PM 1 plugin to add method to rjs "page" object
8:27PM 0 Web application developers needed for brand new Startup...
8:24PM 6 Rjs $("aaa").insertHtml is not a function error
8:16PM 1 Capistrano - disable_web and enable_web with lighty?
8:09PM 0 image_tag refuses to work in email context
7:27PM 4 text_field doesn''t call overridden ActiveRecord getters
6:48PM 4 Display find(:include => [:children]) results in a view
6:21PM 2 Routing acting strangely - mixed case controller names fail?
6:10PM 0 ActionController parameters and conditional select
6:00PM 0 Eager loading of ''is meant to be nil'' Associations
5:21PM 9 Migrations from Mysql to Oracle. PLS HELP!
5:02PM 0 Setting up a column alias in ActiveRecord object
5:00PM 0 How to share a table between two applications
4:45PM 0 Modelling Relationships as objects
4:25PM 1 help getting plugin to work
4:16PM 0 Check if row already exists?
4:04PM 2 XML Builder - xml header...
3:54PM 0 Slow bulk insert query
3:22PM 0 Scaffolds auto generate tables fields.. and Database amounts
2:51PM 0 Multiple File Upload
2:51PM 13 Remote Postgres is driving me crazy!
2:37PM 13 Eager loading ActiveRecord objects
1:35PM 5 I can''t see my app
1:31PM 0 Is opinion available as gem or engine ?
1:03PM 0 Page 129 of Agile Web Dev on Rails (or pg141 of pdf!)
12:52PM 2 redirect as post?
12:07PM 1 Problems with redirect
10:40AM 6 help!
10:20AM 3 Open source gallery suggestion
9:40AM 3 no such file to load -- RMagick
9:36AM 1 ben
9:21AM 9 checkboxes
9:14AM 1 how to delete session (hash) member?
8:52AM 2 Login Engine & Functional Tests
8:40AM 0 Problem with routes
8:17AM 0 AJAX modal dialog using RJS
7:51AM 0 Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 form_serialize issues for select lists
7:20AM 2 Still struggling with data flow ...
5:38AM 2 Agile Web Dev on Rails - ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Prob
5:31AM 0 Upload Progress w/ Mongrel
5:21AM 1 Print link or button?
5:20AM 0 Web Hosting requirements for Rails apps???
5:19AM 3 Sharing Session Between Two Applications
3:46AM 2 docs for map.resource
3:24AM 0 REST vs. render vs. redirect_to w.r.t. create error messages, efficiency and the desired URL
3:05AM 1 flash[:notice] followed by render
2:41AM 3 Change the background in a div with CSS
1:40AM 0 Mysql configuration is slowing me down
1:37AM 2 moving data from legacy database
1:08AM 0 CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY for Rails Developer (Denver, CO)
12:16AM 7 form_remote_tag with multipart/form-data
12:03AM 3 ActionMailer -- anybody ever see this?
Sunday July 2 2006
10:43PM 11 Google maps api in ruby/rails
10:17PM 6 remote form w/ evalScripts:true
9:40PM 2 nil.- what the heck...
9:00PM 0 Rails Core Weekly June 19 - July 2 2006
8:30PM 1 trouble with anchors
8:24PM 1 prevent duplicate inserts with has_many :through ??
8:12PM 7 How can I intercept attribute calls?
7:53PM 11 Rails Plugin: meantime_filter for controllers (actions within blocks)
7:44PM 10 Use Rails or PHP?
6:50PM 1 Subject: Trying to Get Results from Form Element
6:20PM 5 Pretty URLs -> Routes
4:28PM 0 quotes in email address for mailer
4:13PM 1 multitable form
3:40PM 3 difficult view code logic
3:08PM 5 "the number of parameters does not match the number of substitutions" error
2:53PM 0 Use mod_rewrite rules instead of rails-routes
2:39PM 3 2 before_filters, only want one to render something
1:55PM 3 Mongrel Randomly getting TERM
1:49PM 1 DRY? Why select_date and select_date?
1:31PM 1 faster server
1:29PM 4 is "label for" better?
1:20PM 2 searchbar help!
12:04PM 18 JOIN conditions
10:26AM 3 Requested book could not be found
9:55AM 7 Generic SingleTable inheritance
9:34AM 3 homepage_url ?
9:21AM 1 ActiveRecord''s has_many, allways fetched from db?
9:02AM 4 Ruby on Rails + DB2
7:48AM 4 :order in partial
6:50AM 0 Newbie: Loading Error?
6:41AM 1 url_for_file_column not working
6:35AM 5 Question about setting field values for a belongs_to model
6:11AM 2 Problems implementing a N:M table that contains actual data
5:31AM 1 seeding a database
4:32AM 1 typo working only when webbrick is running?
4:31AM 2 Flat file as storage backend or what ...
4:29AM 1 acts_as_modified, acts_as_ordered and validates_date_time
3:47AM 2 Fixtures Problem
3:10AM 1 Model postal mail addresses (internationally)?
2:48AM 2 Cannot Find Gem error
2:46AM 0 Problem with select, options_from_collection_for_select for selected items
2:34AM 6 How do you move an application to a newer version of Rails?
2:32AM 2 :include breaks has_many :order
2:08AM 2 NoMethodError in Unit Test - Rails Newcomer
Saturday July 1 2006
11:53PM 9 BackgrounDRb New release.
11:01PM 0 different separator for acts_as_taggable?
10:48PM 0 Paypal IPN Gem
9:04PM 0 FOSS, Science, and Public activism
6:50PM 1 exception_notification only happening one sub domain
6:25PM 1 Changing column to NOT NULL with migration silently failing.
5:02PM 0 fcgi_watch update
4:39PM 3 best approach to add form elements dynamically
3:32PM 3 Captchas in Rails
2:53PM 22 TextDrive complaints
2:28PM 1 Musings about Rails and Logging and philosophy
2:17PM 6 Sorting by an attribute on a associated table
2:05PM 3 help me understand rest
1:34PM 1 Paginator offset =0 ...
1:26PM 1 Uh oh, Error solving...
1:18PM 0 Tallysheet Design Suggestions
12:34PM 0 theme''s
10:41AM 0 Can''t connect to MySQL
9:26AM 8 Seeking Advice on Pattern for Multi-Organization Application
6:50AM 4 Radio_button in loop problem
5:08AM 5 how can i set the default protocol of WEBrick to https?
4:22AM 0 It has been down for days!!! someone can help fix this?
4:20AM 0 activerecord generating wrong syntax with postgresql
3:48AM 4 How to create Multi-User webapplication?
2:57AM 0 Rails Gem error after update
2:53AM 2 Records not being returned
1:11AM 3 Where to solicit bids on RoR project?