Rails - Aug 2006

Thursday August 31 2006
11:59PM 1 Applying foreign key during initialize gives me a view error
11:33PM 0 time_zone_select Acting Funky
11:23PM 3 Newbie question: Logins
11:12PM 2 Weird behaviour with login engine
10:55PM 7 Alternative to components for a CMS
10:34PM 1 Securing order information
10:03PM 4 Anyone using the newest FCKeditor plugin
9:56PM 3 Preventing simultaneous logins (was Users voting)
8:58PM 6 Unique Capistrano Deployment
8:26PM 2 How to set RAILS_ENV for different directories (fcgid)
8:12PM 4 How do I go about importing all of this data into a database?
7:22PM 1 Peculiar validation error: undefined local variable or method 'fieldWithErrors'
6:39PM 0 Ajax.Request in Firefox 1.0.x
6:10PM 1 Types of forms
6:04PM 2 who uses litespeed?
6:04PM 0 self.abstract_class = true doesn't work for MySQL?!?
5:11PM 18 file_column vs. acts_as_attachment
5:11PM 2 FCGI Dispatch processes running amok...
4:36PM 1 REST + Caching + Apache 2.2 Rewrite problem and solution?
4:21PM 3 STI with Polymorphism trouble
4:21PM 0 Net::HTTP.new produces SystemStackError?
3:51PM 6 lighttpd vs apache
3:35PM 1 sessions - active record store
3:15PM 1 stubbing out ActiveRecord models
2:55PM 2 Url rewriting for random urls
2:50PM 0 Web Services and Structures
2:44PM 40 Rails Deployment Book
2:27PM 8 simpe, but basic active record question
2:06PM 1 Need help setting up associations for database table relationships
1:51PM 2 $_SERVER for rails?
1:49PM 3 Redirect_to still allow a form to be submitted
1:30PM 1 File_column plugin problems
1:07PM 1 authorization build in model?
1:07PM 0 Question: RadRails browser
1:06PM 10 [UPDATE] RailsConf Europe is almost sold out!
1:06PM 1 DRY approach to views for password protected parts of a site
12:22PM 10 Scaffold Look & Feel Adjustments (CSS vs changing scaffold)?
12:11PM 4 gzip and rails
11:59AM 0 date_select error
11:30AM 0 Model classes for multiple table inserts?
10:48AM 1 Single table inheritance... in multiple tables
9:51AM 0 Goldberg 0.1.2 released -- Ajax Scaffold support!
9:45AM 1 How does Rails know a request is for a static (public) file?
9:39AM 6 Message box
9:20AM 1 Using the ruby debugger in tests
9:12AM 7 'delete' vs 'destroy' etymology?
8:26AM 3 Entire site examples?
8:16AM 1 Help Needed in observe_field
8:05AM 6 Need to Know deployment a rails application on windows
7:58AM 3 Layout, application_helper and partial ! Help !
7:46AM 2 lib/* doesn't get reloaded in development
7:04AM 4 Learning Active Record is tough for a newb
6:32AM 0 installing plugins via svn:externals still uses the RecursiveHTTPFetcher
6:14AM 0 does with_scope work with eager loaded models?
4:27AM 2 Help on updating has_and_belongs_to_many relationships
4:17AM 1 production_log_analyzer issue
1:51AM 1 Need architectural help avoiding render :component
12:57AM 2 Multiple rows problem
Wednesday August 30 2006
11:53PM 3 :include with conditional on clause ???
11:44PM 1 Single Table Inheritance with self-referential join
11:34PM 0 Anyone using "restful_authentication"
11:15PM 0 šŽÓ—ç‹àš20–œ‰~š
10:51PM 0 [ADV] Workshop for Getting Started with Ruby on Rails in Vancouver / Sept. 8
10:04PM 3 Date Format @params
9:53PM 11 CRMonRails.com - Open Source CRM built on ROR...
9:45PM 3 extracting username
9:41PM 7 AR: save! doesn't redo object save after child save fails
9:28PM 6 has_many/belongs_to and DRY
9:28PM 12 Storing credit card information... sigh.
9:04PM 3 ATTN BITSWEAT: Alternative to Fixtures?
8:51PM 0 Rails Conf Europe - Hotel
8:49PM 0 Django and Rails...
8:46PM 0 mysql audit triggers/stored procedures???
8:44PM 1 Re: DB record versioning/audit - Recommended Approach???
8:44PM 3 RJS: How to create an observer?
8:29PM 1 Catch an ActionMailer exception?
8:04PM 4 migrations: getting SQL output only?
8:03PM 6 Apache 2.0, Mongrel and ActionWebService
7:43PM 3 params not working correctly?
7:25PM 0 Add html_options to datetime_select?
7:11PM 1 object with multiple lang object
7:09PM 1 Drag and drop between two sortable lists using rails helpers
6:54PM 2 Extra commas when iterating over @model.errors.
6:42PM 5 acts_as_attachment failing tests, thumbnailing
6:41PM 3 TimeZone classes confusion
6:30PM 3 Dealing with very large XML output
6:26PM 10 respond_to not detecting JS turned on. form_to_remote problem?
6:21PM 2 mysql access -- works from webrick but not from tests or mongrel
6:16PM 3 find_all / find_first deprecated : a question
6:08PM 3 How to test (slightly) complicated routing
5:52PM 8 Recommendations on pagination?
5:49PM 1 Help needed on "auto_complete_for" with conditions
5:42PM 1 error_messages_for, wrong number of arguments?
5:40PM 7 Database seeding
5:27PM 0 rdoc for 1.1.6 on a macbook?
5:11PM 0 RailsConf Europe Sept 14-15 discounted seat
5:07PM 2 launching part of a site
4:57PM 4 Newbie: belongs_to question
4:42PM 6 Model userstamp
4:38PM 1 Dropping an item from one List to multiple sortable lists
4:27PM 2 Best hardware / OS set up for a rails server?
4:20PM 0 Saving lots of editable data - best practices?
4:15PM 3 getting referrer from request
4:13PM 1 Rails + Apache FCGI Client Auth BUG
4:07PM 2 Partials, application_helper and layout... aargh !
3:45PM 1 Object Level Authentification
3:20PM 0 ROR Developer Ops at Revolution Health Group(new start up by Steve Case)
3:14PM 0 Ajax request containing special characters
3:09PM 0 using rails to make ical feeds
3:08PM 0 ROR Development Opportunities at Revolution
3:06PM 0 Strange warnings
2:51PM 2 Initializing object graphs/associations
2:39PM 5 Accessing the session in a model
2:15PM 3 Demonstrating Rails to a PHP developer
2:05PM 1 Northern Virginia Software Symposium 2006
2:02PM 0 Cannot find any info on MagicFieldName 'status'
1:57PM 0 to_xml and 3 levels of association?
1:27PM 3 Can you do an XY scatter plot with Gruff graphs?
1:25PM 0 GeoSpatial with MySQL
12:58PM 0 Tesly Reporter Plugin
12:31PM 1 class on select not working
12:29PM 8 Understanding Image Uploads
12:25PM 6 REST on rails
12:22PM 2 creating duplicate object#Base
12:06PM 11 Ruby on Rails & Frameworks - Please advise
11:03AM 1 Reloadable: what changed exactly?
11:02AM 1 xml - get values
10:36AM 4 Validation
10:30AM 1 How can I make a property aware of changes on another?
10:00AM 0 Model validations to JavaScript code converter
9:40AM 0 Where is the web service client generated by wsdl2ruby?
9:39AM 1 Syntax Highlighting On Website
9:03AM 3 Webrick Server don't start after Update Rails
8:25AM 0 Mapping a "legacy" polymorphic join
8:23AM 0 problem using pstore with multi-users
7:46AM 3 Getting data from an RS-232 port
6:44AM 1 form.text_field formatting?
6:23AM 5 HELP!!! Problems with multithreading and Controller...
5:34AM 0 Install scripts without shell access...
4:39AM 0 Validations: Controller Filters vs. Model validate()
3:14AM 5 Dynamically calling attribute methods on ActiveRecord object
3:04AM 3 Is it possible to set DEBUG point within an ACTION
2:22AM 0 Loading fixtures into memory without changing the database
2:22AM 0 Depot tutorial challenge question - Issues and frustration
1:45AM 3 Dhtml Calendar Engine undefined method popup_calendar
1:31AM 0 Anyone know how the :random works??
1:22AM 0 Rubyists of Second Life Meeting on RESTful Routes | 08/31/2006
1:09AM 0 Default value for text_field
12:45AM 4 Users voting
12:33AM 1 request.post? is true without a form being posted?
12:16AM 0 dry_scaffold: adding archived link.
Tuesday August 29 2006
11:41PM 0 update_attributes does not work
11:02PM 3 issue with postgres
10:40PM 2 newbie installation issue (zlib)
10:16PM 0 Need advice: Two-dimensional array (datagrid) save
9:51PM 28 Stability of Rails
9:25PM 1 FeedTools item limit
9:20PM 0 Introduction to Ruby on Rails and Ajax training course
9:18PM 0 Capistrano vs. MotD?
9:00PM 1 Scope problem with form_remote_tag, ajax?
8:55PM 2 newbie:: When Item selected in a drop down selecting menu
8:37PM 3 Paypal Plugin
8:28PM 1 Argument Error w/ require_or_load in Edge
7:42PM 1 acts_as_taggable question
7:42PM 0 unit testing.. assert model.errors.invalid?(:field)
7:36PM 1 global partials (momentary duh moment)
7:11PM 8 Looking for Information on POST vs. GET
6:35PM 6 Rails and GPL
6:34PM 2 manuals.rubyonrails.com is down
6:21PM 9 routing and modules
6:20PM 1 substruct e-commerce application
6:00PM 4 Strategy when dealing with LARGE data sets
5:49PM 0 Checkboxes in Forms & Arrays
5:39PM 0 manuals.rubyonrails.com has been down for several days
5:27PM 4 How to pass params from an action to another you redirect_to
4:50PM 6 Single Table Inheritance and validation
4:25PM 1 How do you pass params from one action to another you redirect_to?
4:06PM 0 switch from http to https and reverse
4:02PM 1 Custom field helper for person's height
3:57PM 0 Using a FormBuilder in an ajax response?
3:34PM 6 SSH, Capistrano, PATH, Mac OS X
3:32PM 2 Re: Multipage Forms
3:26PM 1 float/decimal with dot or comma
3:25PM 4 Instance variables best solution for wizard type
3:22PM 0 Migrations not working to SQL Server since 1.16
3:10PM 1 More Paypal IPN questions
2:55PM 12 An alternative to captcha
2:26PM 3 validates_confirmation_of not working
2:19PM 0 Ajax Button question?
2:05PM 2 https and webrick
2:01PM 3 gruff graphs. getting it working
1:39PM 1 How to spy on the Japanese Rubists
1:22PM 1 Convert BigNum to Time object
1:14PM 0 SCGI start up from boot, pls help
1:11PM 0 acts_as_nested_set and STI
12:47PM 4 paypal ipn returns nil
11:56AM 1 Large scale Rails deployments
11:50AM 6 has_one and :dependent => :destroy
11:29AM 0 Rake peculiarity after trying to freeze edge while offline
10:26AM 5 Model password validation
10:22AM 2 http://manuals.rubyonrails.com/ DOWN ! (HTTP 503)
10:06AM 1 problems with utf8 + String class
10:06AM 2 prob
9:19AM 0 ajax remote submit via :onblur?
9:18AM 2 how to put helpers in a module
8:27AM 2 Initial fixtures
8:02AM 2 Foreign keys
7:33AM 3 how to export data into xml and then import that data also
7:23AM 3 Sorting list of records by a has_many relationship...
7:22AM 5 Web application in ruby on rails
7:15AM 0 how does validates_presence_of work with update???
4:53AM 1 customizing error messages
4:49AM 7 ActiveRecord Save is not saving.
4:45AM 0 observe_field and datetime_select
3:12AM 2 undefined method `first' for :sessions:Symbol
2:03AM 6 Custom Validations for ActiveRecord
1:53AM 2 migration with decimal problem (mysql)
1:04AM 2 Action Controller: Exception Caught
1:01AM 1 migration: how to set default datefield
12:31AM 8 Rails Hosting: How do you 'certify' a hosting company?
12:07AM 2 Array to string and back
Monday August 28 2006
11:26PM 5 New version of AWDwR now available
10:40PM 2 Caution: Ajax and Redirect Back...
10:39PM 2 Capistrano deploy failing with :if Expression Syntax failure
10:04PM 1 Javascript code displayed on replace_html call
10:03PM 0 Nested REST routes not working
9:57PM 0 CSS file not loaded. Recognition failed ?!
9:32PM 0 Mixing date_select, Javascript, and AJAX - having trouble with the field names
9:11PM 13 Start a process in the client-side
9:09PM 0 /rails/info/properties not found
9:09PM 2 How to make code accessible in controller, view and possibly model
8:51PM 2 items/:id - no id? use default index method
8:32PM 3 Difference instance variable @ or self.
8:32PM 0 Can you use composed_of on an abstract AR class?
8:31PM 4 customising Engines views without breaking update???
8:23PM 1 File Upload Truncated
7:54PM 5 How can I access a controller method from a helper ?
7:49PM 1 Best Approach to "Data Control" Website?
7:45PM 2 JS references in the code are lost when inserting with RJS
7:37PM 4 question on HTML Options {}
7:25PM 8 Railsy way to Export Database Schema?
7:23PM 1 Best Approach to Web based Database Entry
7:22PM 2 sciprt/plugin woes
6:19PM 15 Params: hash
4:11PM 3 belongs_to + foreign_key
3:47PM 4 Problem with forms, Date_Select and DateBocks
3:03PM 2 sysread': end of file reached (EOFError)
3:02PM 2 Detecting duplicate queries
3:00PM 2 Could anyone can tell me how to invoke the remote web service in rails?
2:16PM 3 Handling of relations belongs_to/has_many
2:10PM 3 OT: doing web business across state boundaries?
2:07PM 1 Having some trouble with ActiveRecord relationships.
1:07PM 3 (unknown)
1:06PM 0 South East Michigan Ruby Brigade Meeting
1:02PM 16 Question: Help with select tag
12:48PM 2 has_many relationships - use variable of calling class?
12:36PM 1 Data that does not match any existing model?
12:31PM 0 request params to date object
12:21PM 3 where to set @@allow_concurrency= true
12:08PM 2 Can I use ActiveRecord for a threaded TCP server?
10:48AM 2 different layouts
10:37AM 2 error messages (utf8)
10:35AM 2 ActiveRecord and foreign Keys.
10:34AM 13 error with database connectivity
9:07AM 0 Sweeper not working
8:55AM 1 BreakPoints in RadRails
8:40AM 4 Drag'n'Dropable, ajax tree?
8:03AM 6 Why the render speed is still so slow under apache?
7:58AM 0 Rails Workshop in Pune, Sept 1-2, 2006
6:44AM 2 Help with setting up a server to run rubyonrails application
6:21AM 0 clear not working on edge Rails with has_many :through?
6:00AM 4 SMTPSyntaxError (501 <>: missing or malformed local part)
5:00AM 2 accessing rails variables in javascript
4:56AM 2 SHOW FIELDS in find query
4:37AM 1 syntax/design/calendar_helper
4:18AM 1 link forward
2:48AM 3 Turning <br /> into a line feed????
2:37AM 2 link_to() problem with controller in module
2:11AM 26 Big Ideas For Those With Time
1:26AM 1 AJAX scaffolding session weirdness
1:25AM 3 memory leaks
1:22AM 0 Params being overwritten - how is this possible?
1:18AM 14 Flushing output stream(ob_flush() equivalent)
1:07AM 2 Polymorphic Through Relationships
Sunday August 27 2006
11:46PM 0 Using ActiveRecord on MacOS X.
10:50PM 1 routes.rb
10:16PM 0 secure-action-plugin
10:05PM 1 first script/generate fails
10:02PM 3 n-to-m relationships in Forms
9:56PM 1 HTML select with widgets for adding items
9:51PM 9 habtm with created_on attr not being set
8:45PM 0 Ruby In Steel Manual now available for download
6:00PM 5 Capistrano problem
5:58PM 1 Kinda tricky date manipulation question
5:44PM 6 Rails configuration for sessions
5:39PM 1 ActiveRecord and data integrity
5:35PM 2 Case studies for high-availability Rails deployments?
5:33PM 1 Localizing an engine with gettext .. what and where ?
4:15PM 1 Paypal plugin?
4:10PM 1 Migrations and fixtures
3:13PM 0 Help with observer configuration
3:10PM 1 strange compile error
2:55PM 3 how to create multiple applications?
2:52PM 11 The Price of Ajax
2:08PM 2 Using breakpoint in file started by script/runner
2:04PM 0 Static video files in public folder
1:15PM 2 Image versioning with FileColumn
1:00PM 0 Quick question on finds
11:10AM 2 SHA1 and SHA2
11:04AM 0 Free Interactive Ruby Lessons
10:43AM 7 massive data output
9:03AM 5 WAP Interface
7:44AM 0 IndiaonRails
7:29AM 2 do 'id' columns show in a scaffold?
7:11AM 0 Pure ruby ActiveRecord adapters
6:17AM 3 Can't report bug on Rails Trak - rejected as Spam
5:06AM 1 created scaffold, failing when creating new?
2:09AM 0 select() can't do float or anything other than a string?
2:02AM 2 PostgreSQL and migrations
2:02AM 2 Where would this type of code go?
12:26AM 0 problem with mysql gem
12:04AM 1 How to download a file through a controller?
Saturday August 26 2006
11:12PM 11 nested layouts??? whole site layout + controller layout???
9:38PM 1 wsdl2ruby does not generate any files
8:51PM 0 [Capistrano] cold_deploy - restart then start?
8:44PM 2 Capistrano Recipes for (re)starting Mongrel (cluster)?
8:36PM 2 Belgian RoR list (aka BRoR)
8:30PM 0 DRbFire / ActiveRecord performances
7:40PM 1 [OT] Good tutorial for setting up SMTP/POP3 on Debian?
7:25PM 0 mysql5 5.0.24 upgrade note for macports users
7:20PM 0 Multiple groups of radio buttons on same form
6:46PM 0 context for "require"
6:32PM 3 order of saving/validating
6:12PM 0 Deployment w/ Subversion
5:57PM 0 Frozen hash?
5:54PM 1 Marshal Data Too Short Error
5:50PM 1 Dojo Javascript toolkit
5:49PM 2 Extending Rails core components like actionpack
5:37PM 2 how to render controller x partial from controller y?
3:57PM 0 Re: Prag Programmers style PDF personalization
3:40PM 5 LiteSpeed Web Server 2.2 with Ruby Rails integration....
3:36PM 3 Find the right object
2:50PM 2 Plugin ate my namespace (temporarily I think)
2:39PM 7 can i translate what name_ID from a belongs_to relationship?
2:25PM 4 in_place_editor_field and ok_button
1:33PM 1 Easiest way to upgrade a generator gem in my app?
1:08PM 3 syntax switch
12:46PM 0 handling errors on multiple file upload
12:31PM 0 submit form to popup
12:29PM 7 Is there how to upload files using ajax?
12:18PM 5 Where to download api documentation ?
11:32AM 0 Question: Weird behaviour of webrick in Firefox
10:28AM 4 Simplest technique for creating Chat Rooms
7:10AM 2 Tutorial for writing generators?
5:18AM 0 Scaffolding Extensions Plugin Security Update (with New Features)
3:31AM 0 Mongrel Pre-Release -- Ruby's LEAK Fixed (Death To Mutex!)
3:11AM 0 newbie rails
1:08AM 2 Something wrong ...script / plugin list
12:38AM 7 Goldberg website tool: new version 0.1.1 released
12:34AM 1 How much can be stored in sessions?
Friday August 25 2006
10:33PM 6 Cron and runner doesn't work anymore?
9:59PM 18 [OT] About MacBook Pro
9:12PM 25 Can deploying Rails in production be easier than this?
8:55PM 2 active_record_store mysterious failures
8:35PM 0 Newsletter on Rails
8:18PM 2 Render to an anchor?
8:14PM 2 Question upgrading rails/application
8:03PM 15 Why one person chose python over ruby
7:48PM 4 Strange assertion problem
7:43PM 2 running multiple mongrels from same application root - is it safe?
6:57PM 1 Re: degrading link_to_remote
6:56PM 1 Java/Rails XML-RPC communication
6:54PM 0 How to simply LOG ActiveRecord errors?
6:37PM 0 Models failing under mongrel
6:31PM 1 Time based fragment caching plugin
5:27PM 2 Gems Question
4:45PM 0 ˆ²‚Å‚·‚¯‚ǁEEE
4:30PM 4 Rails thread safety and impact on corporate adoption
4:20PM 0 Re: degrading link_to_remote
3:02PM 3 Update attributes for multiple objects
2:55PM 1 ActionWebService again, problems with marshal
2:53PM 0 Using Payment Gem to Pay Others?
2:53PM 0 Re: Receiving email w/ rails... configuration on multiple ho
2:26PM 8 Tutorials
2:26PM 3 trouble with script/plugin discover
2:20PM 3 Re: login sugar
2:13PM 0 My book is out -- Ruby on Rails: Up and Running
1:38PM 0 rails & diacritic
1:31PM 2 Module to share methods with mulitple models
1:13PM 7 acts_as_ferret with conditions
12:32PM 0 Sortable Table Columns
12:27PM 4 [OT] Search the list
11:50AM 3 URL from file path
11:22AM 3 Upgrade a Rails App to a new release of Rails.
11:13AM 4 can Sessions scope cross multi-apps? single sign-on?
11:02AM 1 Reload instance data on instantiate
10:38AM 0 Help: Create multiple rows using transactions
10:18AM 0 Menu/SubMenu/SubSubMenu/SubSubSubMenu plugins?
10:12AM 2 [OT] Alternative to RoR
9:58AM 0 nginx+fastcgi+rails
8:33AM 2 GetText on edge?
8:27AM 1 GUI for web application
7:53AM 1 Can't get Globalize to work correctly - please help!
7:44AM 1 multiple domains for the one app
6:49AM 0 Re: acts_as_clusterable plugin allows easy clustering
5:54AM 3 RJS Error: Element.update is not a function
5:02AM 7 Concurrency, Rails and PostgreSQL vs. MySQL
4:21AM 2 A resource for learning about Rails and SVN?
4:00AM 0 silencing Ruby warnings in Rails tests
2:20AM 0 Question about Hostingrails.com or Linux in general re running rails
1:44AM 0 Re: login sugar
1:34AM 1 #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ThreadError: killed thread
1:14AM 13 WEBrick and Mongrel die on linux unless run as root
12:29AM 1 Transactions on Multiple Models
12:23AM 2 WEBrick makes 2 different HTTP calls
12:22AM 1 Login Fails from IE to subdomains only!
12:18AM 0 Australian Rails Workshops
12:13AM 10 cron w/ rails
12:09AM 2 Modifying the session cookie domain
Thursday August 24 2006
11:26PM 11 CSS Generator?
11:05PM 1 LOAD DATA LOCAL / "out of range" error
11:02PM 1 How to test a controller action which is passed params from a form?
10:51PM 3 Scaffold with 1-M?
10:38PM 2 The Rails way to download a file...
10:28PM 26 mongrel logging on win32 platform and win32 service
10:19PM 0 Re: acts_as_clusterable plugin allows easy clustering
10:14PM 0 Re: acts_as_clusterable plugin allows easy clustering
10:06PM 0 SimpleLog 1.2 (plus anon SVN and Trac)
9:35PM 7 return from an action
9:28PM 3 RESTful Routing
9:26PM 0 Re: Visual DB Modelling on Mac
9:22PM 1 Re: acts_as_clusterable plugin allows easy clustering
9:18PM 3 handling file uploads
9:03PM 5 Very weird ActionMailer issue
9:03PM 6 Managed dedicated server rails hosting providers?
8:25PM 7 Testing private methods
8:01PM 1 link_to_remote parameters - help
7:32PM 1 join list where ID is repeated in one table?
7:07PM 1 [Markaby] issue with acts_as_dropdown
6:58PM 1 email list problems
6:54PM 0 acts_as_clusterable plugin allows easy clustering of records
6:38PM 0 Fwd: MacOS X: active_record module doesn't load
6:33PM 2 AJAX comment preview (with preview button)
6:29PM 0 Re: login sugar
6:26PM 2 How to show if there are children in a list?
6:16PM 2 Designer wanted
6:15PM 2 Form 'select' question
6:14PM 12 Making rails thread safe, priority or not?
6:12PM 1 Receiving email w/ rails... configuration on multiple hosts
5:57PM 4 How to display user data from one page on another?
5:56PM 0 MacOS X: active_record module doesn't load
5:45PM 2 Removing white space in templates?
5:35PM 4 Dynamic CSS
5:29PM 0 trouble linking from the html page to a rhtml page
5:28PM 2 Streamlined - Navigation Menu
5:28PM 0 Re: File Attachment
4:56PM 2 Relations and ActionWebService
4:40PM 9 A website that will create forms and store results for you?
4:32PM 16 looking for feedback - Working on a model in in memory instead of the database
4:08PM 0 Learn Ruby Online for Free
3:41PM 0 How does the save method work with has_many? Code Details.
3:38PM 3 Seeking "Rails Way" design advice
3:17PM 5 using @request.user_agent to determine if someone is using IE
3:16PM 4 selecting rows with checkboxes and process them
3:14PM 0 Something to consider when strange words appear in error messages
3:05PM 2 Compression of rails generated content?
3:01PM 0 OpenLaszlo for Rails apps
2:50PM 3 save! fails silently
2:48PM 4 ActiveRecord, insert and not auto-incremented primary keys...
2:12PM 0 has_and_belongs_to_many with checkboxes
1:48PM 0 gem install rails issue - socket problem with Zonealarm
1:42PM 1 Case insensitive find_by_<field>?
1:16PM 3 URGENT HELP!!! Problem in render
1:16PM 3 Display date without edit.
1:11PM 3 more questions about RoR!
1:02PM 1 Adding something to a Date object
12:34PM 5 Production faster than Development, why?
12:18PM 15 How do CRUD and REST work for a wizard-style application?
12:13PM 2 Question on modules
11:59AM 1 nil request even after get 200
11:58AM 0 How Create New Parameter set at Startup?
11:47AM 0 Re: How to extend some of my shared models used from a plugi
11:35AM 0 How to extend some of my shared models used from a plugin
11:19AM 1 Can I cache the partial for all users?
11:03AM 5 Google Maps Questions
10:38AM 0 newbie problem: upload an image to filesystem
10:33AM 1 Gullery and Lighttpd Conditional
10:22AM 5 ActiveRecord, single inheritance (STI)
10:16AM 1 Help: uninitialized constant in migration
10:15AM 0 remote_function and Internet Explorer
10:14AM 0 Ruby on Rails FeedBurner links
9:50AM 2 migrations gotcha
9:33AM 0 link_to, url_for and render_component from a plugin
9:27AM 4 Error starting webrick in latest Rails
8:46AM 12 What are people using for payment processing?
8:01AM 0 Re: Displaying only that data which is associated to logged
7:24AM 3 Cronjob for controller/action
6:02AM 0 Re: Design questions on creating digg.com-like URLs (are the
5:37AM 2 Design questions on creating digg.com-like URLs (are they considered RESTful?)
5:35AM 3 BackgrounDRb and win32 Changes?
4:55AM 2 AJAX insanity: Is :update required in form_remote_tag?
4:48AM 0 Re: Visual DB Modelling on Mac
3:42AM 0 Re: Model with self.abstract_class=true allows save method c
3:10AM 0 Re: Model with self.abstract_class=true allows save method c
2:54AM 0 Model with self.abstract_class=true allows save method call
2:42AM 0 restricting has_many associations to one relation
2:29AM 4 newbie problem => sessions
2:21AM 1 RJS for error-handling
1:55AM 0 Colorado Springs Rubyist
1:54AM 1 How rails cache views of different languages?
1:49AM 2 Handling sub-domains
1:28AM 0 Re: Load testing Rails on Mongrel-Lighttpd - configuration q
1:16AM 0 Re: Not sure why this doesn't work - AWDRW chapter 8 page 96 tutorial
1:07AM 0 table tag for rails
1:03AM 0 Re: Visual DB Modelling on Mac
12:42AM 1 AWDWR chapter 10 page 116, need to run script/generate model Orders here? Tutorial puzzle.
12:42AM 0 ActiveRecord Observers and Model breakage
12:33AM 0 Re: Not sure why this doesn't work - AWDRW chapter 8 page 96 tutorial
12:14AM 3 Relative Date Operations
12:07AM 0 Re: Not sure why this doesn't work - AWDRW chapter 8 page 96 tutorial
Wednesday August 23 2006
11:46PM 3 webTestLIVE.com - a hosted test case management tool
11:44PM 5 has_many :conditions option not working
11:30PM 2 Multiple Mongrel Clusters with separate VHosts
11:27PM 0 Re: Displaying only that data which is associated to logged
10:38PM 0 active record aggregation
10:08PM 1 Net::HTTPServerException 404 "Not Found"
10:06PM 0 Change string replace char
9:46PM 2 Setting base url for a rails app
9:37PM 12 mod_ruby and rails
9:13PM 0 Rake failures in assert_tag in Typo 4.0.2 on Dreamhost
8:51PM 2 Squirl beta, a site for collectors.
8:44PM 3 Where to put my homegrown class ?
8:29PM 1 Problems with ActionMailer and multipart emails
8:27PM 5 validation, concurrency, and transactions
8:20PM 0 R(e)evolution on Rails (RoR Introduction) at CAFELug
8:08PM 0 Fixtures violate single layer of cleverness
8:06PM 0 Re: Tests failing due to foreign key constraints? How to control order of creation of database tables...
7:45PM 7 add_column :default=>now() ?
7:32PM 2 Re-Use of Rails generated ActiveRecord classes
7:12PM 0 Help with RESTful / Crud model
7:12PM 1 Documentation for LegacyDB scaffold and STP (no CRUD)
7:00PM 1 Load testing Rails on Mongrel-Lighttpd - configuration q's
6:58PM 2 Noob Q: How to make list of cat's from selected items?
6:11PM 2 Caching pages
5:52PM 0 pluralize bug
5:47PM 1 lighttpd vs. mongrel?
5:14PM 5 Feeling like I want to cheat : Plugins versus coding
5:02PM 1 Module.include vs. reopening a Module
4:59PM 1 Is there a limit to the practical size of a fixture file?
4:35PM 0 Hosting - Albania
4:29PM 2 tests with mysql 5.0 views and triggers
4:18PM 2 Rake Problem w/ Postgresql 7.x on Debian Sarge
4:03PM 1 GUI - lists, drop-down menus and all that ..
3:54PM 3 fade in and fade out in rjs template?
3:53PM 2 Mongrel_Cluster # of processes.
3:52PM 1 YAML.load(some_string) doesn't return hash?
3:31PM 0 [OT] DevLists.com since Google groups switch?
3:13PM 1 counting sessions
3:12PM 1 before_filter and parameters
3:04PM 0 Re: Visual DB Modelling on Mac
2:58PM 0 ruby on rails telnet
2:51PM 5 Validation Non Activerecord Objects
2:22PM 0 Caches_action/ before_filter problem .
2:15PM 0 Pure-DOM JS based rich text editor
2:13PM 4 Mongrel and backgroundrb
2:10PM 0 Re: Displaying only that data which is associated to logged
2:08PM 2 Moving from development to production
1:45PM 0 Displaying only that data which is associated to logged in u
1:42PM 1 problems with Oracle: FK, triggers
1:32PM 0 Active Record Tree Help
1:15PM 5 What's user in this method?
1:04PM 3 public files - download
12:43PM 2 Global Variables
12:37PM 0 Getting paragraphs with textile
12:36PM 45 IDE for ruby on rails
12:33PM 1 How to let ajax request be cached?
12:18PM 2 database connectivity
12:09PM 0 way to use hypens when creating xml tags
11:52AM 0 rails, apache and HSPcomplete
11:46AM 0 Re: Rails performance improvement
11:43AM 28 Who is the Simplest Rails hoster?
11:39AM 19 Help please with email
11:20AM 3 Decrease SELECT queries count; has_[joined_table_name]?
10:10AM 0 Issue updating database from csv file
10:08AM 2 pluralization or something else
9:58AM 1 Restolog-1.2 (beta1) - RESTful blog example
9:50AM 0 what to do with existing database?
9:27AM 0 dojo.io.bind
8:46AM 0 Re: Rails performance improvement
8:45AM 4 Rails ActionWebservice called using /api error
8:44AM 0 Using with_scope inside an association extension
7:50AM 1 Problem in Updating Gems
7:40AM 1 INNER JOIN question
7:28AM 4 Direct connection to db
7:24AM 2 new plugin: "redbox", a lightbox/thickbox clone with nice rails integration
5:02AM 2 Using ERB in rails
4:53AM 1 Something wrong in has_many :through
4:40AM 0 LEFT JOIN key for :include
3:34AM 0 Ruby LSAPI 1.6
3:32AM 0 How to cache the partial alone?
3:29AM 2 save inserts null instead of actual values
3:04AM 0 Rotating Images with file_column
2:51AM 2 Not sure why this doesn't work
1:24AM 5 quick question about rake migrate
1:18AM 0 Pushing Code to Multiple Projects in Rails
1:01AM 0 Re: News gateway for this list?
12:54AM 2 Rails using Custom Java Persistence and Codebase?
12:52AM 7 cleaner way to write this...
12:06AM 2 auto_complete_for
Tuesday August 22 2006
11:49PM 0 –{“ú‚̏—«‚²Ð‰î‚Å‚·
11:37PM 2 Common has_one accessing question
11:08PM 0 Re: acts_as_ferret problems
11:03PM 0 Displaying pop-up window as a response to a form?
11:03PM 2 bug on ez_where plugin when handling multiple associations to the same table
10:38PM 0 Re: acts_as_ferret problems
10:35PM 4 YM4R anyone here use it?
9:37PM 1 Odd layout error - no delegate template
9:18PM 0 Re: On site search bar
9:15PM 0 Any good ideas for Delete
9:05PM 7 AJAX Support and Rails
9:02PM 3 Add default value on Insert
8:53PM 0 include/helper use application.rb clarification
8:33PM 0 Re: On site search bar
8:26PM 0 Re: Prag Programmers style PDF personalization
8:26PM 0 Deployment
8:23PM 1 defining global functions
8:16PM 4 Javascript Dialogs and AJAX
8:10PM 1 Does anyone know how to install/use Active Merchant?
8:10PM 0 Rails security, how to lock down rails
8:06PM 3 copy SVN files somewhere else without the SVN artefacts???
7:55PM 0 Re: Handle all the unhandled exceptions
7:52PM 0 REST and hierarchy of controllers
7:36PM 27 emacs: truly a textmate equivalent?
7:36PM 1 How do I find stuff with habtm associations?
7:32PM 3 Using :group and :order with find()
7:25PM 0 multiple types of or naming polymorphical relationships
7:14PM 3 Regular Expressions
7:13PM 0 checkbox habtm validation problems
6:35PM 4 ActiveMailer on Dreamhost
6:23PM 1 substruct
5:53PM 16 Session state management in Lighttpd-mongrel cluster
5:34PM 0 gem install postgres, dead meat - revisited
5:26PM 5 Creating mysql triggers with migrations blows up
5:05PM 0 gem install rails --include-dependencies Freezes
5:00PM 2 Inheritance breaks in dev mode - Dependency reloading bug?
4:55PM 4 Ruby on Rails documentation
4:50PM 2 Namespaced models
4:42PM 0 Re: How to create a dynamic html table for resultset iterati
4:34PM 2 Configuring ActionMailer - problem - help
4:19PM 5 REST actions
4:16PM 3 Re: Removing session file from filesystem upon logout
4:11PM 0 Re: Problem with find condition and habtm relationship.
4:08PM 0 Re: Problem with find conditions
4:06PM 1 Re: Legality of using refused patches?
4:05PM 0 Re: Removing session file from filesystem upon logout
3:59PM 0 Re: mySQL Not working with rails app
3:52PM 7 Cleanup at session expiration
3:44PM 2 Deploying to a shared host - need help
3:42PM 1 from localhost to a remote server
3:39PM 9 Article: High-Performance Ruby On Rails Setups Test...
3:39PM 5 fucken unsubscribe already.
3:38PM 1 How do you install Active Merchant?
3:37PM 0 Re: Handle all the unhandled exceptions
3:29PM 1 Scio Excel library
3:24PM 1 Re: google map plugin(insert name here) vs this
3:19PM 0 Re: google map plugin(insert name here) vs this
3:08PM 0 Re: Swiss Hosts for Ruby on Rails
3:06PM 3 link_to_remote pastes some code after the link
3:02PM 3 How to research ruby/rails code
2:22PM 0 Re: Problem with find condition and habtm relationship.
2:19PM 2 How to load the big picture
2:19PM 0 Re: Problem with find condition and habtm relationship.
2:18PM 0 Re: mySQL Not working with rails app
2:17PM 0 Re: acts_as_tree leads to high CPU occupied?
2:02PM 0 New digest format a pain
2:01PM 2 Simple logic/structure question
1:55PM 3 Computer illiterate - development and action mailer
1:51PM 0 Re: Rails performance improvement
1:39PM 3 Baffled on the most simple file upload issue
1:26PM 0 How to create a dynamic html table for resultset iteration?
1:18PM 8 Migration up and down
1:15PM 0 Re: mySQL Not working with rails app
12:56PM 0 validation method
12:50PM 0 Re: Swiss Hosts for Ruby on Rails
12:30PM 5 Debian Hosting Setup
12:22PM 0 Re: Best way to set up application settings?
12:11PM 2 mozilla refresh problem
11:52AM 0 Test output in development log ?
11:49AM 0 RJS appear once images loaded
11:43AM 0 Re: google map plugin(insert name here) vs this
10:51AM 0 Re: mySQL Not working with rails app
10:22AM 0 Redefining full_messages ??
10:12AM 1 Workflow
9:26AM 2 capistrano diff deploy
9:14AM 0 ”ߌ€‚Å‚·EEE
8:49AM 2 Putting a page within a page
8:46AM 5 Development, test and production - what for?
7:40AM 1 Re: best way to use ERb in a JavaScript file?
7:40AM 4 ajax_scaffold demo
7:34AM 2 Post Webhosting
7:32AM 0 Re: Problem with find conditions
7:27AM 1 Re: Need an explanation to why this is
7:27AM 3 Need to update books_count column for authors somehow
7:24AM 0 Re: Visual DB Modelling on Mac
7:12AM 1 relational data join table naming question
7:05AM 1 Rating/Popularity System for Rails Plugins/Engines/etc ???
6:47AM 2 Re: where I'm wrong? (has_and_belongs_to_many)
6:37AM 0 Re: Rails routing
6:30AM 0 Re: WHAT THE FUCK!!!
6:23AM 0 Re: Trying to grok Rails' use of foreign keys
6:23AM 0 Re: Quick question proxy app in Rails
6:20AM 0 Re: News gateway for this list?
6:02AM 0 Re: acts_as_tree leads to high CPU occupied?
5:46AM 1 unsubscribe
5:37AM 1 Multiple sites with Mongrel & Pound
5:31AM 0 Re: Why isn't script/plugin install not working from rubyfor
5:22AM 1 Why the caches_page can not work?
4:02AM 4 Re: New rails site...
Monday August 21 2006
10:44PM 2 Key/Value Database Design
8:38AM 26 DateBocks 2.0.1 - Bugfix Edition
Sunday August 20 2006
10:13PM 0 Re: Problem with overriding rails accessor methods
10:04PM 0 Re: Trac RSS feed - minor issue
2:39PM 0 Re: plugin discovery
2:25AM 2 Trac gardening & feedback
1:58AM 0 Re: Mongrel/Ubuntu
1:53AM 0 Re: PLEASE FIX THIS LIST - get a clue
Saturday August 19 2006
11:36PM 1 Re: validates_associated
7:15PM 1 caches_page does not follow url path
5:23PM 1 Testing and Fixtures
5:18PM 1 acts_as_commentable
4:16PM 0 test question
4:03PM 2 What is this relationship?
2:42PM 3 Activerecord validation problems
11:27AM 5 Form helpers don''t work with facade columns?
9:56AM 1 Re: DB Auditing
9:17AM 0 Is this list going off at some point ?
5:26AM 0 acts_as_commentable api design
5:14AM 0 Re: Allow a different tag for error_message_on/for
1:27AM 1 if starting index is html?
12:37AM 3 Special ruby language for describing sql conditions
12:22AM 3 memcache-client working for anyone?
12:01AM 22 Wazzup with the rubyonrails-talk Google Group?
Friday August 18 2006
11:25PM 1 DB load balancing
11:15PM 5 potential enterprise rails project
10:46PM 2 How do I sort the drop-down list?
9:20PM 0 Why is select helpers not using options in add_default_name_and_id ?
8:43PM 1 Anyone seen any articles on AJAX autocompleting mulitple...
7:51PM 3 connect to postgres db
7:49PM 11 Anyone used MS Access as db?
7:39PM 4 Button on view
7:26PM 1 customization of ActiveRecord models
7:22PM 8 - Lingr is born
7:22PM 0 Simple AJAX question
7:19PM 0 AJAX question
7:16PM 1 Populating Select Box from DB table...
7:02PM 6 Prevent user from accessing an image
6:53PM 0 Log4r SyslogOutputter example
6:45PM 1 Migration crashes when using braces to delimit blocks
6:43PM 0 Ruby on Rails CMS Breakdown - Do they all stink?
6:30PM 4 Default Date storage 0000-00-00?
6:20PM 1 How can I utilize this library within my Rails app?
6:13PM 2 printing out text in .rhtml files
6:11PM 0 Connecting to multiple databases, mysql win32 gem problem
6:10PM 1 how to use SELECT....RAND() the rails way?
5:45PM 1 rendering a view in a file
5:35PM 9 Rails is doing what I want - but I don''t understand how.
5:26PM 4 Database Triggers?
5:23PM 3 RoR logo on own webpage
4:34PM 3 equivalent of "puts" in rhtml
4:13PM 4 HELP!!!! - number_to_currency in model?
3:53PM 1 join update seperation?
3:34PM 1 Delete Button
3:17PM 1 checkstyle for ruby (on rails)
2:48PM 0 call for help
2:40PM 0 Why does scaffolding''s list.rhtml use "foo.send(column.name)" ?
2:18PM 1 controller is to app.rb ; view is to layout folder ; rjs template is to ??
1:50PM 1 How update a record which hasn''t id column?
12:49PM 3 Lighttpd Conf Help - Multiple Domains Multiple Apps
12:14PM 2 subdomains with Rails
11:59AM 3 Understanding MVC - view customization after using scaffolds
11:56AM 0 Is this macro possible?
11:12AM 4 Smilies / Emoticons ..
10:58AM 2 Including CSS from a stylesheet file in a an e-mail
10:27AM 1 User and sessions
10:26AM 1 uninitialised constant?
10:05AM 0 Impact of inheriting controllers on models
9:54AM 1 Rails Blob is dead
9:23AM 3 setting a value of text_field from a controller
9:17AM 3 RJS templates for DOM manipulation
8:59AM 4 DateBocks v2.0.0 Released
8:28AM 2 What is the Ruby Shell and how do i get to it
8:01AM 1 Fragment Caching
7:37AM 2 RoR Wiki not accessible ?
5:40AM 0 ActiveRecord Benchmarking
4:41AM 3 Mysql::Error: Can''t create UNIX socket (24)
4:25AM 2 Please help with subclipse in radrails
4:21AM 11 #<Errno::EMFILE: Too many open files
2:20AM 7 Linux - Rails - PostgreSQL partitioning
1:29AM 2 Search window
1:21AM 3 Can I run multiple apps simultaneously?
12:46AM 7 Rewriting URLs - help needed
Thursday August 17 2006
11:44PM 1 Mongrel, development mode, and deleting/moving templates
11:07PM 2 how to check if the value is repeated?
10:39PM 8 instance variables in templates
10:27PM 4 using time_ago_in_words() in a controller?
10:08PM 6 what did I do to my app? (Superclass mismatch?)
9:56PM 1 Any success with stubbing Net::HTTP::get?
9:45PM 1 More on n-way.
9:19PM 8 Creating queries..
9:07PM 3 What''s the best way to stop repeating this line in my controller?
8:37PM 1 How to know in the layout what view was rendered?
8:25PM 1 Here Document format in Views.
8:24PM 1 2 newbie question
8:24PM 0 Using Views in ActiveRecord ?
8:20PM 0 `const_missing'': uninitialized constant
8:19PM 3 file_column do download from URL
8:14PM 2 link_to_remote question
8:08PM 2 RJS - slower than normal RHTML?
7:44PM 0 Ruby LSAPI extension 1.5
7:29PM 1 Disable rendering of layout using a GET parameter?
6:59PM 0 confused about scoping in controller when using render
6:50PM 0 HABTM and collection_select
6:34PM 0 super-newb needs help with has_many and other things...
6:31PM 1 Scroll down
6:29PM 4 Migration newbie
6:28PM 0 Rails not creating session files??
6:25PM 0 AJAX - Having Multiple SELECT (Drop Down), and dependency
6:17PM 2 What helper makes "News Item" out of "news_item"?
6:04PM 2 redirect
5:48PM 2 Show and Back
5:42PM 9 Help me please !
5:37PM 4 Directory Help
5:10PM 0 [ADV] The Rails Edge
5:03PM 4 Unit Tests and lib/
5:01PM 0 field is not empty rails javascript
4:38PM 0 Editiing multiple has_many associations at once
4:36PM 7 sudo: gem: command not found
4:10PM 1 How to sort child table on fields in the associated parent
3:55PM 0 Radiant 0.5.2 - Bad Zip and Tgz Packages
3:38PM 6 Rails and Checkboxes
3:34PM 6 Memory error
3:31PM 2 Installing Ruby
3:22PM 3 Migrations for migrating data across databases - is it possible?
2:49PM 1 Multiple templates and domains
2:48PM 2 php application inside rails public directory?
2:32PM 4 Am i going crazy?!
2:31PM 2 link_to_remote option :onsuccess, execute js function
2:27PM 0 redirect_to POST?
2:02PM 2 mod_proxy and subdomains..
1:55PM 2 Knowing the partial iteration number
1:46PM 0 javascript integration into rails
1:45PM 1 sysread error in "net" library?
1:22PM 0 Problem updating element with script in an AJAX response
1:16PM 2 find method not interpreting arguments correctly?
1:07PM 3 How to save output "render :action=>:any_action" to a file?
12:44PM 3 Use collection_select
12:44PM 0 max input time
12:38PM 6 NameError in AdminController#index building scaffold
12:27PM 3 file_column plugin + rails 1.1.6
12:18PM 2 One common template for different actions ?? possible or not?
11:01AM 0 help please: app stopped working
11:00AM 11 Can I get RubyOnRails to read and parse an html file off harddrive?
10:44AM 1 How to improve my response speed?
10:16AM 0 single-table inheritance and select
9:56AM 7 preventing multiple logins
9:37AM 2 Creating function name from variables..
9:17AM 0 OCI.DDL (module could not be loaded)
8:58AM 2 Syntax checker issues
8:55AM 0 Re Automatically creating associated records with after_create
6:49AM 2 validates_length_of with char field
6:13AM 4 Automatically creating associated records with after_create
5:46AM 2 How to trigger an action from script/console
3:08AM 2 SaltedHashLoginGenerator no such file to load -- iconv
2:57AM 2 validates_associated bug?
2:49AM 0 Sqlite3 Update Problems
2:27AM 3 [MARKABY] Multiline text?
2:15AM 2 Weird issue with params from form for one user
1:28AM 0 Help with best-practice for Rails Model
1:22AM 0 RDF - Carmen?
1:14AM 3 Developing in different versions of rails at the same time?
1:08AM 2 Weird routing error in 1.1.6 slash frozen on edge
1:01AM 1 Organizing the db/migrate folder
12:52AM 1 del.icio.us api - repeating in my layout??? HELP!
12:31AM 10 Expected ... to define ...
12:03AM 4 Many rails sites are going slow lately?
Wednesday August 16 2006
11:39PM 3 gems vs plugins
11:26PM 1 XSLT support
11:16PM 0 sort_link_helper , sorting on date
11:00PM 5 Class redefinition
10:52PM 0 How to reconnect to the database?
9:54PM 0 Creating a comments system for multiple types of
9:28PM 5 New, and need help
9:10PM 0 `const_missing'': uninitialized ..
8:26PM 4 New Model Object from Existing Model Object
8:26PM 1 Active Record Observers causing 404''s and other weird issues
8:16PM 1 how to update a collection_select from another
7:59PM 2 Safely Allow Embedded Media on User Pages
7:58PM 1 Routing Error !!
7:52PM 0 Northern Virginia Rails User Group
7:36PM 4 Undefined method - what undefined method
7:21PM 3 Easiest way to create a google map mashup?
7:14PM 0 RAGI problems with new Rails update
7:11PM 0 Multiple observer
7:07PM 2 Where and how to store app wide settings variables?
6:47PM 0 redirect_to weirdness?
6:38PM 0 utahvalley.rb meeting Tue Aug 22 at 7PM
6:35PM 1 Westhost VPS opinions
6:31PM 0 acts_as_paranoid and alias_method_chain
6:23PM 10 Rails wiki
6:04PM 0 problems using Migrations
5:52PM 3 Question RE Rails associations
5:50PM 7 ActionWebService: XMLRPC Server Multicall possible?
5:48PM 0 Filtering pagination results on a foreign table criteria
5:45PM 14 Migrations: only one table per migration file?
5:22PM 5 installing Ruby on Rails behind a firewall
5:18PM 3 AR: column methods?
5:16PM 4 Deploying only what you need with Capistrano?
5:03PM 5 validation on methods that aren''t part of the database.
5:02PM 5 too many SESSIONS?
4:47PM 0 Parse Rails routes in a text in a DB?
4:37PM 1 using :select with :include to limit eager loading
4:32PM 4 Overwrite form helper methods and call old ones in new ones?
3:54PM 5 Rails theory question, where to put a join query
3:30PM 1 pdf::writer
3:27PM 11 just don''t ''get'' "has one" and "belongs to one"
3:20PM 8 Multiple (AJAX) Observers on the Same Field and MSIE
3:14PM 3 Validate your forms with a table-less model
3:13PM 1 Creating a comments system for multiple types of content
3:10PM 2 Q on AJAX with respect to DRY
3:06PM 0 Development with SSL client certificates
3:05PM 6 modeling ''phony'' fields.
3:01PM 4 Accessing Constants Declared in Helper Modules
3:00PM 0 Help get Mongrel on Dreamhost
2:49PM 2 accessing a model from a migration
2:35PM 0 mysterious ''duplicate entry'' database error when building table
2:34PM 1 Naming rights_roles join model using has_many :through and polymorphic associations
2:31PM 1 ActionMailer cannot use SMTP for email delivery...
2:21PM 2 ANN (Screencast): Rails and Typo screencast at WebFaction
2:15PM 1 How to pass an array to a javascript function.
1:48PM 2 File download logging
1:18PM 1 absolute default route in routes.rb
1:08PM 15 OT: finding a designer (bit of a rant)
12:49PM 2 What would the ideal server setup be?
12:33PM 3 Reflecting on associations
12:13PM 0 2 models with multiple relationships
12:09PM 1 Simple Code Organization Question
12:02PM 1 Several Problems with Umlauts
11:46AM 6 Create several models at once and validating
11:37AM 3 problems with fastcgi, apache2 and debian sarge
11:04AM 1 ƒ~ƒTƒR‚Å‚·EEE
10:54AM 1 Stale object errors
10:16AM 6 Newbie-Question
10:08AM 5 Dreamhost FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) errors
9:41AM 0 Polymorphic Associations and grouping users and projects
9:23AM 4 Plugins and svn
9:04AM 0 Rails with Apache and FastCGI under Windows and strange errors
8:31AM 1 update entry in a has_many relation
8:00AM 6 Photo Albums?
7:24AM 2 About scaffold mean
5:44AM 0 validates_presence_of non-null float/boolean/integer fields
4:49AM 2 Server Push, with Active MQ?
3:18AM 6 error with edge rails
2:55AM 2 installing fastercsv into vendor directory
2:39AM 0 Eclipse, RadRails, Configuration
2:08AM 44 Goodbye for now, RoR
1:36AM 0 Capistrano issues on VPS
1:35AM 0 Beta testers needed for RoR site
1:03AM 3 calculate method is gone once I use ''find''?
Tuesday August 15 2006
11:48PM 1 Writing static HTML?
11:43PM 0 ar_mailer
11:41PM 0 helpers and controllers?
11:34PM 2 How to access attribute in a self-referential many-to-many relationship
11:24PM 1 how do i print to command prompt from the controller or
11:22PM 7 Programmer Needed For a Game Development Project
11:18PM 2 Unit Testing Problem
11:09PM 1 serialisation
10:52PM 4 Keeping passwords and other sensitive data out of the logs
10:37PM 0 Benchmarking not being included?
10:33PM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 23, Issue 369
10:27PM 5 XML question
10:13PM 0 Can you use form_remote_tag to upload files?
10:08PM 4 How to run autotest(Zentest)
10:01PM 2 Are form_remote_tag and submit_to_remote mutually exclusive?
9:49PM 0 Problems installing Subscript
9:28PM 20 Talking to Java APIs
9:19PM 1 sorting attribute in list from foreign table
9:00PM 3 instance variables in layouts
8:49PM 0 Using config.action_controller.asset_host with ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root
8:25PM 2 Apache & FCGI: Premature end of script headers:
7:43PM 3 OT: Reliable service partners (mail, billing)
7:12PM 66 What are the cons of using rails?
7:04PM 1 Question on start_form_tag and get post method
6:52PM 7 Trying to Overide Class Object Methdos For Testing
6:34PM 5 Set up a default route
6:29PM 1 rails and MSSQL transactions
5:52PM 6 try creating a table for your model
5:12PM 2 to_xml and underscores
5:12PM 5 Rails without Gems?
4:57PM 4 observe_form not serializing form
4:54PM 1 Update attribute without validations or any save hooks?
4:50PM 1 Interval datatype in migrations
4:39PM 6 Theoretical: Should models be subclasses of AR or mix it in?
4:13PM 1 Special characters appearing incorrectly using Form Helpers
4:05PM 8 AGAIN: file object treated as string
3:44PM 0 index.html keeps getting regenerated
3:42PM 0 has_many relationships and minimums
3:41PM 3 update or alter cart
3:15PM 6 Net::LDAP 0.0.4 released
3:14PM 1 ActiveLDAP
3:02PM 6 FileSystemWatcher - has any one done this?
2:52PM 3 Rake Problem
2:51PM 0 SystemStackError: stack level too deep
2:50PM 1 Problem with joining...
2:41PM 2 has_many + finder_sql & :include
2:38PM 3 Testing deleting files
2:28PM 0 Returned mail: User unknown
2:10PM 0 file object treated as a string
2:05PM 0 duplicate entry mystery
12:51PM 2 session_id
12:50PM 2 PHP files in myapp/public question
12:15PM 2 Using Ajax and FireFox
11:57AM 0 ActionMailer
11:56AM 5 acts_as_vibrance_newsletter
11:27AM 4 question about hashes in views that model a table?
11:09AM 5 Problems getting WEBrick server up and running (new to ruby)
11:01AM 0 filenames mangled on upload
9:35AM 0 Substruct 0.75 released
7:50AM 0 Plugin routes with edge?
7:49AM 5 Conditional extend of active record
6:36AM 4 escaping html?
6:33AM 5 ActiveRecord inheritance
6:05AM 3 Versions Compatibility and RAILS_GEM_VERSION
4:53AM 2 Working with user data
4:38AM 3 Darcs and vendor/rails on edge
3:24AM 5 Hard time understanding the differences between "def self.foo" and "def foo"
3:03AM 0 scan syntax question
2:38AM 1 Local Variable Troubles
2:08AM 0 BlueCloth throws exceptions! Be careful! (was: auto_link fails to handle tilda''s (~) and markdown fails to handle acute accent (`))
1:58AM 4 Cookies and Ruby???
1:52AM 2 Extracting the current value of a DOM element
1:35AM 0 ActionWebService and Key/Value Pairs
1:24AM 7 Engine broke under rails 1.1.6
12:26AM 0 ActiveRecord inheritance with types table
12:02AM 1 Can migrations be used for these cases?
Monday August 14 2006
11:04PM 1 AWDWR Chpt6: Webrick Get...200... then ...500...
11:04PM 1 monitor an app for errors
10:59PM 0 Composite Primary Keys - now works with Rails 1.1.6
10:43PM 0 Designers?
10:42PM 18 [OT] The bad idea that is storing Credit Cards in your database
10:24PM 2 need a warning for destroy all
10:23PM 0 acts_as_dropdown: NoMethodError on load
10:23PM 6 RADRails how to created the configuration file
10:05PM 0 Automatic helpers for controller modules?
9:45PM 3 case insensitive exclusion_of
9:24PM 2 ActionPack: number_to_phone error
9:23PM 2 Plugins: Validation Reflection and Client-Side Validation
9:22PM 14 ClockingIT Beta - It''s about time...
9:06PM 1 Rails Live CD
9:05PM 3 php include() equivalent
9:05PM 0 MediumText with Rails Migrations
8:46PM 0 Component actions not working after upgrade 1.1.6
8:24PM 1 Rest, routes, path_prefix and default params
8:06PM 0 SCGI on Apache 2 send_file Error
8:05PM 1 various returns parameters in action web service
7:38PM 1 ALLFREE‚Ì‘ål‚̏o‰ï‚¢
7:29PM 2 Undefined Method error for call to ''render_component_as_string''- Why?
7:29PM 3 validating required fields during an update?
7:29PM 2 Rails Monitoring, reprise
7:11PM 6 Testing fails with fixtures not when invoked directly
7:10PM 0 Checking element presence in RJS
7:07PM 2 Change Button Text - Ajax
6:49PM 2 (no subject)
6:27PM 4 Test for string in string
6:06PM 0 Northern Virginia Ruby user''s group meeting 8/16/06
6:05PM 1 NoMethodError
4:58PM 3 Need copy of Wiki Page on phpBB integration and signon
4:58PM 2 after_create is not being called
4:57PM 0 rendering RJS template from view
4:57PM 0 Re: Rails on Linux to mssql
4:36PM 2 ajax - layout problem.
4:14PM 0 return values in SOAP with Action Web Service
3:52PM 1 Calling a method in console
3:52PM 4 Controller method problem
3:51PM 0 Save fails due to HATBM relationship... but only if not saved before?
3:51PM 0 Coppermine Photo Gallery Integration
3:48PM 2 Mongrel Cluster 0.2.1- Last Call
3:48PM 0 undefined method ''render_component_as_string'' - why?
3:47PM 0 Engines 1.1.4
3:24PM 1 2 foreign keys to one table
3:23PM 0 loading an image to instance variable of AR
3:23PM 3 Rails on Linux with a MS SQL Database
3:06PM 0 Sharing a link with snippets
2:50PM 2 finders et sous-classes
2:49PM 0 Converting scaffold to a plugin ??
2:48PM 0 date_select form
2:09PM 0 ActionMailer in an infinite loop? Looks like framework bug.
2:09PM 0 Dependencies.rb issue
2:09PM 2 Change password
1:08PM 1 rake test:units -> table already exists
12:45PM 8 How search engine friendly are RoR sites?
11:19AM 14 A mock which extends rather than replaces a class?
11:02AM 1 Testing CRUD/Rest Controllers
10:42AM 1 Overide the default find_all
10:02AM 0 Acts As List bug: changing value of a scope attribute
9:39AM 0 acts_as_bookmarkable - undefined method `add_bookmark''
9:37AM 1 UK Pound Signs being handled as \243?
9:18AM 7 Ruby In Steel 0.75 now available
8:41AM 2 Another try with REST
8:22AM 0 automatic survey forms
7:55AM 3 last record
7:32AM 0 script/console problem
6:49AM 1 Postback Action Problem
6:31AM 1 Relationship not saving
6:09AM 0 anyone else having trouble with assert_tag :content ?
5:31AM 0 How to get the right form to retry for valid input
4:50AM 1 What fields_for really for?
4:31AM 5 Tutorial for Queries
4:30AM 3 New line char in a text area field on DISPLAY
3:27AM 4 Updating a table with Ajax
2:49AM 0 vincent vega
2:49AM 5 UML
1:25AM 0 Recognition failed for ...
1:24AM 0 browser detection
12:46AM 0 NEWBIE QUESTION - recode in Ruby
Sunday August 13 2006
11:46PM 0 selected_value or select not work
10:48PM 3 Why isn''t log working (Pragmatic Programming book)
10:47PM 5 problems with file_column plugin
9:08PM 4 has_many and foreign_key question
9:07PM 3 Rewrite problem or routing issue?
8:43PM 0 Inheritance in helpers? Or should I do it all in a completely diffrent way?
8:42PM 1 [Mongrel?] Reload on file upload stalls process
7:18PM 0 Controller Inheritance/Namespacing
6:56PM 14 undefined method `each'' for #<Mysql:0x3874b20>
6:55PM 1 establish_connection method
6:36PM 4 ruby script / console and models
6:35PM 7 you can pass multiple parameters using link_to? anything bad
6:16PM 0 Custom id field auto_increment increment and offset?
5:16PM 0 application_helpers, gems and paypal
5:06PM 3 ruby and mysql syntax? tried single quotes, double, none, ...
5:06PM 4 Javascript compression / How to hook in to rails development
4:26PM 3 escape block using red cloth
4:07PM 0 More detail SQL logging
2:28PM 0 ssl breaks rails app
1:28PM 0 Announcement: Really simple localization plugin
1:28PM 0 how to work with has_many :through
12:15PM 3 why do text_fields appear smaller in IE than other browsers?
10:57AM 2 Arbitrary "Columns" for ActiveRecord
10:36AM 4 Experienced RoR Coders Needed!
10:17AM 0 Major update to acts_as_versioned_association
9:55AM 3 Render nothing; go nowhere
7:35AM 1 select include_blank true
6:40AM 1 Is :finder_sql using #{id} broken?
5:01AM 1 Can''t setup Capistrano. Failed Authentication
4:42AM 10 does rails enforce referential integrity???
3:45AM 1 Online Form
2:48AM 3 Logging in Rails
2:26AM 1 Using ENUM column in table
2:25AM 5 Newbie question: scaffold not working
2:07AM 0 Legend wrapping for Gruff
1:10AM 2 Catching "keypress" event with observe_field
12:50AM 1 Rewrite problem?
12:49AM 0 Problem generating scaffold using modules
12:28AM 2 Writing a Helper function
12:21AM 0 æ“ú‚̘b‚ÌŒ‚Å‚·
Saturday August 12 2006
11:51PM 0 log4r versus default rails logger??? recommendations???
10:24PM 0 select in form_remote_for
10:02PM 0 How do I pass query from from to the controller?
10:02PM 0 BUG in actionpack , error evaluating nil.downcase ?
8:38PM 2 Very weird counter_cache behavior
7:37PM 2 Strange form_tag behaviour
6:34PM 1 Problem with cron and a rails script
6:33PM 7 Collection assignment to a has_many :through
5:51PM 5 In place editing on a list - not passing ID through
5:51PM 1 url_for and :defaults
5:50PM 10 adding extra variable to a class, how to access it?
5:27PM 0 trivial questions about rails edge
5:26PM 7 Where should "business logic" reside in Rails?
5:24PM 1 Getting mysql.sock error
5:06PM 0 acts_as_attachment next steps
4:10PM 5 Simple Newbie db ???
3:46PM 7 Override method in ActiveRecord
3:46PM 6 params not getting POSTed
3:45PM 0 insert into database failing
2:24PM 0 Magic Models 0.7.1
2:18PM 1 has and belongs to many different?
1:50PM 1 Hosting your own forums alongside your application
12:01PM 1 Which defect tracking tool (Dreamhost)
10:00AM 1 Check a boolean in the view
9:41AM 0 re: showcase + acts_as_versioned error
9:00AM 5 Rmagick not handling GIF files properly...
8:58AM 0 Help needed in specifying conditions in pagination
8:22AM 0 Permission denied [solved]
7:18AM 0 help with Windows based deployment
6:56AM 0 issues with relationships and multiple objects on one form
6:16AM 4 form problem on deployment. Not sure how to debug this.
5:14AM 3 Capistrano deployment pathname error
4:52AM 0 doc/lit ws consumption
4:06AM 2 Anyone up for this? Maps...Bounty...
4:05AM 7 Redirect back to last page?
3:42AM 9 Finding the closest match?
3:20AM 0 Software Upgrade, Read this message
2:43AM 0 Los Angeles rails developers needed
1:42AM 2 Ferret Issues
1:40AM 0 Rails application failed to start properly + long load time
1:40AM 0 Form Validation with non-model fields
12:24AM 2 Layouts: application.rhtml v. mycontroller.rhtml
12:24AM 5 Administrative Console Screencast
12:24AM 2 Extend ActiveRecord::Base
12:24AM 0 params object NULL/nil in controller - is this a bug?
Friday August 11 2006
11:43PM 0 Ruby on Rails Tutorial
11:26PM 1 Encoding
11:24PM 1 Store Javascript variable''s value into Rails variable
10:05PM 1 how is form data sent to the conntroller?
10:04PM 0 Rake stats
9:04PM 3 General architechture / MVC question
9:04PM 2 Shouldn''t CRUD be CRUDS?
9:02PM 1 Excluding all the methods of a class from a filter.
8:37PM 2 Aliasing a table in ActiveRecord.
7:55PM 7 Online Course
7:35PM 0 File column and rmagick not creating resizing some images
7:25PM 5 Why does no one like render_component?
7:24PM 2 User Favorites
7:23PM 6 Exporting to Excel ( all versions )
7:02PM 1 Mongrel Pre-Release -- PID Files Working
6:42PM 0 Ruby Job - Northern, VA
6:16PM 1 Absolute path to public/images in rake task?
6:14PM 0 count not working?
6:11PM 0 Upload and decompress a zip file?
6:11PM 0 pimp my code?? Using self.new in class methods, brittle design & testing such methods
5:49PM 2 name conflicts between act_as_taggable and rubyful_soup
5:47PM 5 problem: rails and mysql
5:30PM 2 Array#chunk method, maybe someone will find this useful
5:30PM 1 text_field_with_auto_complete (unable to use it more than once/page)
5:03PM 0 Uisng Design Pattrens in Yor Rails Appslications
4:43PM 3 Rails Documentation is RoR''s achilles heel
4:35PM 2 Some questions of REST actions
4:34PM 1 unit tests / table names
4:16PM 1 Excell
4:16PM 0 Calling find method on partial render
3:59PM 0 single app? product generator? sharing models?
3:39PM 0 serializing / deserializing active records with children
3:38PM 0 Migration strategies for table dumps?
3:37PM 10 OT -- What is with all the fragmented threads recently?
3:36PM 1 after_initialize and after_save
3:34PM 1 Changing to edge rails
3:16PM 1 Polymorphic Not Updating after deleting join
1:52PM 0 SQL sort
1:33PM 6 css - location of files.
12:51PM 1 Group By
12:31PM 1 routing question
12:31PM 0 habtm in a standalone ruby script broken?
12:27PM 2 Accessing belongs_to objects from a form_for context
10:10AM 1 Engines & Rails 1.1.6
10:10AM 3 London: Ruby on Rails programmer needed
8:49AM 2 gettext problem
8:26AM 0 components actions with 1.1.6
8:25AM 2 creating a development db from existing db
7:21AM 0 Byte Order Mark in layouts
6:55AM 4 date (age) validation
5:55AM 9 Getting Really Started with Rails - Tutorial styled Slides Available
5:33AM 0 MasterView AdminPages temporary fix for Rails 1.1.6
5:33AM 5 Unit tests - NilClass problem
5:13AM 2 dreamhost error after 1.1.5 upgrade
3:53AM 0 Adress Book Integration?
3:10AM 0 Resotolog-1.2 - RESTful blog example (was Community request - can someone show me REST? )
3:08AM 4 1337 Speak For Ruby and an ActiveRecord 1337 Speak Extension - 0.0.1
2:30AM 0 Paginating HABTM?
1:44AM 0 Radiant CMS 0.5.2 - Raildust
1:42AM 5 actionmailler corrupting emails
1:42AM 3 One DB, multiple copies of the app?
1:41AM 1 Avoiding adding duplicates to has_many collection?
12:40AM 9 I have boosted my productivity !
12:19AM 1 Calling a Controller method from the command line
12:19AM 6 Newbie Question -- Override String functionality
Thursday August 10 2006
11:54PM 3 Ruby on Rails with Oracle
11:52PM 0 apache+ssl+cgi problem
10:45PM 0 Errors while updating gems
10:45PM 0 polymorphic challenge
10:45PM 0 Freelancer Avialable
10:29PM 0 [Markaby] Support list?
10:28PM 3 deploying with mongrel (how to avoid using the port number)
10:27PM 7 Radio Button events
10:26PM 1 [Markaby] Using cycle?
10:23PM 0 Hrm, :after on auto_complete_field helper ?
9:43PM 1 Customizing log output
9:19PM 0 pop ups
9:17PM 4 Speeding up ActiveRecord creation?
9:15PM 0 DHH''s Post on Ruby Talk -- Rails 1.1.6: Stronger fix, backports, and full disclosure
9:13PM 7 Mongrel and SSL?
9:08PM 1 Web service SOAP URLs started failing with 1.1.4 or using 1.1.2 security patch
8:02PM 6 Multiple sites using one data source
7:59PM 1 acts_as_textiled
7:45PM 2 my posts don''t get prefix if I don''t specify one
7:40PM 4 I need "validates_presence_of" help
7:36PM 6 Migrations suddenly broken: undefined method autoload_paths
7:04PM 4 Rails 1.1.6: Stronger fix, backports, and full disclosure
6:55PM 6 Login Restfully
6:51PM 1 IMPORTANT: Rails update 1.1.6
6:48PM 0 Not your basic "Where to put non-rails stuff" question
6:44PM 0 Ajax In place edit with Struts
5:55PM 4 exporting vcards from rails
5:54PM 1 Disable Log?
5:33PM 0 Updating a database record using Javascript variables
5:10PM 2 check_box form helper questions/issues
4:56PM 5 Major security vulnerability in the latest Rails 1.1.5
4:40PM 11 Document Management System in Rails
4:22PM 5 Ampersand Heartburn
4:22PM 5 RJS in Internet Explorer to update a list box
3:44PM 4 1.1.5 Upgrade and config.load_path not working
3:42PM 1 rake doc:plugins , error
3:21PM 0 advice on representing and querying graphs?
3:20PM 2 problem - please help
3:19PM 0 Mephisto 0.5: Thanos Release
3:19PM 0 Freezing after Upgrade?
2:47PM 0 [BTS] Dr Nic''s Magic Models - Class creation
2:26PM 7 Mongrel proxied through Apache won''t serve images
2:25PM 6 save without commit ?
2:25PM 2 Authentication: UserEngine or own creation?
2:04PM 6 Getting started w/ Ruby on Rails
2:03PM 8 Problem installing rails with gems
1:57PM 0 Here''s the skinny.
1:17PM 0 Broken validates_* functions
1:11PM 2 Newbie : question about Rails naming conventions
1:10PM 0 routing wierdness
1:07PM 6 passing hash from controller to view and pluralization?
12:49PM 1 ActionMailer attachment troubels
12:06PM 2 Is it possible for a controller to throw up a message box?
11:45AM 2 save / update and validate
11:44AM 1 Passing parameters defined in a function or something
11:06AM 2 rendering templates from an engine''s app dir
10:47AM 3 Radio buttons refusing to load checked...
10:47AM 0 quickk fix for engine on dreamhost with 1.1.5
10:47AM 6 Partials - asked before never got reply
9:17AM 2 Permission denied
8:57AM 5 how to upgrade rails
8:35AM 1 reusing previous code
7:55AM 1 unable to upgrade to 1.1.5 (Win) gem error
7:30AM 2 validates_uniqueness_of problem
7:09AM 6 More GoDaddy Woes
5:55AM 1 Fragment cache creates folder for each URL.
5:34AM 0 Ruby Jobs in Herndon, VA (Washignton, DC area)
5:13AM 1 Radiant CMS 0.5.1 - Gemdust
4:54AM 3 Want to use a view helper (TextHelper) in a model class
4:25AM 0 Image Upload - Setting maximum file size
4:21AM 0 Consolidating error_messages_for for multiple objects
3:39AM 3 How to serialize a symbol coming from a Form
2:40AM 0 Load a fixture manually in setup?
2:23AM 0 pp in the logs
2:00AM 2 search acts_as_taggable for multiple tags
1:03AM 4 How to upload all images in a folder?
12:24AM 1 Convert datetime_select to Time object?
12:23AM 28 On the total nondisclosure of the 8/9/06 security vulnerability
12:22AM 0 has_many :through and outer join problem
Wednesday August 9 2006
11:51PM 1 2checkout
10:11PM 1 Clarification on error_messages_for
9:53PM 0 Gentoo and mysql-5.0.24 Rails Problem Solved
9:15PM 1 Improvement: SiteMapper - working ideas as a possible RoR''s routing replacement
9:03PM 0 Scriptaculous blind up effect not working from innerhtml in IE? Help please.
9:02PM 2 Ruby 1.8.5 Warnings in Rails
9:02PM 0 Multi-Model Forms
9:00PM 0 FastCGI - how to relocate dispatch.fcgi outside of rails app
8:59PM 0 Bug in ActiveRecord 1.14.4 and select_limited_ids_list() ???
8:22PM 0 Bug in ActiveRecord 1.14.4 and select_limited_ids_list method using mysql?!?!
8:01PM 0 Rails security update
7:34PM 0 select-multiple for has_many association
7:33PM 6 Stack level too deep with actionmailer
7:33PM 21 DHH''s Post on Ruby Talk -- Rails 1.1.5: Mandatory security patch (and other tidbits)
7:28PM 0 admin.create error in devel. console
7:09PM 0 load_paths on godaddy hosted account
7:07PM 0 Schema Design: ActiveRecord and Group-Oriented Data
6:43PM 1 help:sql search for NULL
6:23PM 0 Agile Web Development - 2nd Edition -- Iteration D3 problem
6:21PM 1 Migrating a Field to External Model
6:21PM 10 Is there QA on Rails gem releases?
6:01PM 5 Action Mailer ...mail done but not received.. (or sent ?)
5:51PM 1 Allowing users to reorder displayed data from a table
5:50PM 0 Re: association does not get foreign key
5:49PM 0 Sum/Aggregate at database level or in rails controller?
5:47PM 0 association dows not grt foreign key
5:47PM 0 Filtering out bad language
5:46PM 3 Rails 1.1.5: Mandatory security patch (and other tidbits)
5:45PM 1 Random Variables
5:45PM 0 XForms?
5:18PM 0 ActiveRecord provides unnecessary default value (SQL Server)
5:08PM 0 class validations - instance equivalent?
4:25PM 2 how to access selected value in controller action
3:53PM 0 Bug in ActionPack
3:35PM 1 Is this possible
3:34PM 2 How to generate dynamic image on ROR?
3:33PM 1 strange - params.nil? true in controller
2:47PM 3 Schema help for Studio booking app
2:23PM 1 Problem install rails via gem
2:22PM 1 View Directory Structure
1:42PM 6 gem install rails
1:05PM 0 h() assistant or sanitize() with form_remote_for
1:03PM 1 Uninstalling Rails problem
12:37PM 3 REST Client
12:37PM 2 Gruff gives font-related error
12:36PM 2 Large file upload and Dreamhost
12:14PM 6 How do you desing forms in RoR
11:18AM 0 WEBrick over SSL returning empty 404s
10:58AM 4 checking session -newbie
10:40AM 2 layouts, stupid problem :P
10:40AM 3 rel=nofollow or akismet
10:40AM 7 changing find method
9:58AM 4 Do i need multiple mongrel instances for good performance?
9:58AM 10 Next/ Previous record
9:38AM 0 (no subject)
9:38AM 1 pre-loading sql for testing mode
9:17AM 1 GemNotFoundException installing Rails - actionpack not in the repository
9:17AM 2 Rails job position in UK
9:17AM 3 select with country names
9:03AM 5 HELP!!! New to Ruby
8:56AM 1 Berkeley DB XML Adapter?
8:44AM 0 Problem on install gem install rails
8:24AM 3 Can''t update actionmailer gem?
7:54AM 0 Ordering Fixtures
7:35AM 7 function before_save
6:17AM 0 recent changes in routes
5:56AM 1 Can I use drag-and-drop for this?
5:35AM 0 Online experiences
5:18AM 3 How to capture the data entered in a web page in RoR
3:55AM 2 has_many through delete issue
3:37AM 1 Displaying data from multiple models in a single view
3:12AM 0 Two Autocompletes, make first value affect the second
2:53AM 2 [Markaby] sub-templates?
2:53AM 2 Link to most recent
1:38AM 3 file_column and versions acting up...about to spit blood and kill people. please help.
1:36AM 2 newbie problem with FIND
1:36AM 2 Problem with IE forms over SSL: rails + lighttpd
1:35AM 1 How to Disable Callbacks on a Model
12:19AM 2 Can :before and :success move from view file into .rjs file?
12:19AM 11 Query Offset Parameter problem
12:04AM 29 HELP - My Programmers are AWOL !!
12:04AM 6 How to change the error message easy way
12:04AM 3 Deployment: Segregating static files from RHTML
12:03AM 0 Routing: Best default route for static files?
12:03AM 3 [Markaby] yield instead of @content_for_layout?
12:02AM 1 question about enforcing constraints in the model
12:02AM 2 Migrations for LDAP?
12:02AM 0 Deployment: Best way to switch between test and prod envs.
12:01AM 3 HABTM and getting to arrays from either direction
12:00AM 5 off - subversion
12:00AM 8 AJAX image manipulation
12:00AM 1 Different DB connections for migrations vs. running app.
12:00AM 2 How do you define a method
Tuesday August 8 2006
11:59PM 1 SimpleLog 1.1 Released
11:59PM 4 Nic’s Magic Models, how about Magic Schema
11:58PM 2 Testing Inconsistencies - ruby works rake fails
11:58PM 2 Legacy database migration causing problems during testing.
11:57PM 0 Rails patches
11:57PM 6 rake migrate the first time - uses more than schema_info?
11:56PM 1 recognation failed - ?!
11:56PM 0 [OT] Houston RoR Group meeting for tonight cancelled
11:55PM 5 RubyGems runtime memory use in Rails apps...
11:52PM 3 params object nil in controller action
6:49PM 2 Migrations broken on trunk?
6:19PM 1 Cascading views?
6:11PM 1 Testing - Do my emails reach rails mailing list?
5:39PM 5 off topic: running non-ruby programs through command line
5:37PM 1 Legacy system belongs_to problem
5:20PM 2 Javascript - multiple select selectboxes
5:01PM 12 Rails (internals) architectural question
4:55PM 4 Find records that begin with a number
4:41PM 11 Newb question- method not working
4:30PM 2 Resources and pretty URLS
4:24PM 3 Updating a tr with RJS
4:23PM 0 Error updating Rails
4:02PM 7 Useful plugins for RadRails
3:37PM 0 excel files
3:33PM 1 Named routes and url generation?
3:23PM 1 Suggestion: environment.rb Includes
3:14PM 3 Database transactions
3:11PM 6 [Very OT] Steve Jobs, is he sick?
3:04PM 0 Equivalent of request.setAttribute(key, value) in Rails??
3:02PM 10 Can I integrate Ruby on Rails with Microsoft COM (Quickbooks specifically)
2:57PM 2 Problem with plurals, migrations?
2:44PM 0 Using class or global variable in rails - Are there any threading issues or race conditions?
2:37PM 1 limit user input for legacy coding schemes
2:36PM 1 script/console colors on Windows?
2:35PM 1 Best way to get data from n+1 models
2:17PM 1 RailsCron for Oracle patch
2:14PM 8 Generating a unique id ?
2:11PM 2 send_file problem
1:51PM 1 Edge Rails snapshots without svn?
1:42PM 3 How can i read a properties file in RoR
1:32PM 3 How Create New Parameter set at Start Time?
1:23PM 0 Re: Off-topic MacBook Pro Wondering
1:19PM 1 form parameter
12:56PM 1 [OT] Campfire problems
12:24PM 12 delete_if doesn''t work for has_and_belongs_to_many
11:50AM 2 Extending rails with plugins
11:41AM 3 Rendering partials based on conditions
11:24AM 1 Rasing a number to a power? How to do in Ruby? Im clueless!
11:09AM 1 gem install/update errors
11:08AM 0 EAGAIN error in production.log
10:54AM 11 When will rails support true prepared statements?
10:45AM 2 images
10:28AM 3 "undo" a model
9:47AM 0 Pre-Release -- Almost Ready
9:35AM 2 Should I uninstall everything to install InstantRails?
9:26AM 2 validate data
9:24AM 1 link_to_function
9:07AM 1 dispatch
9:04AM 8 Unable to freeze:edge
8:30AM 4 Creating a child simultaneously with parent via form
7:09AM 0 host monster hosting
6:48AM 2 How to implement Tree structures in RoR
5:09AM 8 RESTful Rails Plugin
5:00AM 1 Bad file descriptor - connect(2)
4:56AM 1 RJS in_place_editor Error
4:39AM 1 File upload into Mysql (using lighttpd) problem
4:35AM 8 executing external code
3:14AM 0 Error is: Couldn''t find Producttype without an ID
3:03AM 0 Couldn''t find Producttype without an ID
2:11AM 0 Properly encoding a string as application/x-www-form-urlencoded for post
1:37AM 1 Paginating an existing array
12:02AM 3 problem inserting parameters in link_to_remote
Monday August 7 2006
11:42PM 0 Re: [Engine-users] dry_scaffold
11:08PM 0 open4-0.5.0
10:54PM 2 Using @flash directly is deprecated...
10:43PM 7 mysql Date field not getting set correctly
10:35PM 1 mailing list''s unsubscribe doesn''t work?
10:33PM 2 Ugggh..another recipes question
9:58PM 2 Customizing show
9:58PM 1 datetime_select problems
9:15PM 1 Unable to page.replace_html from rjs
8:58PM 28 Dr Nic’s Magic Models
8:53PM 0 FAQ
8:46PM 3 Monitoring Rails apps?
8:29PM 0 select da tabella in _form.rhtml
8:27PM 0 question/problem with habtm and "include?"
8:04PM 3 wrong number of bind variables
8:03PM 0 deployment failures with sqlite3
8:00PM 5 RJS Change Background Color
7:38PM 4 Problem with Pagination
7:37PM 1 Escape ''&'' in text_field_with_auto_complete
7:29PM 0 Rake 0.7.1 fails, and even Rake''s auto-test fails
7:16PM 3 Acts_as_taggable / Rails Recipes bug?
6:40PM 0 Ruby on Rails programmer needed for a project
6:39PM 2 Bind variables error
6:27PM 0 writing an acts_as_* plugin
6:27PM 9 [OT] Rails is built into OS X 10.5
6:15PM 2 Select Box Question
6:14PM 1 ActionWebService: associations unavailable in SOAP response
6:13PM 1 Testing & xml
6:12PM 0 image uploads not working with lighttpd
6:10PM 0 Rails support in Mac OS X - Leopard
6:09PM 1 Image resizing
5:54PM 2 Administrative Console Update
5:43PM 2 User Authentication and Authorization with SiteMinder
5:37PM 1 Routing/Redirecting
5:37PM 0 multi-state check boxes
5:26PM 0 Doubts after generating with scaffold
5:22PM 16 Monthly billing and payment processor recommendations?
5:21PM 0 ROR Architecture question
5:03PM 8 Rails Recipes question - authenticating users
4:55PM 0 image retrieval problem
4:55PM 3 Rails and MSDE
4:49PM 2 related to forms
4:36PM 0 mkerb.org - Milwaukee RUG Meeting this Wednesday August 9 at 5:30 - 7:30
4:34PM 0 create directory on a remote machine
4:10PM 4 Unit testing diffculty
3:59PM 2 schema -> migrations
3:58PM 2 converting pdf to images
3:31PM 12 web app or ''real'' app
3:30PM 2 Getting an array of ids from form checkboxes?
3:18PM 8 Login form question
3:07PM 10 RideMe 1.0 (Rails IDE for Windows) 1.0
2:58PM 0 RMagick - uninitialized constant Enum
2:57PM 0 Capturing Validation Errors from Nested Model Creation..
2:29PM 1 Eager loading wierdness
2:09PM 1 RoR with flash
1:52PM 5 Store SOAP::RPC::Driver in user session throws TypeError
1:43PM 5 Documentation for downloading and reading offline
1:14PM 4 multiple habtm joins on the same two tables
12:57PM 0 multiple text_field_with_auto_complete in IE/Opera
12:04PM 4 excel
11:08AM 0 MySQL Native Bindings
10:56AM 1 Help please: database column not taking
10:41AM 2 Dynamically created queries
10:17AM 1 Override flash message - help
9:39AM 1 apache-fcgi - multiple applications on same server
8:27AM 8 Syntax Problem
7:48AM 3 simple if - then question
7:31AM 1 ''Remember me'' in acts_as_authenticated troubles
7:28AM 2 .rjs not run unless I manually set the Content-type header
7:21AM 0 Adding Translations
7:09AM 1 how to create new folder
6:45AM 0 Flexible data schema in a database?
6:05AM 0 Flash (video) tutorials
5:52AM 0 integration test won''t run
5:44AM 2 NoMethod Error: Modifying Location of support modules
5:03AM 3 character encoding in RoR
4:00AM 0 Re:
2:53AM 0 Rails fragment caching bug?
2:21AM 0 lighttpd path error
2:06AM 2 Newbie question about adding product to cart
1:10AM 0 scaffolding extensions plugin
12:53AM 1 newbie Capistrano question
12:49AM 4 AWDwR typography question
12:40AM 0 Overloading ''find''
Sunday August 6 2006
11:14PM 2 assert_difference gives undefined method error in unit tests
9:53PM 19 Rails *that* slow?
9:33PM 0 ’x‚­‚È‚Á‚Ä‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñIII
9:08PM 2 TextMate + Rails
8:46PM 1 Sorting through relationships
8:40PM 1 Finding out what line number exceptions were raised?
8:38PM 0 view cannot see the method...:(
7:52PM 0 Rails documentation XML service
7:16PM 0 js filesizes too bookoo?
7:02PM 1 error message for too-large uploads
6:45PM 6 Having Problem w/ Agile Web Development book
6:41PM 0 PHP integration?
6:15PM 0 Best practice: installing plugin assets in rake task or install.rb?
6:02PM 1 RJS error
4:33PM 2 ActiveRDF and Rails
4:23PM 1 creating hash table, how do i? please help
4:10PM 1 Plugin development and external SVN repos?
3:32PM 1 Deploying from local machine to remote host using capistrano?
3:31PM 1 How to query with calculations?
2:44PM 4 Can''t run rails
2:42PM 4 DRY Scaffolds
2:25PM 1 map.resource for a plugin
2:10PM 2 better_nested_set plugin
1:44PM 0 Layout case
12:24PM 0 Can I strip a file suffix off a URL with routing?
11:54AM 1 generate a text file for user to download
11:46AM 10 editor recommendation
11:21AM 0 Rails Core Weekly July 16 - August 6
10:35AM 1 Guide to new RESTful routing in Rails
10:00AM 0 trouble with the Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails
9:47AM 1 Newbie: populate 2nd dropdown list based on user''s selection in 1st dropdown list
9:35AM 1 writing a plugin
9:21AM 0 Spare RailsConf Europe ticket up for grabs
8:50AM 0 how to diagnose ActionMailer issues
8:49AM 1 ActiveRecord: determine if attribute has changed since save
7:54AM 2 Rails logger: how to access it in a my own class
7:30AM 5 Click Table Headings to Sort..
5:36AM 3 Bug or feature: WEBrick threading (vs script/console thread)
5:16AM 1 Where is ActionController::InPlaceEditing?
4:34AM 2 help with method_missing in ActiveRecord
4:29AM 6 View passing empty or no value to controller -- help
4:27AM 2 Acts as Most Popular plugin
3:40AM 1 periodically_call_remote forces asynchronous to true?
3:18AM 0 yŒÀ’èzŽÀÝ‚u‚h‚o—«‚²Žw–¼
2:38AM 2 file upload with form_remote_tag
1:04AM 0 Polymorphic Destroy
12:38AM 3 Platform performance comparisons
Saturday August 5 2006
11:18PM 1 Viewer Problem
11:15PM 0 Maintaining information needed by all users
10:32PM 4 Can we use ActiveResource yet?
10:00PM 1 XML from Builder without the to_s element
9:53PM 22 MySQL vs SQLite
8:11PM 5 error with db:migrate
7:51PM 3 Four Days on Rails
6:05PM 0 Question on Rails application design
5:27PM 2 acl_system2 undefined method `access_control''
5:11PM 0 Adding quotes around a text field
5:10PM 0 question from the beta book
4:53PM 0 Rails requests return dispatch.cgi (or .fcgi) file contents
3:55PM 5 rake migrate error: nil.first
3:55PM 14 Rake aborted! on No Rakefile Found error
3:36PM 0 default upload directory?
3:23PM 5 Searching a database
3:05PM 5 RESTful Nesting issue
2:49PM 1 Rails with GoDaddy problem
10:51AM 2 yield :layout, add extra content at controller level
10:45AM 1 Mapping Models to Databases
10:38AM 1 form_for and partials
9:48AM 0 help needed in xml feed
9:17AM 0 STI or Serialize attributes to one column?
8:22AM 10 Converting mysql to postgres
7:47AM 0 plz do favour in xml builder
6:40AM 2 Multi-step forms
6:06AM 0 Another generic CRUD controller
6:05AM 2 plz do favour in active record
5:51AM 0 Action being called multiple times from weak connection?
5:36AM 2 How to code partial search value in a find command
5:36AM 0 Anyone using reliable-msg?
3:32AM 0 RMagick and FastCGI on Windows
2:42AM 1 TLS support for ActionMailer!
1:21AM 4 file_column just will not work...
12:25AM 1 "uninitialized constant" error when I go to app base URL???
Friday August 4 2006
11:48PM 3 Migration::alter statements ??
11:24PM 3 forms and relationships
10:10PM 4 REST
10:06PM 0 Rake migrate errors, but it still works
9:12PM 8 Capistrano /usr/bin/env: ruby: no such file or directory
9:04PM 0 Re: Passing env var from Apache to Mongrel
8:34PM 2 Read Only fields
7:46PM 2 Newbie Question: fom_tag_remote return HTML
7:37PM 4 Tabs
7:32PM 1 SOAP::Mapping::Object attribute access
7:30PM 2 observe_field for radio_button
7:17PM 1 All Fixtures plugin
7:10PM 3 Pass a variable via Link To
6:54PM 5 query across tables
6:53PM 0 Show who''s logged in???
6:46PM 5 Creating new record from a form? (stringify_keys! error)
6:19PM 5 Any opinions on the Rails [Rough Cuts] books from Safari
6:13PM 14 Printing an Order
6:09PM 1 Rails to web analytics integration
6:03PM 1 Clearing The Session Table With PostgreSQL
5:58PM 1 Helper within a Helper? (IMAGE PLACEMENT)
5:50PM 8 I need an idea !
5:35PM 0 Install 3rd part plugins problem
5:07PM 3 ForumExample
5:04PM 1 how to count totals for each unique name in a table?
4:47PM 0 ArgumentError calling Dispatcher.dispatch
4:38PM 3 Using multiple controllers within the same page
4:32PM 1 Ruby LSAPI extension release 1.4
4:12PM 2 how to remove ID from stylesheet_link_tag?
4:08PM 9 Mongril or Lighthttttp? Yes
4:02PM 1 ActiveRecord, Mysql, NULL columns and uniqueness
3:51PM 1 Store ActiveRecord objects in session
3:42PM 8 Unable to follow basic RoR tutorial (Win32)
3:39PM 1 Motiro 0.4.2 released
3:36PM 2 RoR: recognizing a defined class
3:31PM 4 cannot convert String into Integer
3:24PM 2 anyone experience problems with mongrel and sessions?
3:08PM 1 file_column issues on dreamhost
2:55PM 0 How do you use form helpers in your controllers or classes?
2:38PM 1 Parsing Dates bewilderment
2:29PM 0 Proxy from Apache to local Lighttpd instance
1:36PM 0 Fwd: autocomplete and one to many relationships
1:33PM 3 Web service sessions
1:25PM 3 <img onclick> vs link_to_remote()
1:16PM 0 Soap - how to read an array..?
1:00PM 2 Generating RTF documents?
12:51PM 0 Rails and PGP
12:49PM 0 D/Loaded Rails install linux locally [No internet connect]
12:17PM 1 How do i create & insert data into xml file in ruby
11:50AM 1 Need a better undersanding of form helpers
10:56AM 3 is cartographer recommended for using google maps?
10:40AM 5 image_tag + ActionMailer
10:07AM 2 MacOS + darwinport + rubygems
9:35AM 1 [Info] TMail included in ActionMailer differs from ''normal'' TMail
9:00AM 0 How to make prefix_sessions recognizable?
8:21AM 0 session
7:52AM 1 Setting Up Actionmailer
7:38AM 0 Need to set production env route for images & stylesheets?
7:22AM 4 RSS feeds
6:48AM 6 Errors ... errors and errors.
6:44AM 2 problem eager loading with sti
6:40AM 3 Password Strength Meter, Password Strength Validation
6:01AM 1 SVN Problems (Newbie)
5:16AM 0 how to use event observer and raido buttons
4:38AM 0 ajax problem in mozilla
3:43AM 8 Demo in rails2.pdf of add_price migration, PostgreSQL 8.1.4
3:30AM 1 route error with controllers in a module, should just work
1:23AM 2 Functional Testing Anomoly
Thursday August 3 2006
11:07PM 2 pagination with customer list.rhtml
10:47PM 0 V‹K—«‚²Ð‰î‚Æ‚È‚è‚Ü‚·
10:15PM 0 Selenium on Rails has moved to OpenQA
10:14PM 30 How to protect your code? Obfuscater?
9:55PM 0 render_to_string without render twice error
9:55PM 5 Cannot find gem for Rails error from dispatch.cgi
9:55PM 5 Multiple Loading events in form_remote_for
9:15PM 1 Unzipping a file
9:15PM 1 [Plugins] Create Example Apps for Your Plugins
9:09PM 3 How to override append method for related attribute?
9:03PM 1 Using instance variables in CSS
9:03PM 0 Date/Time Quick Add
9:03PM 0 gems package and rails folder
8:45PM 1 Is Ferret the standard rails search engine?
8:45PM 0 Segmenting migrations based on target environment
8:45PM 0 Searching on the Ruby fora?
8:26PM 12 More than one has_many :through association between the same 2 models
8:26PM 0 problem with Rails: cgi.rb:342
8:03PM 0 link_to_remote() question from a newbie.
8:03PM 1 Is it possible to interpolating variables in YAML files?
8:03PM 0 changing umask on project/tmp files?
8:03PM 0 (no subject)
7:32PM 0 autocomplete and one to many relationships
7:31PM 2 formatting code?
7:12PM 1 Why doesn''t redirect_to handle rjs?
6:53PM 2 Including ALL fixtures for a test
6:51PM 0 how to parse model object from xml generated by to_xml
6:28PM 4 Map a resource that is a join model
6:28PM 3 Calling/Executing javascript functions from controller
6:27PM 1 Uploading Videos & Storing Picture
5:21PM 3 Importing Legacy Data
5:03PM 6 Listing all of a nested Resources
5:02PM 8 beginning a statistics application
4:25PM 1 Tips for using keyboard in app
4:21PM 0 Sharing sessions across subdomains
4:20PM 5 How to open rails application/proj in RadRails
4:20PM 1 storing views in subdirectories?
4:19PM 3 HELP: multiple select list in ror
4:19PM 9 Rails Cheatsheets!!!
3:05PM 5 Database configuration across developers!
3:04PM 5 Strategy for persisting row filter variables in pagination?
3:00PM 5 Rails - forms
2:54PM 5 Store common settings in one file?
2:39PM 3 Swedish Rails
2:34PM 2 thread problems
2:15PM 0 How to create/save unary (pk-only) models
1:51PM 0 sql question
1:24PM 2 calculating average ratings and other imponderables
1:19PM 3 Help me for learning Rails for my project!!!
1:12PM 0 Single Table Inheritance and controllers
1:11PM 1 strange before_filter error. is this a bug i have found?
12:15PM 0 How to access web services in RoR
12:13PM 0 How to access records from multiple tables
12:03PM 1 OT: Tables and Rails code
11:55AM 2 Plugins dependency mechanism?
11:34AM 3 helpers: newbie problem
11:33AM 2 Link to an other model
11:09AM 2 inserting values in two tables at one button click
11:00AM 0 using helpers
10:58AM 1 rails server, what to use, fast cgi? apache2???
10:57AM 1 time based caching on rails pages.
10:56AM 1 Ruby install - actionpack dependency?
10:53AM 0 Setting session variables and expiration issue.
10:37AM 1 Very strange - AJAX is flakey when I uploaded my site
10:34AM 0 setting a session variable, :value and :session_path
10:10AM 0 Member messaging / inbox plugin
10:05AM 0 Rails article on consuming a web service
10:00AM 2 instantrails and oneclick
9:59AM 1 RadRails install plugin problem
9:37AM 1 routeset mapper problem
9:32AM 0 N00b question...but here it goes
9:19AM 0 acts_as_taggable or related plugin
9:01AM 0 (no subject)
7:38AM 6 create or update -
7:30AM 2 Failing test with assert_redirected_to
6:49AM 0 Can''t set up rails: dispatch.cgi failed
6:39AM 0 ‚¨•ÔŽ–’x‚­‚È‚Á‚Ä‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
5:16AM 3 Relationships between models.
5:07AM 2 Convert currency into number
3:50AM 1 Strange file upload error
2:57AM 14 What OS do you use for development?
2:26AM 0 Stuck saving Dates as string
1:39AM 3 how do i build this? is the only way to use session, or can
1:04AM 5 DRYing up the view
12:57AM 0 RubyConf 2006 registration is open
12:52AM 1 Migration not working
12:39AM 0 iframe id
12:32AM 0 Changing session keys across different tabs
12:09AM 0 User Space On Rails Fee Registration and 100MB of web accessable space
Wednesday August 2 2006
11:36PM 4 RadRails and EdgeRails
11:18PM 1 PDF::Writer using rpdf templates..
11:07PM 1 Authentication & ACL
10:41PM 0 Errno::ENXIO (Device not configured) when using net/https from rails
10:37PM 1 project root path helper?
10:01PM 7 String lenth limit
9:52PM 4 Linking to the paginated items from search results.
9:44PM 1 posts to this list
9:24PM 2 Hiding Model Attribute
9:21PM 3 newbie question, adding conditions to collection of sql objs
9:18PM 4 Disc quota exceeded when attempting to write session
9:09PM 2 Ajax_Scaffold display from link table
8:53PM 4 is it possible to duplicate a key? --new
8:42PM 0 newbie: Using text_field for date and select_time for time
8:37PM 1 how to change rails mysql socket PATH from /var/run to /var/lib?
8:36PM 0 Updating scaffolding to better fit Resources
8:13PM 0 Capistano - before_update_code issue
8:03PM 12 Authenticate with an IP address : LoginGenerator
7:42PM 1 Qt client with rails? Does it make sense?
7:07PM 2 many-to-one relationship, do I need a second table?
6:59PM 4 College course on Ruby on Rails
5:58PM 2 linux distribution/architecture options
5:48PM 3 find_by_column_name and for loop returns undef method `each''
5:45PM 3 Need help with registration page
5:44PM 1 REST and functional tests
5:30PM 1 capistrano+mongrel struggles
4:56PM 5 Fun with ez_where
4:51PM 3 Upload forms--where is the file object?
4:41PM 4 Search function in this Forum ??
4:32PM 6 Legacy association without primary key
4:12PM 9 How to fetch the previous or next record
3:56PM 1 Use Non CRUD with Simply RESTful
3:47PM 3 using migration--newbie
3:43PM 1 Ordering the many in a many to one relationship
3:22PM 5 monitor fcgi?
2:59PM 0 rake works but rake test:units fails, strange trace
2:55PM 1 win32-service - where''s the gem?
2:51PM 0 How to counter Cross Site Request Forgery?
2:27PM 1 Ad-hoc database queries from models
2:27PM 2 Newbie lost in SQL parlance
2:13PM 0 gem install rails - problem - windows 2003 - Intranet
1:59PM 2 Feature request
1:50PM 4 Struts
1:42PM 2 multi dimensional array
1:37PM 2 Help please: AWDWR -- Migration failure
12:21PM 1 unable to "require" installed gems
12:16PM 0 Temporary image attachements
11:18AM 3 Does Ruby / Rails have something similar to PHPs ''virtual''
10:42AM 2 Self-Referential has_many :through
9:17AM 2 mangle ActiveRecord
9:11AM 1 REST, Resource, etc
9:06AM 0 Composite Primary Keys support for Associations
9:03AM 0 rake stats LOC
8:13AM 2 Problem with RadRails plugin installation
7:54AM 7 Same error ... again.
7:22AM 0 Simply RESTful deletion
7:18AM 2 Problem with date_select
6:22AM 3 Data relationships for e-commerce: users, orders, addresses
6:05AM 3 controller methods for app/views/A/B.rhtml
5:59AM 1 ActiveRecord: find_or_create with has_and_belongs_to_many --
5:52AM 4 applying conditions to ActiveRecord call in model.rb
4:57AM 7 ActiveRecord does not close database connections?
4:50AM 1 Browse data from database
4:19AM 3 Active Record
3:07AM 9 RJS not cross browser compatible?
3:01AM 10 Ruby deamon
2:59AM 7 form_for not working with Markaby
2:58AM 1 ''Loaded Suite'' in http output
2:25AM 3 faster? database search or rewriting objects
2:23AM 0 Update to e-commerce e-book
1:56AM 2 Weird relationship thing
1:54AM 15 Rails in a Windows World
1:54AM 0 Looking for help on a collaborative effort
1:38AM 0 Need help with SOAP and .NET
1:09AM 2 Passing Ajax.InPlaceEditor options
1:07AM 1 Object is populated but attributes are unavailable
12:30AM 0 "RJS Error: TypeError: $(element) has no properties"
12:16AM 3 Disabling Error Divs
Tuesday August 1 2006
11:49PM 5 Rails on .NET
10:08PM 1 Missing flash.swf in .rhtml page in WEBrick dev environment?
10:07PM 0 persisting tree navigation
9:47PM 1 have records expire after certain time?
9:42PM 3 paginate, search, sort with ajax problem
9:38PM 2 How can I save multiple param(ids) ?
9:20PM 1 Ruby + MySql
9:16PM 2 tab characters with Rails 1.1 on Windows
9:12PM 2 Active Merchant or Payment module?
9:11PM 2 restful controllers - howto nest with link_to?
9:10PM 0 wav file
8:50PM 0 checking form submission
8:36PM 6 Newbie: How to use text_field with Java Script
8:26PM 3 Upload file to file system and sql insert date errors
8:16PM 2 HOWTO? security based on data values
7:42PM 3 Commenting out Code
7:33PM 0 init.rb
7:12PM 2 has_many :through a belongs_to relationship
6:51PM 0 How to retrieve :web when redirecting to an Instiki page?
6:33PM 2 Date length in english plugin/built in?
6:15PM 1 Re-using a Listing screen form
5:58PM 2 how do acces a migration file?
5:56PM 6 Getting Started on RJS Templates
5:54PM 1 Getting nil when you want "" (a blank string)
5:53PM 8 Dumb views?
4:41PM 1 AWDR Edition 2 Gripe
4:39PM 0 Image uploads like Shopify
4:36PM 2 apache and fcgid
4:34PM 1 xmlattr use .net web service from ruby problem
4:13PM 6 [OT] PDF''s not Downloading in Win/IE
3:53PM 1 Legacy Pluralized Table Names
3:40PM 0 SEARCHING w JOIN in one-to-ma,y relationship
3:22PM 0 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [AtlRUG] [Fwd: wiki spam problem -- any new developments?]
3:10PM 1 Transactions within the Controller
3:08PM 2 Partial Naming Madness
2:58PM 0 calculator application
2:48PM 0 Unobtrusive Javascript for Rails 0.2
2:26PM 0 Validation of facade columns
2:25PM 2 Same <img> is still downloaded for several times in IE
1:53PM 4 I need a favour
12:54PM 0 caching information
12:29PM 0 Custom Autocomplete Field - Making a field lowercase
12:28PM 5 MVC question
12:28PM 0 how do i pass/save a selected param ID to different views?
12:21PM 1 Belgians on the list
11:26AM 5 how do set default value for ActiveRecord fields?
10:43AM 1 SimplyRestful
10:39AM 1 Accessing other databases
10:38AM 3 Rails Application Failed to start properly
10:27AM 8 Decoupled observers for controllers?
10:20AM 4 How do you evaluate text as code in Ruby?
9:25AM 10 Migration DB Question
8:59AM 0 Newbie Syntax Question: Insertion Bottom with link_to and render Partial
8:53AM 0 storing object with no "marshal_dump is defined" in session
8:39AM 0 Load data to Database
8:24AM 3 Validation on ActiveRecord destruction
5:34AM 0 Undeliverable mail: Returned mail: see transcript for details
4:33AM 0 calling controller method for .rhtml file inside directory
4:22AM 7 MySQL binding problem on Max OS X 10.4
4:18AM 2 The latest & greatest Routing (Rails Edge 4611)
3:37AM 1 Gruff Graphs for Scatter Plot
2:42AM 0 Paypal and Rails (Site down?)
2:41AM 3 Radio buttons and AJAX
12:41AM 3 Multiple Instances Of backgrounDRb
12:37AM 1 Newbie help re: "dynamic" navigation menu
12:32AM 4 class def error when serving "stand-alone" rhtml files