Craig wrote:> Rich Duzenbury wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to build a rails backed site which, in addition to some dynamic
>> content, also comprises a number of static content files. There are
>> some static html pages, some powerpoint presentations, and some PDF
>> documents.
>> I want to make sure that the user is logged in before they can access
>> the protected content. I''ve gone through the ''Agile
development with
>> Rails'' depot example, and I can clearly see how to protect
>> content by forcing a login in the controller.
> I do something similar like this:
> before_filter :login_required
> def get_pdf
> requested_file = params[:filename]
> source_file = "/protected/#{requested_file}"
> if File.exist?(output_file)
> send_file "#{output_file}",
> :filename=>"#{output_file}", :stream=>false,
> end
> end
Hmm, I played around with this and ran into a few problems.
1) under webrick, I seem to have to give this an absolute file system
URL like ''c:/someplace/somedir/.../myfile.pdf''. Of course,
dev and prod
will be different. Is there any way to figure out where in the file
system to start?
2) I somehow have to figure out the mime type for every sort of file
that the designer might put into the web. I suspect I could just build
a list and based on the file extension, set the type accordingly. Is
that the easiest way?
3) And the showstopper, it gets weird when I attempt to serve an html
file. In firefox, it prompts the user to download the file, even if I
set the type to ''text/html'' and disposition to
''inline''. It then
proceeds to display in the browser. Funky. So, I tried to render it,
but that never works, just get an error that it can''t find the
render_static.rhtml, which I don''t want to or intend to provide.
Here is the code I am testing with:
# Static content control
map.connect ''/protected/*path'', :controller =>
:action =>
class ProtectedController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authorize
def render_static
requested_file = params[:path]
# Ok, I really don''t want these to live in public, but under
# protected. The main ugliness is that I have to give an absolute
# rails couldn''t find the file via any sort of relative path.
mypath = "c:/documents and settings/RDuzenbury.Panora/My
Documents/Source Code/depot/public"
output_file = "{mypath}/#{requested_file}"
# remove any dots
# I am a noob, because this throws a huge error. Wonder why!
#requested_file.gsub!(/\./, '''')
# compute app type
# This should be some type of table lookup
# And, this render doesn''t work!
if requested_file =~ /\.(htm|html)$/ then
apptype = "text/html"
render(:file => output_file)
if requested_file =~ /\.pdf$/ then
apptype = "application/pdf"
elsif requested_file =~ /\.ppt$/ then
apptype = ''application/''
elsif requested_file =~ /\.swf$/ then
apptype = ''application/x-shockwave-flash''
apptype = ''octet/stream''
if File.exist?(output_file)
send_file output_file,
:type=> apptype,
# hmm, how to throw a 404?
So, it works for things like pdf, ppt, or swf, but doesn''t work for
It also requires absolute paths, which I despise.
Any advice appreciated.
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