The one area I keep hitting my head against in Rails is repeating fields via javascript. I frequently have forms where one or more fields are actually broken out into sub tables because there can be multiple simultaneous values. Rails seems to want to you to use the [] construct in the form helpers (e.g. text_field(''employee[]'', ''name'')), but I can''t come up with an elegent way to get that to work nicely where I want to let the user to add more entries with fields that get added with javascript when the user clicks on a link. I can definitely do it, but it gets kinda messy and I want to use partials for the repeating fields, but I can''t figure out how to do it in a DRY way. Anyone got any ideas? Here''s a concrete example: Say you have a couple of database tables like this: employees: id name date_of_hire employee_phone_numbers: id employee_id phone_number Now, say I want a page for editing an employee. Here''s a template: edit.rhtml <% form_for :employee, @employee, :url => {:action => ''update} do |f| %> <%= f.text_field name %> <%= f.date_of_hire %> <input type="sumbit" value="save"/> <% end %> This all works very neatly in Rails. The problem comes when I want to do some javascript to let the user add one or more phone numbers to this employee on the same page: edit.rhtml <% form_for :employee, @employee, :url => {:action => ''update} do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :name %> <%= f.text_field :date_of_hire %> <div id="phone_numbers"> <% for @employee_phone_number in @employee.employee_phone_numbers %> <%= render :partial => ''phone_number'' %> <% end %> </div> <%= link_to_function ''add phone number'', update_page { |page| page.insert_html(:after, :phone_numbers, render :partial => ''phone_number'')} %> <input type="sumbit" value="save"/> <% end %> _phone_number.html <% fields_for :employee_phone_number, @employee_phone_number do |f| %> <%= f.text_field phone_number %> <% end %> This is where the rails model breaks down. Now that I have two employee_phone_numbers on the page, if I hit save, they have the same name (and id), so only one of them is passed in params to the update action. So, I change my _phone_number.rhtml partial to: <% fields_for ''employee_phone_number[]'', @employee_phone_number do |f| %> <%= f.text_field phone_number %> <% end %> and the ''add phone number'' link to: <%= link_to_function ''add phone number'', update_page { |page| @employee_phone_number =; page.insert_html(:after, :phone_numbers, render :partial => ''phone_number'')} %> This is a little closer, as now as long as the user only adds one phone number (there was already an existing one with id 2), you get a params like this: {"employee_phone_number"=>{"phone_number"=>"510-555-5555", "2"=>{"phone_number"=>"510-555-5555"}} But if the user adds some more phone numbers, you only ever get the already existing ones plus one of the new ones, just exactly the same as the above params. I can fix this by basically using a different partial for the ''add phone number'' link but that seems not very DRY to me. Anyone have an elegent way of doing this?