Hi all, I''m having trouble passing my form intput from a "view" into the controller to perform the qury. I''m looging at teh log and the controller is not picking up the values i enter in to the form at all. It evaluates to NIL. Here is the log output Processing StoreController#display_search (for at 2006-07-23 21:30:35) [POST] Session ID: 161a0485ff2a5bc53dd26ea724e79036 Parameters: {"commit"=>" SEARCH ", "product"=> {"title"=>"cookbook"}, "action"=>"display_search", "controller"=>"store"} Product Load (0.004481) SELECT * FROM products WHERE (title = ''--- \n- title\n- cookbook\n'') Rendering actiondisplay_searchlayoutfalse within layouts/store Rendering store/display_search Completed in 0.03804 (26 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01597 (41%) | DB: 0.00448 (11%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/store/display_search] Here is how i have my code in the controller. Am I missing something? def display_search @products = Product.find( :all , :conditions => ["title = ?", @params[:product] ]) render(:action => ''display_search'') end Here is the snippet from my View: <%= start_form_tag (:action => ''display_search'') %> Search for title <%= text_field("product","title","size" => 40) %> <%= submit_tag(" SEARCH ") %> <% end_form_tag %> Here is my render action <% for product in @products %> <%= h(product.title) %><br/> <%= product.description %><br/> <% end %>