Hi, I am using ajax_scaffold to generate against a model backed by atable on SQLServer... It creates all the stuff, and I can list the items in my table... But, the "Edit" and "Create New" buttons dont work... The strange thing is that the problem occurs when I edit the ajax_scaffold generated controller with before_filter/set_charset... I try to set the charset of pages to ISO-8859-9, then when I hit the EDIT buton (or Create...), the loading indicator starts spinning forever and nothing happens. If I comment out the before_filter call in the controller, edit and create buttons work... But, this time turkish characters on the page does not appear... Any idea? Thanks in advance... Bu e-posta mesaji, mesajin alici kisminda belirtilmis olan kullanici icindir. Mesajin alicisi siz degilseniz dogrudan veya dolayli olarak mesaji kullanmayiniz, acmayiniz, dagitmayiniz, yazicidan dokumunu almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz. Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve tum kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler Sermaye Piyasasi Kurulu'' nun (SPK) goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi, SPK'' yi baglayici da degildir. Bu mesajin icerisinde ya da eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu, butunlugu ve guncelligi SPK tarafindan garanti edilmemektedir ve bilinen viruslere karsi kontrolleri yapilmis olarak yollanan mesajin sitenizde yaratabilecegi zararlardan SPK sorumlu tutulamaz. This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is adressed. If you are not the intended addressee of this message, you should not use, open, disseminate, distrubute, print or copy this e-mail. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. The Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) does not accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the CMB. The CMB does not warrant the accuracy, integrity and currency of the information transmitted with this message. This message has been detected for all known computer viruses thence CMB is not liable for the occurrence of any system corruption caused by this message. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://wrath.rubyonrails.org/pipermail/rails/attachments/20060710/a201ab21/attachment.html