Hello, I have have written a statictics controller for one of my applications - and I want to allow users to pull out certain statistics from a certain period. In my view, I''ve added something like this: [view] <%= form_tag :action => "bu" %> <select name="bu"> <option value="04">Germany</option> </select><br> From: <%= select_date(date = Date.today, :prefix => ''from'') %><br /> To:<%= select_date(date = Date.today, :prefix => ''to'') %> <%= submit_tag ''BU stat'' %><br /><br /> <%= end_form_tag %> Now, to be able to build the select query in my controller, I''ve done like this: if request.post? from = params[:from][:year] + ''-'' + params[:from][:month] + ''-'' + params[:from][:day] to = params[:to][:year] + ''-'' + params[:to][:month] + ''-'' + params[:to][:day] @lines = Line.find(:all, :conditions => ["projects.bu like ? and (projects.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?) ", "#{@params[:bu]}%", from.to_date, to.to_date], :include => [:project] end It all works, but it is not pretty. I wanted to hear if anybody would have a suggestion of how to do this the right way ? If this is the only way, I''d also like to hear if it is possible to write a helper (for the controller) to the from and to variables from all the params[] so I do not have to create these lines for each action that requires from- and to-dates. /mich -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.