On 7/6/06, Noah Keen <nkeen@firstlook.biz> wrote:>
> Hi,
> Day 3 with rails here. Forgive me. If this has been covered many times
> before, pls just point me at the article.
> I worked through the Rolling with Rails tutorial (
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/01/20/rails.html) built up my
> cookbook. Things work great.
> I now want to add Ingredients to my app. So, a Recipe will have 1 or more
> Ingredients and any single ingredient can be referenced (belong to?) any
> recipe.
> How do I set up this relationship? With other languages I would create a
> mapping table in my database which had two columns, a Recipe index and
> Ingredient index. I could then write some simple SQL to pull all the
> Ingredients for my Recipe or to get all the Recipes containing a specific
> Ingredient. It doesn''t look like this is how it happens in rails.
You can use this approach with has_and_belongs_to_many
Alternativley you can use has_many :through
Josh Susser''s blog has some good information on has_many :through and
Do I modify my Ingredient class to have a ''belongs_to_many''
relationship to> Recipe and Recipe to have a ''has_many'' relationship to
Ingredients? How is
> this mapping done on the DB? What fields in the tables do I need to add? Am
> I able to easily query the stuff mentioned above?
> Thanks in advance,
> Noah
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