Hi All, We are considering using RoR as the framework for our collection of sites. Everything looks good so far in our evaluation of RoR, except for one issue. We have 1000+ sites that are all identical except for their database and a few customer media files. We would like to have one install of RoR serve all of our sites, rather than creating 1000+ RoR installs. For some context, currently we are considering running apache2.2 with mod_proxy_balancer to mongrel, but very open to suggestions. So we could set up vhosts to proxy the sites to mongrel. Once mongrel received the request, somehow come up with a rails context that would connect it to that sites database. Or some such mechanism... So that is the goal. I have not evaluated all of the possible options on how this might be done, but two come to mind as I begin my work: 1) It appears that I can set the rails environment in the environment.rb file, and that I can connect that environment name to a database in the database.yml file. So could I somehow select the environment from the requested url with some fancy lookup code or translation (ie. test.com uses database www_test_com) in the environment.rb file or a custom environment in the environments directory? I am not sure exactly when the environment files are executed? Are they only executed once in the "** Starting Rails with development environment ..." startup step of mongrel. 2) Can we somehow use Mongrel::Rails::RailsConfigurator::rails method and set the environment there based on the requested url? Somehow hook into mongrel using -S script or a plugin of some kind? 3) I sincerely hope someone has a better answer because the above sound to me like total hacks, and very unlikely to work. Thanks for any input in advance. I am completely new to rails and ruby, so please forgive my ignorance. Cheers, James Pellow -- Posted via ruby-forum.com.