I''m trying to take advantage of the pagination in my somewhat modified
scaffold view now. But there''s something fundamental here that
I have this link_to call:
<%= link_to ''Previous page'', { :page =>
@target_list_pages.current.previous } if
@target_list_pages.current.previous %>
It generates this link:
< a hre_f="/list_management/list?page=2">Next page</ a>
What I see is the underlined text for the link but in fact, it doesn''t
render as a proper link.
Do I need to create a new route so that the page parameter can be passed
into my "list" action?
If so, what is the format of that route supposed to be? I can''t use
:controller/:action/:page because that would break my existing
:controller/:action/:id route.
Or should my list action just be able to consume this "page"
without any additional routes on my part?
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