I''ve worked through the depot app and would like to use the ajax submit ability, but call it from a textbox''s onblur event. By using onblur I can submit the form, but the ''onsubmit'' part isn''t fired. Is there a way to either fire the onsubmit event, or to copy that code into a text_field? I tried a direct copy from the source of the form just to test it out without success. the following didn''t work for item 4: %= text_field ''item'', ''name'', :size => 3, :value => item.name, :onblur=> "new Ajax.Request(''/store/add_to_cart/4'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;" %> Anyone have experience with this? -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.