Hello, When I am trying to receive an array of objects, retrieved by ActiveRecord from table with datetime column, while using using ActionWebServices I get the error: ArgumentError: 3 elements of civil date are necessary Daniel Berger, posted that this might be fixed by changing the timezone format in the Windows registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/TimeZoneInformation http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.ruby.rails/71521/focus=71533 I want to know, what value should I set this key to. Or what timezone format should I change it to? Thanks. -- Surendra Singhi http://ssinghi.kreeti.com, http://www.kreeti.com Read my blog at: http://cuttingtheredtape.blogspot.com/ ,---- | "War is Peace! Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength!" | -- Orwell, 1984, 1948 `----