How do you do this? Tried all the examples on the wiki, and unfortunately the trac is not accessible right now to check the trouble tickets. No matter what I do the mime structure seems to be incorrect. It seems that adding an attachment to a html+plaintext message is not possible using the standard methods. I have seen some old posting on the mailing list about overriding the deliver method to add attachments after creating the message. Is this so? Does anyone have a working example? Here is one of many contortions I have tried: <pre>def answer(message, representative, sent_at = @subject = message.reply_subject @recipients = message.sender.address @from = @sent_on = sent_at @content_type = "multipart/alternative" part "text/html" do |p| p.body = render_message("answer_as_html", :message => message, :signature => representative.signature) end part "text/plain" do |p| p.body = render_message("answer_as_plain", :message => message, :signature => representative.signature) p.transfer_encoding = "base64" end attachment message.attachment.content_type do |a| a.body = attachment.body a.filename = attachment.filename end end</pre> -- Posted via