Hello List,
I''m a bit spent on this problem, and my code might be whack. I seem to
encountering a problem where the primary key on a join table is not being
resolved correctly. I will elaborate after some code bits. I am creating
the join table using migrations, and relevant model code is this:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :records
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :posts
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :on => :create, :message => "must be
acts_as_tree :order => ''name''
def before_validation
unless read_attribute(''parent_id'')
def validate
if read_attribute(''parent_id'') ==
errors.add(''parent_id'', ''cannot be
end # class Category
Categories are added via a controller which seems to be working properly.
Posts are added with the ability to select one or more categories; (i have
not added a validation for at least one category yet). The difficulty that
I am having is with the PostsController''s save method (which is
to create/update).
class PostsController < ApplicationController
# snip #
def save
# prepping @params[''post''][''categories'']
which is an array of legitimate
ids or nil
@params[''post''][''categories''] =
unless @params[''post''][''categories''].nil?
@post = @params[''id''] ?
Post.find(@params[''id'']) : Post.new()
if @post.update_attributes(@params[''post''])
# do redirect
# re-render form
end # def save
The odd behavior is the consistency in the following circumstances:
1) if a Post does not have any categories assigned ( empty
@params[''post''][''categories''] ) then a save
is sucessful for both new and
found Posts.
2) if a new Post has a category then save is successful but the categories
are not associated with the created object, but this sql is logged:
INSERT INTO categories_posts ("post_id", "id",
"category_id") VALUES (0,1,1)
- I have also tried:
@params[''post''][''categories''] # without the
prep above and with
attr_protected :categories
3) if a Post created without categories is then updated with a category then
2 things might happen:
a) if the category was used in a step like 2, then this error is reported:
Primary key must be unique: INSERT INTO categories_posts ("post_id",
"category_id") VALUES (3, 1, 1)
b) else, the category has not been used before and the save is succesful
with this sql:
INSERT INTO categories_posts ("post_id", "id",
"category_id") VALUES (3, 2,
I think that exhausts the posibilities.
What''s bothering me the most is that the "id" column of
categories_posts is
not acting as I would like it to. How is the code causing this behavior?
Is it something I''m doing wrong? This is my first attempt at habtm;
tempted to try has_many :through ... but ... not ... yet. I would like to
understand this problem first.
- travis
p [151,40,154,157,166,145,40,162,165,142,171].collect { |ii| eval
''"\\''+ii.to_s+''"'' }.join
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