I have built a tree navigation for pages I have in a site, that loads the content of each page into FCK editor. The parent nodes are shown at the beginning, and the child nodes are in display:none hidden divs that are toggled with scriptaculous bindup and binddown. If the user clicks on one of the children, I want that div to remain visible on page refresh. I''m pretty new with app programming, and I''m not sure how to tackle this. I was thinking session, but I have a suspicion it might be easier? I''ve tried setting an @display variable inside the for child in parent.children loop for the style, but I couldn''t get it to set the value outside. The following is the code I have in the view: <% for parent in @parents %> <%= link_to(h(parent.name), :id => parent, :action => ''edit_page'') %> <%= image_tag(''toggle'',:onclick => "Effect.Toggle(''child#{parent.id}'',''blind'');")%> <br /> <div style=''display:none'' id="<%= ''child'' + parent.id.to_s %>"> <% for child in parent.children %> »<%= link_to(child.name, :id => child.id, :action => ''edit_page'') %> <%= link_to ''Destroy'', { :action => ''destroy'', :id => child }, :confirm => ''Are you sure?'', :post => true %><br /> <% end %> »<%= link_to ''new Child'', :action => ''newChild'', :id => parent %><br /> </div> <% end %> and then this is in the controller: def edit_page tree_navigation if params[:id] @page = Page.find(params[:id]) else @page = Page.find(:first) end @text = @page.text if @text == nil @text = ''enter some text'' end render :action => ''list'' end def tree_navigation @pages = Page.find(:all) @parents = [] for page in @pages @parents << page if !page.parent end end -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.