On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 12:44 +0200, Andy wrote:> I recently found my web application responses very slowly:
> When the address has been inputed in the browser locally,I can see in
> the console that Webrick or Mongrel will have no information output for
> about 7-10 seconds,and after this wait, then the javascripts are started
> to be downloaded and then the controller start to response.What is the
> most possible one that lead to this 7-10 seconds'' wait? Thanks.
Andy, the list of things to check (from memory) are:
1) Are you sure you''re running in production mode?
2) Are you configured so that Mongrel doesn''t serve static files in
production? (this involves rewrite rules for most web servers).
3) Do you have enough memory for all your running applications? If
you''re on a VPS and you''re running a lot of other software
MySQL) then you can get a lot of swapping.
4) Is it fast by itself, but slow behind the front server? This could
mean your front server is misconfigured.
5) Are you using a crappy DNS that''s really slow? Try using IP
addresses for your configurations (database, web server backends, etc.).
6) Are you on windows? Sorry, Ruby on windows is painfully slow.
7) Are you on older FreeBSD? Original FreeBSD compiled Ruby with
pthreads enabled which made it very very slow. Go into ports and
compile ruby18-nopthreads.
Check those out, and if it''s none of those then it''s your
code. Read
about the benchmark library in Ruby and use it to find out what''s slow.
Also look in the production.log for timing messages (there''s a goldmine
there) and see what you can do to make that faster.
Zed A. Shaw
http://www.railsmachine.com/ -- Need Mongrel support?