Hi, I''ve been trying to download the scaffolding extensions plugin [1] for the past two days. I don''t know for how long the site will be down, but it seems that''s the plugin that will solve all my problems :), I''d really like to be able to test it. Do you know of another plugin with similar functionality? Does anybody have a local copy to share? Thanks, Eduardo. [1] svn: svn://suven.no-ip.org/rails/plugins/scaffolding_extensions file: http://suven.no-ip.org/scaffolding_extensions.tar.gz
Maybe Matching Threads
- Scaffolding support for many-to-many editing (habtm)?
- using Scaffolding Extensions plugin
- Scaffolding Extensions plugin and multiple HABTMs
- Instant Management Frontend with the Scaffolding Extensions Plugin
- How can I find out which attribute is screwing up pluralize/singularize?