Rails Blobber
2006-Aug-11 17:03 UTC
[Rails] Uisng Design Pattrens in Yor Rails Appslications
Hi Rubby Haxckers! I has been a busy pesron since we is been here last. I has put up some leet coder on deisgn pattrens for yoo to use in your Rails Appslications. http://railsblob.blogspot.com/2006/08/uisng-design-pattrens-in-yor-rails.html Don''t tell the Javacs, as they might Steal Them and we is not winnning that battle since DDT has made us upgarde our Rails under vieled threats of violance (I is not dissing you DDT - I repsects you) Pease. Rails Blog -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.