I''m looking at how to do ad-hoc database queries from RoR models - more
specifically I have built an app which tracks issues which uses its own
nice clean database containing only issues that I care about. I would
like to be able to (optionally) populate an issue from a few big, slow,
unwieldly backend databases and want to know the best way to do it. It
looks like doing something like this:
>> require ''dbi''
=> true>> conn = DBI.connect(''dbi:ODBC:mssqlserver'',
''username'', ''password'')
=> #<DBI::DatabaseHandle:0xb750bf58 @trace_mode=2,
@handle=#<DBI::DBD::ODBC::Database:0xb750bea4 @attr={},
@trace_output=#<IO:0xb7d35fec>>>> conn.select_one(''SELECT Subject FROM CASE WHERE CaseId =
=> ["Test Case"]>> conn.disconnect
Assuming this is the best way to achieve this (unless there''s good
reason to do so I don''t want to create models as the SQL code above is
greatly simplified: in fact to get a name, email and phone number I need
to join across 4 tables with potentially millions of rows), where''s the
best place to put the DSN, username, password, etc.?
Thanks in advance,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.