in my list action, I setup the sort parameters as folows : .. sort = case @params[''sort''] when "login" then "login DESC" when "first_name" then "first_name DESC" when "last_name" then "last_name DESC" end ... to be used in a ''sort_link_helper'' def sort_link_helper(text, param) key = param key += "_reverse" if @params[:sort] == param options = { :url => {:action => ''list'', :params => @params.merge({:sort => key, :page => nil})}, :update => ''zList'', :before => "''spinnerT'')", :success => "Element.hide(''spinnerT'')" } html_options = { :title => "Sort this column", :href => url_for(:action => ''list'', :params => @params.merge({:sort => key, :page => nil})) } link_to_remote(text, options, html_options) end In the list view I display : HEADERS <td align="center" <%= sort_td_class_helper "login" %>> <%= sort_link_helper "Login", "login" %> </td> <td align="center" <%= sort_td_class_helper "role" %>> <%= sort_link_helper "Role", "role" %> </td> <td align="center" <%= sort_td_class_helper "first_name" %>> <%= sort_link_helper "First Name", "first_name" %> </td> <td align="center" <%= sort_td_class_helper "last_name" %>> <%= sort_link_helper "Last Name", "last_name" %> </td> <td align="center" <%= sort_td_class_helper "trustee" %>> <%= sort_link_helper "Trustee", "trustee" %> </td> BODY <td width="20%" align="center"><%= h(user.login) %></td> <td width="20%" align="center"><%= h(user.roles[0].name) %></td> #1st role is main role <td width="30%" align="center"><%= h(user.first_name) %></td> <td width="20%" align="center"><%= h(user.last_name) %></td> user and roles are joined by a many-to-many relationship (roles_users table) Its running very well... but I would like to be able to sort on the role column... when "role" then "role DESC" doesn''t work obviously I got a MYSQL error Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''role'' in ''order clause'': SELECT * FROM users roles ORDER BY role DESC LIMIT 0, 5 thanks for your lights.. kad -- Posted via