Alex Moore
2006-Aug-09 03:12 UTC
[Rails] Two Autocompletes, make first value affect the second
I have two text_field_with_auto_complete text_field_with_auto_complete :user, :state text_field_with_auto_complete :user, :suburb The user fills in the text_field_with autocomplete... but then I want to filter the results in the suburb with the value they''ve just entered def auto_complete_for_user_suburb @suburbs = PostCode.find(:all, :conditions => ["lower(locality) LIKE ?", ''%'' + params[:user][:suburb].downcase + ''%'' AND state LIKE "WHATS IN STATE FEILD" ], :order => ''locality ASC'', :limit => 12) render :partial => ''suburbs'' end my problem is that I can''t work out a way of delivering the text_field :state contents to the auto_complete_for_user_suburb function. Any ideas?