Externals only work when your actual Rails project is under Subversion
control. What you are doing with this command is telling Subversion ?hey,
don?t look in the project tree for this code. Look here instead.? But it
appears you don?t yet have a project tree so svn gives you the unhelpful
message you quoted.
On 8/3/06 11:01 PM, "Stjohn Mackay" <stjohn@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I''m in the process of learning Rails, following Agile Web
> with Rails 2nd Edition.
> I''m trying to link my project to the rails repositry using this:
> svn propset svn:externals "rails
> http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk" vendor
> However I have this error message:
> subversion/libsvn_wc/lock.c:630: (apr_err=155007)
> svn: ''vendor'' is not a working copy
> Can anyone help me?
> Cheers,
> StJohn
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