On 8/9/06, linux user <fanoflinux@gmail.com>
> Hi All
> I am trying to implement a functionality where a user clicks on "Back
> Search Results" link he is taken to the search result screen. For this
I am
> storing his search criteria (params object) in session. Here is my code
> *def* search
> logger.debug("params.nil?=#{params.nil?}") # this prints
> false '' <=== params is NOT nil at this point*
> *if* session[*:incidentSearch*].nil? *or *session[*:incidentSearch*
> ].empty?
> params.*each*{|k,v| logger.debug("key: #{k}, value: #{v}")} #this
> the key value pairs perfectly *
> logger.debug("params=#{params.to_s}") # this prints
''params.nil?=*false*'' <==> *params is NOT nil at this
> # s=params.dup
> # params=s
> # logger.debug("params=#{s.to_s}")
> *if* params[*:routeNum*].nil? *or* params[*:routeNum*].empty? <===
> is NOT nil at this point *
> flash[*:warning*] = "Don''t try stupid things....Enter some
> criteria."
> redirect_to *:back* *and* *return*
> ***elsif* !params[*:routeNum* ].empty? and one more condition
> flash[*:warning*] = "Specify only one search criteria Reference# or
> or Date (Start and End both)"
> redirect_to *:back* *and* *return*
> *end*
> params.
> *each*{|k,v| logger.debug("key: #{k}, value: #{v}")}
> *elsif* !session[*:incidentSearch*].nil? *and*
> # *control never reaches here for the first time the search is done *
> logger.debug("======> Somebody was here.......") # *<==
control never
> reaches here for the first time the search is done*
> params = session[*:incidentSearch*] # *<== **control never reaches
> *if I comment it every thing works fine i.e. params is never nil*
> puts "***^*&^&^*(^%%^%&^$%$%$&%$&$&^$&^
Somebody was here......." # *<== control
> never reaches here and nothing is printed *
> *end* logger.debug(
> "params.nil?=#{params.nil?}") # this prints
''params.nil?=*true* '' <=== *params
> is NIL at this point*.
> #proceed with search........
> This is a single user development environment. So only one request comes
> in for a search..... and the params is nil before I can even proceed with
> search.
> Can somebody please help me understand where and why is params being set
> to nil???
> Oh and if I do the following in my first if
> *s=params.dup*
> *params=s*
> everything works fine
> -daya
This is completely wierd since the *elsif* !session[*:incidentSearch*].nil?
*and* !session[*:incidentSearch*].empty? is never executed.
Anybody has any ideas.???
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