As a follow-up - I got this to work on my own using the ym4r plugin (minus
item 3) - it was actually pretty simple. If anyone else is trying to do
something similar then contact me and I''ll help get you started.
mmodica at cox dot net
codeslush wrote:>
> Community,
> Bounty? I should know better than to post on Friday night - they
> usually go unanswered! But I''ll give it a shot...
> I need google maps integrated with rails in such a way that I can:
> 1) Give it (something) a set of records from an ActiveRecord search
> 2) Have it take those records, and do the following:
> a) Plot origin and destination location(s)
> b) Add a line between the origin and destination location(s)
> c) Set size of marker at origin and destination location(s)
> d) Set thickness of line between origin and destination location(s)
> e) Line color changes based on status of individual record. I will
> have multiple status values (i.e. multiple colors) with each set of
> records. Each individual record will only have one status value.
> f) Click on a marker (balloon) and have it expand to show the
> detailed information for that record.
> 3) Show a list of the records that are mapped in a separate div. Click
> on that record and have it highlight the area on the map (origin marker,
> destination marker and line) for the selected record.
> Pretty easy? I have seen some rails integration with gmaps whereby you
> can add a single location and/or multiple locations but not connect
> them. Imagine the craigslist/real estate mashup but with start and stop
> points connected with lines because they belong together.
> Can you do this? If so, email me, tell me the amount and, at some
> realistic point, show me some functionality. We can do the entire
> transaction via rent-a-coder and, in fact, I am going to post this
> project there for bid. You can email me at codeslush at yahoo dot com
> if you think you can do this. I''m looking for something well
> and extendable (i.e. I want to use it in multiple places for multiple
> purposes). You need not know my exact model layout - just give me
> something that works when given a set of results from an ActiveRecord
> search and I''ll make the necessary mods on my side.
> Regards,
> Michael
> --
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