Alexandre Hudelot
2006-Aug-01 18:51 UTC
[Rails] How to retrieve :web when redirecting to an Instiki page?
Hello, I am currently working on implementing some authentification code onto Instiki (0.11.0). I am encountering a problem in this situation : When I try to access say http:/localhost:2500/orz/show/Test , where orz is an instiki web name, I am redirected to my signin form screen (which is what I want) but then upon signing in I get the following message: No url can be generated for the hash {:controller=>"wiki", :action=>"show", :id=>"Test"} Now if I then type in http:/localhost:2500/orz/show/Test in my browser addressline I can access the page without any problem. So there seems to be a problem with the redirection in my signin method, which looks like this: def signin ession[:user] = User.authenticate(params[:username], params[:password]).id redirect_to :web=> session[:intended_web], :controller => session[:intended_controller], :action => session[:intended_action], :id => session[:intended_id] end I realize that session[:intended_web] is a naive attempt and returns nil since that session variable doesn''t exist, so how should I go about retrieving the intended web''s name upon signin redirection? (Of course if there is a single web and I set DEFAULT_WEB to the web''s name, as well as setting :web=> DEFAULT_WEB in the signin method, there ceases to be a problem, but I would like a solution that works with multiple webs.) Any help is very appreciated. -- Posted via