Rails - Nov 2005

Wednesday November 30 2005
11:37PM 2 Large DIV Area to Update; Seperate Data from View?
10:25PM 2 Missing scaffold features
10:03PM 0 Setting production|development mode at runtime?
9:51PM 2 Multiple DB connections not working after first call
9:47PM 6 scheduled processes
9:44PM 0 slashdot or scoop port?
9:16PM 0 [Solved] Displaying encoded strings?
9:08PM 2 weird errors with self-installed ruby 1.8.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.3
9:03PM 2 Reading date parameters
8:54PM 3 How to do a rollback
8:44PM 0 December Ruby events in the SF Bay Area
8:35PM 4 Collections of specific attribute values...
7:59PM 2 list of rails deprecations?
7:44PM 2 Relational tables - dependent => :update ?
7:39PM 1 How are fixtures loaded?
6:50PM 0 RSpec on Rails
6:35PM 2 Another Design Question
6:25PM 5 Storing form methods in a database
6:17PM 0 Designing different registration processes
6:17PM 11 PostgreSQL 8.1, testing with constraints
6:07PM 2 Will RJS be in Rails 1.0?
5:20PM 0 multilingual plugin - rake fails
5:11PM 3 Get content_type of uploaded file when using file-column
4:59PM 2 Uploading multiple files elegantly
4:43PM 8 ROR on solaris?
4:42PM 3 Downcasing Legacy Table Column Names
4:31PM 1 Developing a project schedule and budget using the Agile/XP methodology
4:29PM 7 newbie: Getting started on Windows XP & MAc OSX 10.4
3:39PM 0 Passing a hash in a GET string
3:38PM 0 Switchtower Windows question
2:55PM 0 uninitialized constant Base (NameError) trying to use ActiveLdap
1:51PM 1 validation errors not being displayed
1:34PM 0 Validation error messages not being displayed
10:20AM 1 Passing parameters and using associations
9:41AM 1 [lighttpd] proxy.server and url.rewrite-once
8:54AM 21 Newbie: Building conditions from form
8:49AM 0 Passing variables with update_all
8:45AM 8 nested attributes with update_attributes()
5:45AM 10 Anybody home ?
2:58AM 2 Finding records in one-to-one association
2:57AM 1 Displaying encoded strings?
2:41AM 2 render :partial, :collection in RXML templates
12:43AM 0 How to select between RXML and RHTML template at runtime ?
12:32AM 0 Applying a patch to rails
12:25AM 0 Dynamic forms
Tuesday November 29 2005
11:21PM 0 Design question - Selection Filters
10:57PM 1 Snapshot of the wiki?
10:26PM 3 Action Profiler 1.0.0
9:58PM 4 [OT] can Apache serve jsp without an app server ?
9:43PM 36 lots of problems installing on OSX
9:38PM 2 Switchtower on a single server?
9:33PM 8 Regular Expressions
9:24PM 5 rand() order and Pagination
9:19PM 0 Secure link_to?
8:41PM 0 ANN: ActiveRBAC 0.2 Released
8:35PM 1 Ruby and MySQL on windows
8:20PM 0 File Name Chooser ?
7:22PM 8 choosing a user login/authentication system
7:14PM 3 Threads vs script/runner
6:54PM 3 Using Ajax
6:31PM 0 in_place_editor
5:58PM 3 A Little Win32 Apache2/SCGI Help?
5:38PM 2 one rails application, many schemas
5:27PM 7 Can text_field_with_auto_complete return ID?
5:19PM 0 routes limitations : trailing / and more dynamic rules
4:59PM 1 textfield and params
4:37PM 3 date_select oddness
4:19PM 1 Could you tell me
3:34PM 1 Ajax Effect problem
3:07PM 2 AR Stale object on SQL Server w/ lock_version
3:06PM 1 NewB Q: Reloading changed class with Webrick...
2:07PM 0 Encoding caracters issue with Rails (Oracle, Ruby-Oci under Windows)
12:55PM 1 validation messages
12:48PM 0 Interactive ruby
12:39PM 0 need help with Ajax bugs
12:39PM 5 dojo and rails
12:32PM 0 undefined method `link_to'
12:30PM 3 validates_format_of
10:55AM 4 Is it time for transactions yet?
10:54AM 2 unknown (not mentioned) method
10:39AM 8 HowTo update multiple DOM elements (update_element_function)
10:22AM 13 mysql server has gone away?
10:07AM 0 Inserted id in after_save
9:55AM 0 Rails and ruby -w
9:53AM 1 Hide SCGI's password on command line?
8:39AM 11 Reload of lib content
8:07AM 8 Pluralis versus Singularis
7:05AM 6 dev.rubyonrails.org down..
6:40AM 27 Ruby on Rails performance
5:53AM 0 search_generator failing under latest rails version
5:51AM 1 significance of "action" and "active" names
5:48AM 17 HABTM and extra attributes
4:09AM 10 Dynamic tables creation and handling
4:06AM 3 What's this called again ...?
3:46AM 4 acts_as_hash
3:27AM 1 [OT] Sanitizing Characters In Pasted Text
2:43AM 1 mysql error Access denied..
2:09AM 0 question
2:08AM 0 find, instantiated fixtures, and testing
1:57AM 1 Validations on non SQL field
12:55AM 15 Newbie question about records
12:42AM 0 Apache vs. Apache+Lighttpd Performance
12:31AM 2 'If Exists' Condition?
12:27AM 0 radio_button with arrays
12:10AM 0 a logic question (parent/child relationships)
Monday November 28 2005
11:45PM 3 newbie question: HTTP 500 0 errors - no output to browser
11:38PM 1 Multiple process-independent rails apps
11:04PM 0 Test (ignore)
10:11PM 1 Multiple rails sites, one domain
9:13PM 0 Commercial Support for RoR
9:06PM 0 Ruby DataVision Brdige v.0.1
9:01PM 9 Way to determine if being run by SCGI?
6:58PM 2 booleans in queries?
6:09PM 0 Template error for an rhtml file that has no erb code in it.
5:46PM 1 [OT] Howto to re-build a project with SVN history ?
5:24PM 1 Ajax: sortable_element with table-rows
4:38PM 0 AJAX and Rails, creating flyover forms?
4:11PM 7 iCal in Rails?
4:06PM 7 Querying calculated fields of ActiveRecord
4:04PM 4 validates_format_of nil
3:58PM 3 User Engine: Login + Roles
3:48PM 0 SyntaxError in <controller not set>#<action not set>
3:43PM 1 has_one / HABTM relationship overlap - please advise
3:16PM 0 lighttpd or litespeed for FCGI
3:02PM 1 HABTM? Questions, Answers and Votes
2:48PM 2 IRB : Disable auto-inspect mode ?
2:25PM 1 Method name= special in some way?
2:01PM 0 ANN: Agile Maryland Agile Maryland's CodeProject CodeFest tonight (November 28th) at 7pm
12:50PM 5 Rails on lighttpd through proxy
12:24PM 0 [Semi-OT] Migrations (and/or versioning the db) for other languages
12:17PM 1 Getting a model to connect to a different DB
11:47AM 10 15m Intro Video
11:25AM 7 Testing Problems - Acts as authenticated
8:20AM 2 ANN: attr_immutable plugin
5:09AM 5 Lost connection to MySQL server during query
4:50AM 1 newbie: displaying a denormalized list of records.
4:22AM 4 super newbie question
3:21AM 3 Dedicated Server: Lighty, Rails, MySQL...Maintenance?
1:46AM 1 Testing with login engine: Best practices?
1:03AM 0 validates_* model issue
12:42AM 5 Active Record and object identity
12:27AM 4 has_many or HABTM ?
12:14AM 4 Can I use Ajax and Rails to download a file?...
Sunday November 27 2005
10:39PM 0 RE: Re: Thanks! Strange nil object message
9:02PM 5 OT: good admin gui postgresql on OSX?
9:01PM 0 Testing granular permissions
8:29PM 4 [newbie] attr_reader not being read?
8:26PM 1 Session ownership conflict when switching to/from development/production
8:11PM 0 Transient form data...
8:04PM 5 dynamic variable names?
7:27PM 13 newbie confounded by checkboxes
7:09PM 2 validates_uniqueness_of
6:59PM 0 RailsConf 2006, June 22-25, Chicago IL
6:34PM 1 Test Confusion
5:24PM 3 Execute commands on rails startup?
5:21PM 3 Canvas Tag + Rails Ajax
3:53PM 0 Re: Gem install rails problem [THREAD RENAME NOTICE]
3:35PM 0 How to get raw_post in functional tests
1:47PM 0 activerecord rake test_mysql
12:40PM 7 restricting list output (newbie)
10:40AM 2 SVN and 'rake doc'
10:36AM 1 Comparing field's old value to new value
8:49AM 2 A plea for help with an Open Source project.
8:38AM 1 [Off-Topic] US Graduate Programs...
7:47AM 1 Distributing gems with a rails app
6:00AM 5 PDF::Writer Page Size
5:41AM 1 Cancel validation in subclass
3:33AM 0 Error object for 40* pages?
2:02AM 0 Creating a string array from encoded form input
Saturday November 26 2005
11:52PM 1 newbie question: HTTP 500 0 Errors trying to access a new project
11:50PM 18 pure ajax ui
11:44PM 0 Updating a table with a filecolumn
11:41PM 0 validates_* requirements
10:44PM 1 (dup) Ajaxified Select List
10:29PM 0 ActiveRecord & Inheritance
10:08PM 2 specify table names for the join table
8:25PM 3 ActiveRecord question
7:15PM 6 Fuzzy searching
7:12PM 2 Ferret on rails--lock doesn't get released when webrick exits
6:33PM 2 Rails and Django Debate
6:27PM 2 custom validation in model
6:27PM 0 2 autocomplete fields
5:44PM 6 Suggestions on automation?
5:36PM 12 has_and_belongs_to_many question
3:24PM 1 gauge
2:45PM 1 Helper causes view output to be duplicated
1:48PM 1 Thoughts about engines and modules
11:22AM 1 Duplicates
9:59AM 0 Portable Rails documentation?
8:07AM 11 Custom Validation Messages plugin
7:17AM 27 Active Record design seems awkward and possibly broken
6:26AM 8 Strange nil object message
5:29AM 0 Ajax/Rails and mobile phones?
5:27AM 0 moving divs around
4:53AM 0 Ajax floating window?
4:03AM 1 AJAX helper observe_field
2:45AM 0 What is '@used' in session file for flash?
2:07AM 4 Lighttpd not working with 0.14.3 for me
1:03AM 2 to customize link_to
12:25AM 1 freeze_gems on windows
12:19AM 6 undefined method `<<' error
12:11AM 0 Model warnings along with Validations
Friday November 25 2005
11:26PM 7 Customizing validates_xxx messages.
10:48PM 5 YAML - How to load data directly
10:47PM 3 Restrictings actions to post requests only
10:30PM 2 What's the difference between require and require_dependency?
10:29PM 5 Retrieving SHG Password
9:03PM 4 Having nil / non-nil relationships
6:25PM 1 remote database
6:11PM 0 question on rails , form_remote_tag and backbase
5:16PM 4 Overriding find_by_
5:09PM 4 adding initialization to a model class
4:46PM 3 Rails With Apache?!?!?!?!?!
4:34PM 1 Newbie Question: The model equivilent of "helpers"
4:32PM 15 NoMethodError in Store#add_to_cart
3:51PM 3 how to prevent image_tag helper throwing exception if the url is null or blank?
3:06PM 2 acts_as_list with 2 fields in the scope
2:52PM 0 NTLM and Lightttpd....
2:51PM 0 Malformed Header with Apache2 + FCGI...
2:44PM 2 Question about object: session and controllers
2:01PM 0 HABTM Helper Plugin 0.2.0
1:55PM 5 Symbols vs strings in Rails
11:31AM 5 Age calculation
11:12AM 0 Route Question Again
11:07AM 0 assert_tag for sibling tags ?
11:04AM 2 Problem with helper form_tag syntax
10:54AM 1 Enabling sessions for flash only?
10:43AM 0 Meta-routing: How to keep individual domains(urls) when rewriting an app as a shared service?
10:40AM 2 Problems with observe_form and parameters
10:08AM 0 Using link_to_remote/remote_function outside of a Controller
9:59AM 0 Setting a var in all models
9:49AM 2 Table inheritance in Rails. Right way.
9:35AM 1 @params not available in before_filter
8:50AM 0 Newbie Rails problem -- ApplicationController not loading
7:01AM 4 Set default order for find(:all) in a model
4:25AM 0 Login Authentication working in IE but not in Mozilla
4:11AM 8 overriding initialize or new for a subclass of ActiveRecord
4:09AM 0 Models and controllers organized under module with same name possible?
3:17AM 4 Best location for generic classes?
1:54AM 7 components vs engines
12:48AM 0 Development environment?
12:05AM 3 Exception on rails: uninitialized constant Base
Thursday November 24 2005
10:02PM 9 Incomplete Headers (35 bytes)
9:10PM 1 rake freeze_gems cross platform friendly?
8:46PM 3 Switchtower setup hangs
8:25PM 8 An elegant way to check for nil and then check the value
8:01PM 0 Textile trouble
7:58PM 1 Autocompleting combobox: fact or fiction?
7:54PM 6 ActiveRecord
7:28PM 3 cookie coding problem
7:14PM 0 model classes into module = superclass mismatch
6:11PM 0 Any railers in the DC area?
5:45PM 1 owner based authorization / passing arguments to filters.
4:13PM 0 Validation helpers and belongs_to/has_many problem
4:06PM 3 newbie question - verifying it works right
2:36PM 0 Updated Engines Plugin
1:52PM 0 Re: <%= text_field("orderitem", '@item') %> (working on it)
11:31AM 1 close link_to popup
10:52AM 0 Textile best practice?
10:21AM 0 problem with collect() method
10:20AM 0 International char problem eg &auml;
8:40AM 3 Strange: Can't use action 'session'
7:32AM 1 Log question
6:56AM 2 Destroyed object causing problems in it's last throes
3:31AM 1 Ruby-based Gmail killer?
3:26AM 4 Adding functionality to a plugin
3:22AM 0 Nonmodel fields - select_tag
3:06AM 5 Creating table and importing data with Ruby
3:01AM 3 rake load_fixtures task doesn't load fixtures in plugins?
2:57AM 0 Malformed header...
2:29AM 4 Multilingual Rails Plugin Update
2:10AM 2 What does ActiveRecord#send do?
2:03AM 1 Apache installation ... Status: 500 Internal Server Error
1:38AM 0 How does :condtions of belongs_to/has_many work?
12:58AM 6 Do form helpers work with iteration?
Wednesday November 23 2005
11:44PM 0 rails or typo https error
11:31PM 7 Ruby for "If url contains id"
10:47PM 3 Retaining the order of columns in a result set
10:14PM 8 Compiler OR Obfuscator for RoR applications?
10:07PM 2 find with join problem
9:52PM 0 Root route not working on Win2003 + Apache 2 + SCGI ?
9:51PM 0 Is there a Rails-like project out that just makes writing software easier?
9:31PM 2 Selective Validations (feedback please)
9:16PM 6 easiest way to play w/ source
8:55PM 3 <%= text_field("orderitem", '@item') %>
8:49PM 1 Question about "super dynamic" routes, like :reqs => {:id => Thing.find(:id)}
8:38PM 1 How to set flash for before_filter :login_system ?
8:16PM 4 Apache SCGI on Windows XP successful
7:42PM 15 :conditions => ... formatting
7:09PM 1 Typo or Rails HTTPS => HTTP...:443 bug
6:10PM 4 ADWR Question: Page 171
5:20PM 0 Another CTI question
4:54PM 3 Adding custom attributes to an ActiveRecord object
4:34PM 0 Ruby on Rails with SNMP?
4:15PM 0 Adding new items with belongs_to/has_many
4:01PM 0 Strange error additions in generated HTML
3:54PM 0 Select error while creating it
3:41PM 0 Re: rails on Win2k3/IIS 6?
3:38PM 1 How I get zerofill field?
3:25PM 0 _before_type_cast woes
2:59PM 5 Multiple selectbox and params
2:46PM 2 Complex Medical Application
2:29PM 0 RE: Re: Easy Question : Linking to CSS from view/.rthml files
2:19PM 2 RoR Not Selecting Database
2:05PM 3 Running rails on windows
1:41PM 2 DB connection pooling support?
12:37PM 3 WebServices & Ruby on Rails
11:29AM 1 HTML Table Helper?
10:27AM 0 (no subject)
10:22AM 6 Designing a Rails CMS
9:17AM 5 updating javascripts
8:47AM 2 RSS Feed Implementation Issue
7:41AM 1 Characterset conversion
7:36AM 0 Managing acts_as_tree Model
5:29AM 0 Some new Plugin wiki pages
4:48AM 1 interactive debugging with eclipse and RDT plugin
4:21AM 2 SPF record for lists.rubyonrails.org / rubyonrails.com etc
3:56AM 2 Files created by RoR are uneditable
3:11AM 4 unit tests don't work where model name is different from table name
2:57AM 2 functional tests, assert_tag and tables
2:16AM 3 Stupid newbie question
1:33AM 0 plugin loading sequence?
1:29AM 0 Help required with in_place_editor_field and in_place_edit_for
1:20AM 3 Rendering partials on another controller
12:09AM 1 Preloaded fixtures
Tuesday November 22 2005
11:56PM 2 Trouble with Rails installation process on my linux server
11:56PM 1 What? - 500 unless class Cart included
11:46PM 4 multiple rails apps on one lighttpd
10:21PM 0 errors not showing
9:56PM 0 Rails application failed to start properly?
9:53PM 0 subscription backend?
8:54PM 3 getting nil errors on file_column after update
8:47PM 5 Functional testing multiple page actions
8:11PM 3 Not sure where to begin updating a child table
8:01PM 2 update_attributes
8:01PM 3 Rails Book Source code Question
8:01PM 1 Development mode using production database
7:42PM 25 Oracle tablespaces
7:37PM 13 button_to execute javascript function
7:35PM 3 Idiom for submit button?
7:28PM 1 WinXP IE render_text leak?
6:59PM 3 non model select_tag problem
6:20PM 1 sqlite3, migrations, and win32 problem
6:07PM 4 [OT] brazilian railers, resources
4:39PM 3 RE: rails on Win2k3/IIS 6?
4:37PM 2 How to delete a set of records
4:16PM 8 The Dreaded Blank Screen
3:59PM 0 [Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema...] error
3:58PM 4 Include another action
3:38PM 1 WebRick hangs up on simple .rhtml file
3:24PM 1 model and controller namespace/structure
3:23PM 2 Error messages: relative paths seem weakly handled?
3:21PM 0 validates_date, format_whatever, column shuffling and ajax pagination
3:06PM 6 Validating date_select properly.
12:30PM 2 different text box size prob
12:14PM 3 No rails for an app since RC4
12:10PM 10 Multilingual Plugin
10:42AM 2 Getting session data to the model
10:08AM 1 Ajax and pagination
6:57AM 1 application.js include stutter
6:20AM 7 rake test_unit is deleting my pre-loaded test data
6:11AM 0 Switchtower and Subversion
4:34AM 0 ActsAsVersioned versioning one to many relations
3:40AM 3 Drop-down list populating second drop-down via AJAX
2:57AM 11 Building a conditions clause (for find) of multiple optional params?
2:49AM 15 Design Question
2:39AM 5 Anyone using Ruby-ldap with rails ?
2:31AM 8 using a plugin to modify Rails core?
1:48AM 1 session vars
12:33AM 1 add a plugin to http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/plugins/?
12:18AM 0 either paid for reading email
Monday November 21 2005
11:30PM 0 ActiveRecord / update_attributes
11:17PM 2 Help with Salted Login Generator, error: undefined method 'login_required'
11:14PM 0 Error in Benchmark.rb
10:50PM 8 Newbie question: Populating a selection list with numbers
10:33PM 5 BlindDown Effect - starting with hidden div
10:30PM 7 Problem with UTF-8 AJAX search
10:13PM 8 browse directory
10:08PM 1 A "ruby way" to build a sql-aggregate accessor ?
9:43PM 2 form validation _without_ activerecord
9:39PM 8 retrieving value from @params
9:31PM 0 server installation help
8:29PM 2 about request
8:14PM 0 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
8:13PM 0 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
8:13PM 0 Userstamp help
7:57PM 3 RubyOnRailsJobs.com
7:56PM 3 Some advice on DB modeling
7:46PM 2 Getting things to appear one at a time with ajax.
7:18PM 2 Converting patches to plugins
7:06PM 6 Association properties
6:48PM 5 Send list of variable size
6:34PM 1 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
6:19PM 1 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
6:08PM 0 log analysis for your rails apps
5:25PM 1 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
5:17PM 1 RE: Scaffolding "Edit/New" error
3:59PM 2 rails 1.0 and MySQL 5.0 and postgres 8.1
3:57PM 3 Update to FCKEditor and Rails Integration How-to
3:39PM 8 Ajax and ruby problem validation model and error displays
2:49PM 0 IRB history problems
2:44PM 8 Rails/Ruby OR
1:44PM 0 environment variable question
1:35PM 0 New German Site - MeinProf.de
1:12PM 3 Ajax and ruby problem highlighting
1:06PM 8 Resumable downloads
12:26PM 8 ActionMailer and Gmail
9:48AM 2 Multiple user_id columns
9:14AM 0 ��������.,;:.�
7:44AM 3 Child object saving fails
6:34AM 2 Postgres real being treated as boolean?
5:30AM 0 modeling ipaddresses
4:42AM 0 sessions in controller actions
3:29AM 10 Anybody using SCGI in production?
1:41AM 0 Login generator ACL: hard-coded roles & permissions
Sunday November 20 2005
11:39PM 1 mySQL 5.0 upgrade - incompatible DateTime format?
11:21PM 8 Factoring code out of a model but not as a plugin
11:16PM 2 Mailer Strategy
11:13PM 1 Factoring code out of a model but not plugin
11:12PM 2 Model Inheritence Question
9:58PM 1 Observe all models (easily)
9:49PM 2 sortable_element and pagination
9:34PM 1 Sortable elements & pagination
9:18PM 2 (brazilian) Portuguese Tutorial
8:27PM 0 Error in AWDR book: page 176
8:17PM 5 add a method to the Error class
6:46PM 2 re-factoring common sql
5:43PM 11 extra-newbie help with form helpers
5:00PM 7 Mysql error running ruby script/generate
4:51PM 0 inflections for translation system
4:05PM 3 custom foreign key field
3:37PM 6 Test Failing.....Why?
2:40PM 2 Problem with session cookie expire time
2:28PM 1 [4NEWBIE] Proxying [TIP]
12:42PM 2 AWDR the book: page 156 session_options
6:13AM 2 using .find and :include with multiple levels of associations
3:53AM 0 Setting Session Length When User Logs In
3:14AM 0 Can a Rails Observer be used to Trigger Updates at the Application Level ?
3:06AM 3 Functional testing issue
2:57AM 1 Just another localization thread
2:37AM 2 word_wrap with hard break
2:26AM 0 Schema.db dump to MySQL.sql?
2:23AM 0 Prototype, "periodically_call_remote" throws CPU into overdrive... ?!?
1:35AM 2 How I access controller instance variables from functional tests?
Saturday November 19 2005
11:51PM 0 add.errors in Rails helper
11:48PM 1 link_to weirdness
10:55PM 0 Missed readline on mac os x? [HELP]
10:52PM 0 multiple cache fragments and not-modified headers
10:35PM 0 Rails Programming Position
10:25PM 2 instance / class variable?
9:52PM 0 How to use acts_as_taggable
9:28PM 2 Wayfaring.com running on Rails, and request for help
8:36PM 4 fixtures for inititializing db
8:28PM 10 time based caching
8:28PM 0 Testing HTTPS app on Localhost (Lighttpd)
7:16PM 10 Installing rails @ WinXP SP1 issue
7:04PM 0 List View using Table Control
6:56PM 6 Switchtower problem: Application error and no logs
6:47PM 3 Two "has_one" relationships linking to the same table?
6:39PM 3 How to get two "has_a" relationships to the same table?
6:26PM 4 Should this be considered a bug?
6:22PM 1 Model associations
5:58PM 1 versioning and dynamic object properties
5:38PM 3 Converting uploaded HTML files into UTF8
5:28PM 1 Rails as SOAP client with .NET web service
5:23PM 0 San Francisco area Rails developers?
5:05PM 12 Localized Floats
4:42PM 2 Partial Confusion
4:04PM 2 gettext in models
2:48PM 0 reserved word problem
2:04PM 6 How to find out which actions are available on a controller?
1:34PM 0 file_column and memory usage
1:21PM 5 OT: looking for decent JavaScript book
1:15PM 0 upload_status_for undefined method?
12:19PM 4 ruby exception
11:23AM 0 Updating an attribute in all elements of acts_as_list
11:16AM 3 file uploads with lighttpd-1.4.7 broken??
10:59AM 3 Form values not included in submit when ajax generated.
10:28AM 7 url_for_file_column problems
8:51AM 7 Ruby/RoR - Lucene integration question ??
7:29AM 1 How I provide a session object to Functional Tests?
6:18AM 4 URI.escape and pluses
5:32AM 1 Strange error. Any feedback appreciated.
4:49AM 0 any rants/raves on a2hosting.com for rails hosting?
4:21AM 4 Stupid problem with named fixture
3:51AM 6 "Persisting" Forms
2:24AM 14 FULLTEXT search in MySQL on rails
12:51AM 5 CSS tabs in RoR
12:35AM 0 Re: PDF writing
12:24AM 0 Creating case-inensitive route components?
Friday November 18 2005
11:51PM 1 hyphens in column names
11:08PM 0 RE: PDF writing
11:06PM 4 How to create an object in environment.rb and use it to share data between controllers
11:00PM 2 Prototype, periodically_call_remote & CPU overdrive...
9:20PM 2 Esoteric error with file_column 0.3.1
9:09PM 3 acts_as_list with has_and_belongs_to_many
8:51PM 2 OT: Mailing list Digest frequency
7:24PM 8 Problem appending an object to an array.
6:17PM 14 RJS Templates?
6:12PM 7 [OT] Shared hosting for Rails projects
6:10PM 2 uninitialized constant ImageList
6:08PM 2 Rails Job Openings in Phoenix, AZ
5:52PM 3 Another Issue - don't get sick of me yet
5:49PM 2 file_column creates tmp images, but not actual
5:47PM 4 foreign keys in Ruby on Rails
5:33PM 3 auto launch lighttpd in RC4
5:32PM 0 RE: [OT] Shared hosting for Rails projects
5:30PM 0 ActiveRecord with 'quote' attribute
4:57PM 1 How do I retrieve Errors from multiple updates
4:42PM 3 Verbose Migrations (plugin)
4:27PM 0 AR and processes
4:09PM 1 validates_X errors not showing up
3:48PM 1 Controller modules;- Problems if already defined
3:06PM 0 Web Frameworks Night
3:04PM 10 [Request] file_column configurability
3:02PM 3 Two Controllers vs One Big Controller with many actions
2:57PM 3 OT : Blogging host (free?) with tags/categories ?
2:48PM 7 all passwords in logs
1:58PM 1 Capturing arbitrary events in client-side DOM
1:04PM 6 crypt_unless_empty (login generator)
12:34PM 0 Automatic inclusion of child errors in validation
11:15AM 5 change an xml_http_request to http_request
11:06AM 2 functional testing -- using post() w/ a different controller
9:54AM 1 Re: Credit card validation problem => sentry
9:07AM 1 route with optional args?
7:56AM 2 validates_exclusion_of
7:37AM 2 help with User.find() and rendering text
6:04AM 2 apache-based passwd authentication of RoR app dir?
5:53AM 0 Picture worth a thousand words... Create new from parent help
5:05AM 3 searching via association
4:35AM 2 Rails on OS X Panther vs. libncurses.5.4.dylib
2:52AM 2 Migrate Ubuntu Rails App to Fedora?
2:15AM 0 has_and_belongs_to_many helper plugin
2:09AM 4 Lighttpd file upload issue - sporadic choke?
2:03AM 9 Returning just an image via a controller
1:36AM 3 plugin install file_column - svn: not working copy
12:53AM 6 wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) error message help
Thursday November 17 2005
10:28PM 6 "Invalid argument - *" when creating a new rails project
10:09PM 1 Don't know how to build task 'add_new_scripts'
10:01PM 1 Ajax.autocompleter and submission of the form
9:31PM 5 Populating the development database
9:04PM 4 Apache vs. Lighttpd
8:09PM 4 after_find gets called for a model and not for other
8:05PM 2 Rails command not working
7:36PM 4 Howto to use Gruff (charts) from within Rails?
7:23PM 2 AR Transactions w/ multiple models - reality check ?
7:09PM 5 Ruby/PHP/Lighttpd
6:10PM 2 Help Wanted! Part time Rails work
5:58PM 10 Apache + FastCGI + RoR
5:56PM 0 Virtural Host with Apache + FastCGI + RoR
5:55PM 1 modifying lib/active_record/base.rb
5:30PM 0 send_data crashing WEBrick under specific conditions
5:29PM 0 Planet Argon in San Francisco
5:29PM 3 How can I use Pagination on Model associations?
5:20PM 5 Session file
5:19PM 6 Disabling the browser 'back' button
4:56PM 8 Components and layouts
3:40PM 4 multi step forms
3:38PM 7 render :partial in mail template
3:15PM 1 Strange error using association methods
3:09PM 4 Credit card validation
3:05PM 1 override form data
2:34PM 0 Re: Engine Licensing, an encouraging perspective on
1:48PM 6 button_to generates DIV
1:30PM 2 acts_as_taggable problem
1:10PM 7 Update multiple fields in a form on change event
11:52AM 5 update_attribute send updates every field, why?
11:01AM 1 What is wrong with my sql statement??
11:00AM 3 Rails on IIS - Misunderstanding the WIKIs
10:20AM 1 original filename doesn't display in file_field
9:24AM 2 file upload validations?
8:49AM 0 Ruby / Rails Job
8:42AM 1 calling the controller in string
6:45AM 3 Rails Weenie - get answers to your rails questions
6:31AM 4 undefined method `scafford'
6:11AM 5 Engine Licensing, an encouraging perspective on why to start yours up
6:07AM 0 Error handling in Macros?
5:54AM 16 Re: Rannotate v2 - Annotated Rails API documentation withsearch
4:58AM 3 Upgrade Typo from 2.5.5 to trunk
4:54AM 1 textdrive deployment question
4:17AM 3 Rannotate v2 - Annotated Rails API documentation with search
4:10AM 2 Sorry that this question is so dumb but....
3:25AM 0 detecting protocol with proxy
2:53AM 2 How can I call a different controller from within a functional test
1:21AM 3 Update multiple records with a list of ids
1:05AM 0 ANN: new plugin - SCGI page caching
12:15AM 1 date_select and html options
12:05AM 5 Creating a ZIP archive purely in memory?
Wednesday November 16 2005
11:16PM 2 How do you define database tables?
11:10PM 3 Association collections problems
10:43PM 0 in_place_edit_for, multiple attributes?
9:42PM 0 OFF: gem problem
9:31PM 2 ruby-forum.com
8:45PM 1 find() bug with :conditions?
8:36PM 0 Error: too much recursion
8:31PM 9 AR::migration - how to change the primary key
8:20PM 4 gettext and placeholder
7:28PM 0 Form.serialize questions
7:16PM 37 Postgresql vs MySQL
6:24PM 0 Job: Lead Developer for Rails Vehicle Telemetry project
6:02PM 0 Engines & Migrations
5:31PM 0 [Fwd: [novajug] Special Session - Thursday, November 17th]
5:22PM 0 has_many -- deletion from collection won't persist
5:03PM 3 set_table_name strangeness
5:01PM 0 RE: Defining a variable in the environment and using itincontrollers and views
4:44PM 19 Concerns over Rails' handling of tests
4:16PM 3 controller before_filter issues
3:50PM 2 does upgrading rails require you to use generate rails again for existing apps?
3:35PM 4 scgi routing problem not DRY (update to SCGI and caching not right)
3:18PM 1 Rails app exception "can't activate active support"
3:14PM 10 Is there a rails forum?
3:14PM 3 Automatically show "*" if a field is required
2:06PM 0 Session problems followup
2:03PM 0 switchtower and passwords
1:03PM 7 no helper methods in controller
12:36PM 1 I18N -- Hebrew/English -- L10N
12:19PM 11 Selling Rails
12:18PM 0 Re: Article on ternary associations
12:04PM 2 Question about Rails lifecycle
11:26AM 6 UTF-8 problems... caching messing stuff up?
10:38AM 4 ternary associations
9:59AM 1 Ajax call and latin1?
9:52AM 1 setting session dir?
8:46AM 3 need help with languages and http://mir.aculo.us/articles/2005/10/03/ruby-on-rails-i18n-revisited
8:45AM 4 What happened to mysql connection?
8:23AM 0 RE: Rails Servlet?
7:51AM 2 def validate in a module does not get called
6:52AM 0 SCGI and caching not right
6:37AM 2 In Place Editor options
5:36AM 0 Active Record Migrations and SQL Server
5:33AM 6 portable db table definitions?
4:58AM 1 what happened to database.yml
4:18AM 1 HABTM: deleting records based on attributes
3:21AM 2 Routing Requests with a database field
2:41AM 0 Setting up more than one project
1:31AM 0 checking foreign keys on validate
1:17AM 0 image conversion w/ file column
1:15AM 3 Avoiding ext3's 4K entry limit when caching
12:03AM 0 deployment, rewriting, lighttpd, subdirs
Tuesday November 15 2005
11:46PM 3 Defining a variable in the environment and using it in controllers and views
10:58PM 2 How can I have Active Record warn and also report errors?
10:23PM 11 Collecting thread: Too many open files (Rails+SCGI crash)
10:11PM 2 Agile Dev w/Rails, pp.128-129 Hashing Passwords
9:57PM 8 Category and List from a database
9:08PM 0 set value based on action being taken
9:02PM 1 Rails, FreeBSD and Postfix
8:58PM 0 login generator: edit account
8:34PM 1 model.valid? == model.save Assumption
8:05PM 14 returning?
7:56PM 1 acts_as_paranoid --> undefined method `constrain' for class `Class'
7:42PM 0 Pagination with include + conditions
7:40PM 1 undefined method `redirect_back_or_default' w/ Salted Login Generator tests
7:28PM 12 moving from linux to windows woes
6:39PM 0 acts_as_taggable and tag scoping
6:33PM 4 Fosdem : Developers Room, Presence
6:32PM 0 Job posting Default / Springbolt Ruby / Rails developers
5:44PM 0 has_and_belongs_to_many :delete_sql not works?
5:26PM 1 Newbie - How Do I Create a new Table
5:23PM 0 AR optimistic locking error when not using #attributes= ?
5:18PM 0 RE: IE/NTLM/Rails [was: Re: Re: Rails core going multiligual...ever?]
5:10PM 2 autoinc id field not treated as such
5:02PM 11 Turning off sessions
4:54PM 1 OnLamp Tutorial and another way of displaying Recipes.
4:44PM 3 From 0.13.1 to 0.14.3 (or 1.0)
4:32PM 3 Flash Upload and Ruby
4:06PM 0 Deleting a reference that uses a belongs_to association
3:47PM 1 Speaking of Toronto...
2:57PM 0 Options_for_select question
1:54PM 4 OSS Web Frameworks Action Day Vienna
1:36PM 0 URL>store (what's this tool?)
1:12PM 1 Multiple file uploads
12:59PM 3 Falling through to default templates
10:43AM 5 Migrations in current dir, not RAILS_ROOT
10:41AM 3 problem calling has_many's defined attributes on a specific table
10:24AM 7 My site in different languages
10:00AM 2 Speaking of Canada - Toronto on Rails ?
9:59AM 1 Rewrite hyphen to underscore
8:59AM 0 Vancouver to host first Ruby on Rails Conference!
8:29AM 0 script/overview
7:25AM 0 Flash Upload question
6:50AM 4 HABTM loses 'additional fields' when using :include in find
6:14AM 2 FormOptionsHelper select call failing
5:57AM 2 Boolean Fields
5:27AM 0 multiple model
5:22AM 3 Passing variables from view to controller(s)
5:18AM 0 validates_associated
2:49AM 1 has_many alias?
2:40AM 1 Shouldn't we share same models across apps?
2:25AM 6 Why default to plural controller in generate scaffold?
1:48AM 1 Typo for open source jobs group
1:16AM 5 "string not matched" with AR session store
1:13AM 0 CONTRACT JOB: San Diego, CA (on-site) Ruby on Rails Developer
12:34AM 41 file_column 0.3.1 with SVN repository
12:17AM 2 RoR Resumes Requested
12:12AM 3 Accessing link_to from within a controller
12:09AM 0 CONTRACT JOB: San Diego, CA (on-site) Ruby on Rails Develope
12:08AM 0 New Rails Site - Socius
Monday November 14 2005
11:35PM 1 Mac OS upgrade 13 to latest breaks FCGI
11:05PM 7 Rails on Apache
11:02PM 0 In fastcgi the environment.rb isn't loaded
10:43PM 0 feedback on my upcoming presentation on ruby on rails
10:02PM 1 trouble with file_column plugin
10:01PM 0 Pagination with conditions + include
9:50PM 8 session weirdness
9:38PM 6 ActionMailer - Sent but no mail?
9:16PM 6 Penny Arcade runs on RoR
8:40PM 4 ActiveRecord problem with find and :join ?
8:23PM 1 Search Method
8:12PM 9 Mac OS Rails => SQL Server
8:11PM 0 Polymorphic helper methods?
8:05PM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 14, Issue 266
7:37PM 1 assert HTML table contents
7:27PM 3 habtm update attribute question
7:27PM 7 How do I create multiple records at once?
7:05PM 1 Webrick suddenly down w/bad redirection - look familiar?
6:40PM 2 textarea with large data, bug ?
5:51PM 0 can't display controllers with lighttpd
5:08PM 0 acts as vertical
4:28PM 3 #find(:all) not finding all from fixture -- help?
4:03PM 0 Rails, associations, eager-loading
3:46PM 1 What ? No grid support...
3:27PM 2 Any plans on making Typo into an Engine?
2:31PM 2 file_column with RMagick
2:29PM 10 challenge
1:05PM 1 Configuring tests to run with no database
12:56PM 0 Do tests run independently of each other?
12:45PM 2 [Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] Web Frameworks Night venue change]
11:53AM 1 find_by_sql with associations?
11:37AM 4 Observers doesnt get registred in productize
9:58AM 0 Device not configured
8:22AM 0 movtable
8:22AM 2 customizing scaffold
7:59AM 2 Calling controllers in a controller
6:50AM 3 What's the best way to manage settings in a Rails app?
6:48AM 3 _before_type_cast
6:18AM 0 Ajax -- select from search results
5:30AM 1 script.aculo.us down?
4:45AM 13 ActiveRecord's type_cast method?
4:30AM 0 date_select helper error
4:12AM 1 keystrokes from browser
3:46AM 3 Group By
3:12AM 15 Engines: Available in 0.14.1?
2:44AM 0 sessions - md5?
2:36AM 0 Javascript Troubles
2:29AM 0 in_place_editor_field inside a partial collection
1:32AM 2 Problem with placement of flash in layout
1:32AM 1 problem upgrading from .13.1 to .14.x
1:19AM 0 Form fields that don't match table fields
12:57AM 4 Keeping A Session Alive
12:35AM 0 Validation without ActiveRecord (was Re: contact form/no db table?)
12:23AM 4 FastCGI: incomplete headers (35 bytes) received
Sunday November 13 2005
11:32PM 0 Problem with find and join (wrong id?)
11:22PM 6 Ajax, tables and parameters - problem
10:48PM 2 Sessions w/o cookies still broken
10:14PM 7 Best Way To Get Where You Have Been
10:08PM 1 [OT] xml-tools on OS X?
10:06PM 13 contact form/no db table?
9:59PM 2 Color syntax for ruby code in Typo
9:08PM 6 Getting Controller and Action Names
8:53PM 0 Job Opportunity In LA / Santa Monica Area
8:38PM 1 ExeceptionNotifier troubles
8:08PM 2 where to save a module for model mixin
6:41PM 4 Understanding Rails Internals (i.e. files generated by the rails command)
5:43PM 2 Link_to :protocol and :host?
5:19PM 2 rubyonrails.DE is live!
4:18PM 0 rails w/ no database
3:11PM 0 Maintaining clean tables
3:10PM 2 order / line items problem
2:40PM 1 acts_as_authenticated generator/plugin now available
1:21PM 4 Typo does not to work
11:01AM 3 Helper or partial?
7:54AM 0 The Perfect Rails/Debian/Lighttpd VPS instructions
7:16AM 1 HABTM, push_with_attributes, and validations
6:21AM 0 radio_button weirdness
6:14AM 0 Solaris binary for Ruby-OCI8 (Oracle Call Interface) or Ruby 9i?
3:46AM 0 Routing Fixnum
2:40AM 10 making validates_uniqueness_of case insensitive
1:31AM 18 reverse of h()
Saturday November 12 2005
9:34PM 2 Rails processes ignore SIGTERM (kill)?
8:48PM 3 General query using ActiveRecord.
8:40PM 0 Having Trouble With :protocol and :host with link_to
7:32PM 1 Where is a webpage just before Rails sends it to a browser?
6:06PM 2 undefined method `protocol' for nil:NilClass
5:09PM 1 Prototype Problem
4:46PM 0 rails + lighttpd + virtual host + fastcgi -> 403 forbidden error
3:57PM 1 Single Table Inheritance
3:50PM 1 Problems with Rails mailing list?
3:07PM 10 Rails mailing list <-> web forum gateway
1:54PM 4 RE: multilingual rails
1:35PM 2 Rails and MySQL 5.0
1:30PM 1 Rubyforge problems?
1:16PM 14 Rails and Hosting 2
11:59AM 3 question about validate
7:34AM 0 RE: URLs in IIS - Please look at my code and offersuggestions!
7:02AM 12 New cartographer
6:23AM 4 ActionMailer EOFError
6:01AM 1 API documentation bundle download??
5:41AM 1 form_tag weirdness
4:55AM 2 importing data
4:43AM 8 Possible to change controller's default action?
4:33AM 0 Tests failing in RC4
4:06AM 0 DisplayTag for Rails ?
2:47AM 0 Simpler scgi_ctrl
12:48AM 1 RE: Rails on Apache/Windows
12:43AM 2 Handling a nil value when using FileColumn's url_for_file_column
12:24AM 1 ActiveRecord and BOOL columns
12:06AM 4 500 Server Error when running dispatch.*
Friday November 11 2005
11:59PM 2 SSL In Production
11:58PM 4 what features in login system?
11:21PM 2 14.2 confusion/This used to work
11:17PM 9 Postgres 8 on Mac Os X
10:43PM 0 Problem with plurals, generate scaffold
9:55PM 1 RE: URLs in IIS - Please look at my code and offersuggestions!
9:23PM 0 (no subject)
9:01PM 18 "Components", loosely coupled plug-ins, and standard logins
8:57PM 1 handling a three-way table relationship
8:51PM 2 Help: Multiple Form Actions
8:03PM 1 descending sort order w/paginate?
8:00PM 0 Issues With form_remote_tag
7:24PM 0 Linking to tables together?
7:09PM 1 validation error text is defined where?
7:08PM 10 Let PDFLib hear from you regarding Ruby bindings
7:04PM 0 Well-behaved authentication model / post-backs
6:57PM 3 random trivial ideas for improving Rails
6:54PM 0 Listing to tables together ...
6:44PM 0 cache_page throwing "undefined method merge" error
6:43PM 0 Re: RoR and Hosting
6:43PM 1 Paypal gem and OpenSSL
6:15PM 5 new site
3:40PM 0 Send_file and Firefox
3:27PM 1 @flash :notice
3:13PM 0 ActiveRecord 1.13.0 + MySql + Linux
1:32PM 3 String weirdness
12:32PM 1 strange crc error when install rails with gem
11:17AM 2 Improving render performance
3:38AM 6 I still don't understand migrations
2:53AM 0 RoR app works with Webrick, fails with Apache 2.0
2:21AM 2 hide attributes?
1:36AM 0 Possible to simplify these routes?
1:16AM 0 (kind of OT) Equivalent to onunload or onbeforeunload in Safari?
12:01AM 2 Login Engine Test Fail
Thursday November 10 2005
10:53PM 10 Simple Rendering Question
10:42PM 5 Sub-layouts?
10:27PM 5 More dynamic way? Search Pagination
9:37PM 6 generating select lists from collections
9:33PM 2 URLs in IIS - Please look at my code and offer suggestions!
9:17PM 6 Manually loading fixture data
8:37PM 4 Asset Timestamping defeats browser cache?
8:33PM 40 Yet another reason to use salted passwords
8:26PM 3 cloning AR doesn't clone associations?
8:12PM 0 Typo chat, BBQ dinner (Sunnyvale, CA), 11/10, 7 pm
7:47PM 1 Some of my code Broke after Upgrading from 0.13 to 0.14.3
6:08PM 0 Distributing Rails with Lighttpd?
6:00PM 1 Current version? && CSS bug.
4:12PM 2 Checking errors in functional tests?
3:48PM 0 CONTRACT JOB: Ruby on Rails Developer, Herndon, VA or telecommute
3:04PM 5 Weird error when running migration
2:53PM 1 Presenting Realtime on Rails
2:49PM 1 Strange id value in ActiveRecord
1:50PM 6 rails app with mod_proxy
12:55PM 0 Resend: find problems => patch
12:10PM 0 has_many :conditions
11:18AM 0 [OT] Model Security
11:03AM 10 Ruby 1.8.3
7:00AM 2 Parsing input using each_line
6:13AM 4 Is there an AR.delete CASCADE option?
6:00AM 8 Athentication
5:57AM 5 javascipt form validation in Rails
5:52AM 43 Rails core going multiligual...ever?
5:00AM 2 Cookies are broken
3:22AM 0 Cookies with the same name, but different paths
3:15AM 0 subdomain as account key + pagination?
3:03AM 1 @request et al not available in controller initialize?
2:57AM 3 Help With Pre-Loading
2:23AM 0 Updating text with Ajax and link_to_remote
2:07AM 2 SaltedHashLoginGenerator functional tests fail on Rails 0.14.3
2:02AM 3 cannot debug in eclipse w/ rdt because of DRbServerNotFound exception
1:03AM 3 membership tutorial?
12:18AM 2 Modules and models
12:03AM 0 Using helpers in model?
Wednesday November 9 2005
11:58PM 3 Best way to time-limit a rails/ruby application
11:48PM 35 no. of comments
11:29PM 0 Ruby on Rails Control Panel
11:17PM 2 Non-engine based login system?
11:11PM 3 fixture fails when default table name not used
10:42PM 3 Moving from a single-user application to multiple users
10:34PM 15 Switchtower, Windows & Setup
10:24PM 1 Rails Engine?
10:13PM 6 One liner please
9:51PM 5 render partial and passing in the object
9:36PM 9 Proper way to create an association...
8:40PM 3 Q: ActiveForm?
8:30PM 26 RadRails 0.4.1 is out
8:29PM 0 Re: in praise of aws, and a question
7:37PM 0 Malformed SQL
7:33PM 0 Change font color of logger?
7:29PM 5 HABTM - what am I doing wrong?
6:53PM 3 belongs_to and table name quotes - DO NOT DO THIS
6:31PM 3 AJAX form Parameters jumbled.
6:29PM 0 Sorting has_many relationships
5:59PM 4 LoginEngine - transaction test oddness
5:19PM 5 Finding memory leaks...
4:57PM 1 html options in link_to_remote
4:48PM 0 Validation issue in 0.14.3
4:45PM 2 conditional periodically_call_remote
4:16PM 0 fcgi install issue
4:15PM 1 AWS+Apache2+SCGI Issue
4:04PM 0 Update multiple fields using observe_field call
2:55PM 3 how to get information stored in a form by using ruby-rails
2:31PM 0 time_zone_select problem, need difference
2:20PM 0 Upgrading to 0.14.3 from 0.13.1 problems
1:00PM 2 first letter of UTF-8 string?
12:00PM 3 Rails-0.14.3 Error?
10:36AM 1 script/console
10:29AM 6 webrick and scgi
10:22AM 1 ajax problem
10:19AM 0 Article: REST on Rails by Matt Biddulph
8:00AM 5 case insensitive urls OR url re-writing
7:39AM 3 help needed with link_to_remote
5:13AM 6 Vim4Rails : project generator
5:05AM 0 after_filter to disable links and javascript
4:58AM 1 require & dependency problems switching to 0.14.2
2:42AM 5 Rails 1.0: MySQL password hashing
2:28AM 0 require specific gem version (RedCloth issues!)
1:49AM 0 How to update specific fields?
1:31AM 0 better to derive and set a property in the model or controller?
1:31AM 1 Enterprise Integration with Ruby - Beta book
1:17AM 0 Login test method (from Agile book)
12:42AM 0 Routing docs?
Tuesday November 8 2005
11:40PM 0 WEBrick restart
11:25PM 0 form_remote_tag - Mulitple actions based on user selection
11:00PM 3 Get URL (URI) Process
10:49PM 1 Instant Rails 1.0 preview5 Released
10:39PM 0 Rails application organization
10:36PM 0 Permission denied deleting Ruby_sess on Windows
10:26PM 2 getting started with variable fixture tests
10:09PM 3 Textmate "e ." in the Video
9:45PM 3 slow ajax with webreick
9:38PM 8 template comments?
9:03PM 3 onchange inside form_remote_tag
8:51PM 2 switchtower and scgi
8:40PM 4 schema_info
8:35PM 2 extending ApplicationHelper not working with plugins
8:28PM 1 avoiding restarting WEBrick while developing acts_as plugin
6:23PM 5 secure logins + lighttpd
6:17PM 1 ActiveRecord eager loading of associations
6:16PM 2 Checkbook / Financial apps ?
6:05PM 1 login controller with ldap?
5:55PM 4 SCGI / Apache 2 / Win32 not working / no output / help?
5:51PM 0 How to populate join tables?
5:40PM 1 connection failure when SQL server is reset
5:01PM 10 FileColumn and/or RMagick woes
4:32PM 0 FlashHelperPlugin - v0.3
4:18PM 3 unexpected interaction between flash and render_component(_as_string)
3:57PM 2 Getting Data From A Select Menu
3:47PM 4 Deploying a RoR Intranet Application on Windows Server 2003
3:28PM 1 ActiveRecord problems with 4.1.13
3:26PM 2 ActiveRecord slow performance on SQL Server 2000
3:15PM 2 Rails 0.14.3 Max bundle available for Locomotive
3:03PM 1 lost connection to mysql after rc4-upgrade
3:03PM 2 How to change IIS environment
12:58PM 14 Infinite recursion in model class due to overwritten alias_metod in active_record/callbacks.rb
10:15AM 2 Calling ruby script/generate scaffold category dependency model
7:55AM 2 IE not repopulating forms under Rails views - very odd
7:40AM 2 Pagination: getting item/attributes from prev/next page
6:16AM 0 Renaming my objects? What do I have to do?
6:09AM 1 Help with has_and_belongs_to_many relationships with paginate?
4:55AM 8 rc4 upgrade issue...
4:54AM 2 Ruby equivalent of PHP Explode / Implode
1:51AM 13 avoiding nil object errors with conditional checks?
1:02AM 1 custom date/time formats?
12:46AM 0 Pagination using offset?
12:44AM 0 meta is not a plural of metum
12:32AM 4 Using PUTS to send message to console
12:27AM 3 Rails 1.0 RC4 (0.14.3): It's the final countdown!
12:17AM 4 Fixtures question
12:06AM 3 Ruby coding question
12:01AM 18 using postgres sequences on id columns
Monday November 7 2005
11:08PM 1 Definitive localization solution?
9:29PM 16 Engines made up of..more engines
9:07PM 1 treeview, master detail forms, sortable grids, etc..?
9:01PM 0 Using Layouts with ActionMailer when sending html formatted emails
8:59PM 4 Running 'rake' empties production database if RAILS_ENV = 'production'
8:11PM 8 Instant Rails -- Are You Using it?
7:58PM 4 ActiveRecord without Rails
7:55PM 4 sorting in HABTM
6:48PM 7 Which way to go ?
6:44PM 5 Switchtower deployment
6:33PM 6 Code Review
6:31PM 3 Routing limitations, or is my knowledge limited?
4:32PM 2 auto_responder for auto_complete_for question
4:20PM 3 Execute database function from model
4:04PM 0 Problems with migrations
3:56PM 0 FlashHelperPlugin - v0.2
3:48PM 1 Typo code review question: where is the mapping between .rhtml and the layout for admin
3:12PM 1 habtm
1:13PM 6 NoMethodError in my cart - how do I debug this?
1:11PM 2 Extending ActiveRecord with plugins
12:44PM 4 rails on jruby?
12:35PM 6 Plz help with error in depot-app from Agile-Development Book
12:16PM 0 pk_and_sequence_for(table) bug?
12:14PM 2 find_by_pnumber missing despite pnumber column?
11:21AM 5 display of database images in browser
11:14AM 2 Simple search
10:55AM 4 Routing / Hieararchical URLs
10:12AM 0 translation question
10:12AM 2 Importing data from excel
9:41AM 1 Migrations question
9:16AM 2 PDFWriter (Austin Ziegler) image problem
9:07AM 3 Web-based table customisation
7:53AM 1 Help re: limiting access to content in database by login
7:47AM 12 Generating / Parsing XLS Files
7:21AM 0 Problem representing objects in forms
6:48AM 0 vpim & icalendar
6:14AM 0 Problem with authentication in 0.14.2
6:08AM 2 wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) / composed_of / to_f
5:11AM 2 1.8.3 for windows/gems - can't get it working
3:58AM 3 Using AR outside of Rails -- with relationships
3:19AM 1 Global access of request.env?
2:45AM 9 Using Gettext To Translate Your Rails Application
1:32AM 6 [OT] Apple buying help
12:19AM 3 Help adding a new div using Ajax.
Sunday November 6 2005
10:44PM 1 mixins not reloaded as expected?!
10:01PM 0 Switchtower and Lighttpd
8:53PM 0 'No definition' - gem install fcgi
7:37PM 4 simple link_to question
6:51PM 6 ERb syntax highlighting for Kate/Kdevelop
5:29PM 1 How to pass onchange javascript to select ....
4:10PM 2 Serving Applets from WEBRick
3:59PM 2 Assigning to cookies and flash in functional tests
3:39PM 6 extract fixtures from database?
1:53PM 11 Ideal Rails / Apache config?
1:16PM 1 dynamic images: public <- vs. -> database
12:32PM 0 why is Player a reserved word?
11:41AM 10 extending ActionView with custom tag helper
8:32AM 0 update of a stale object
5:42AM 3 mod_fastcgi.c not compatible with apache
3:41AM 0 Fwd: Re: (PostgreSQL and Updateable views - renaming sequence won't work)
3:36AM 1 mod_ruby mirror?
2:37AM 3 belongs_to issue
12:37AM 1 Logic of singularization?
Saturday November 5 2005
11:42PM 2 newbie scaffolding question
10:38PM 0 sorting has_many in view
9:08PM 12 Postgres: 7.4 or 8.0?
9:00PM 7 accessing vars between controllers?
8:46PM 0 Edit Form not receiving variables
6:51PM 5 Ouch! problem combining two tables
6:48PM 3 using session variables in a model object
5:06PM 4 Changing plugins_path in Rails::Configuration
4:28PM 2 Rails code in date_helper.rb
3:38PM 2 How to redirect as post
3:32PM 1 access to url arguments, Ruby on rails CGI?
11:43AM 2 Extend ActionView with custom tags
11:01AM 4 Time based fragment expiry
7:57AM 4 Looking for directions
5:15AM 3 Keeping the queries down...
4:33AM 1 link_to - title attribute?
4:19AM 2 Routes Question
3:34AM 0 Rake silently failing
1:39AM 1 Archives on Wrath?
1:25AM 3 Unit test error, need clarification
1:08AM 1 How does activerecord make make attributes available
12:56AM 3 [OT] debugging rails apps with kodomo 3.5 beta for windows
12:44AM 0 Simple belongs_to/has_many find query?
Friday November 4 2005
9:40PM 6 [OT - slightly] How to run plugin tests ?
9:36PM 10 Switchtower execution failure
9:27PM 1 ��������
9:18PM 1 Rails Engines - Table namespaces
9:17PM 0 Threads and Active Reccord
9:17PM 1 Issues with date validation.
9:12PM 1 Rails Engines - rake migrate
8:47PM 10 finding "latest date" in activerecord
8:34PM 2 active record accessor behavior
8:32PM 0 ISO-3166 country_select
8:07PM 2 element.className has no properties
7:53PM 0 file_column plugin issues in 0.14.2?
7:38PM 3 possible bug with find and :select ???
7:34PM 0 when to put controller code into separate modules
7:22PM 1 how to access session in model
7:18PM 3 OT: daily batch emails
5:43PM 1 i2, Google and missing links.. (aka: don't modify the model through a GET )
5:30PM 1 expire_fragment outside of a controller
5:15PM 0 RE: Why class InstanceTag is defined at 4 different places inRails
5:08PM 0 WikiEngine
4:09PM 1 how to delete from HABTM
3:58PM 1 [OT] oracle in production
3:37PM 11 postal code/zip code distance
3:31PM 0 Why class InstanceTag is defined at 4 different places in Rails
3:12PM 11 RFC: Standardising flash usage amongst Rails applications & generators
3:11PM 0 MySQL Tool
3:06PM 0 Dispatch error on textdrive
1:41PM 0 after_find callback in an acts_as plugin
1:40PM 0 habtm's collection_remove deprecated
1:38PM 1 doc/literal
1:12PM 3 rails logout not working
12:52PM 2 Turning Typo in to an Engine
12:29PM 2 eruby syntax?
12:27PM 3 Should engines go in vendor/engines?
12:25PM 5 "NameError: uninitialized constant Mysql" in tests
11:05AM 4 reserved words
10:34AM 4 one liner?
9:38AM 1 Rails Performance Blog (shameless promotion)
8:20AM 2 Subdomains as account keys
5:59AM 1 Probably more of an SQL Question, but...
5:17AM 4 Re: file_column_0.3 plugin with rmagick support - HABTM example?
5:14AM 3 Components Layout
4:59AM 0 lighttpd + spawner, only one process doing all the work (solution)
4:22AM 0 Hieraki
3:48AM 0 ajax updaters with divs/partials
2:03AM 0 Railsday website
1:23AM 3 Default Validation Header
1:08AM 2 Updating extra values in join tables
12:57AM 10 Validation Order ?
12:29AM 0 Controller modules and session parameters - a bug or my fault?
Thursday November 3 2005
10:55PM 8 The GET Method
10:53PM 1 ActiveRecord warnings when $VERBOSE is true
10:49PM 3 subversion, switchtower and the log directory
10:43PM 0 Blob tables
9:53PM 1 nonexistent oci adapter
9:44PM 2 group application
9:30PM 7 Pluralization: campuses/campus...
9:16PM 0 a newbie's questions after reading the Onlamp tutorial
9:08PM 3 EBADF error?
8:54PM 2 [OT] CamCommerce
8:32PM 0 sorting and filtering tables using ajax
8:31PM 2 Wrapping 404 error pages with default layout
7:56PM 0 Mysql.rb problems
7:50PM 1 Weird db behaviour under test environment
7:04PM 0 Rails and X-Forms
6:51PM 0 AR model and virtual attributes
6:42PM 6 Processing large data sets w/rails, at blazing speeds, question
6:32PM 0 habtm problem (has_many_and_belongs_to_many)
5:57PM 4 Plugin reloading in development mode
5:21PM 2 What is object here in ...if object.respond_to?("errors") && object.errors.respond_to?("on")...
5:13PM 3 Instanstiated Fixtures nil?
4:10PM 3 freebsd/lighttpd/scgi as a deployment platform
3:58PM 0 ActiveRecord column names - lcase?
3:50PM 0 Return code 304 when I hit F5 but 200 when I select the url and hit enter
3:42PM 2 Global Cache Fragments
3:26PM 1 Rails Engine and per-environment configurations
3:25PM 2 observe_field doesnt use form ?
3:13PM 0 Newbie: ActionMailer and Attachment
2:49PM 1 Component accessibility
2:38PM 12 Installation of plugins/gems/mix-ins confusion
2:17PM 1 Builder / rxml views: hyphens in XML element names
2:12PM 0 RMagick and PDFWriter (Austin Ziegler): PNG alpha channel transparency is not su
1:47PM 10 Rails and components
12:22PM 2 how to get GD
11:23AM 0 file_column plugin mods
10:49AM 0 Rails Engines/Login Engine Update :: ActionMailer is Too Funky
9:58AM 1 bigint in migrations?
9:10AM 2 Adding custom columns to ActiveRecord
8:42AM 9 [Idea] session-wide persistent variables
6:46AM 5 learning to write plugins
5:56AM 4 Apache FCGI Exception Error
5:45AM 2 Problem with CheckboxHABTM
3:17AM 0 webrick periodically just dies
2:34AM 4 Plugins and versioning
1:56AM 0 Asterisk on rails
1:13AM 0 rfc822 method missing from Time objects during functional tests?
12:34AM 0 getTables
12:32AM 0 Interview with CD Baby on my O'Reilly blog
Wednesday November 2 2005
11:37PM 1 Rails questions
11:06PM 4 Updating records using Oracle
9:34PM 2 San Jose, CA: Ruby on Rails talk Thursday Nov 3
9:27PM 1 can routes remember a URI prefix? i.e. /prefix/myapp/
9:24PM 0 Multiple DB Connections
9:02PM 0 relative links with link_to?
8:53PM 5 How to check for an empty file field
7:55PM 3 uninitialized constant Mysql
7:37PM 0 observe_field with form
7:33PM 3 Beginner Question
7:06PM 1 Validation + AJAX
6:59PM 0 Seeking modular implementation suggestions: acts_as_study?
6:33PM 3 Apache 2.054 configuration on WinXP box with SCGI
5:33PM 0 David Geary to Speak on Rails - Tuesday, Nov 8 - Colorado Springs, CO
5:23PM 0 testig remote links' URL
4:59PM 1 problem with the ActiveRecord create method
4:44PM 0 Yaml/Erb using random foreign keys?
3:02PM 0 upgrade problem 0.13.1 -> 0.14.2
2:54PM 39 RadRails 0.4 is out
2:36PM 1 Windows, Segmentation Faults, config.load_paths and config.cache_classes
2:14PM 4 acts_as_metadata?
2:10PM 4 Trouble with Umlauts
1:55PM 3 problems running rails on mac osx tiger (10.4.3)
1:48PM 3 custom sorting
1:27PM 6 multiple rails or single rail?
1:20PM 0 Constructing forms using render partial (or not)
12:51PM 3 default action for a controller ?
12:34PM 13 'persistent' forms
12:34PM 4 problem migrating 0.13.1 -> 0.14.2
12:21PM 2 noobie question: self.name vs @name
10:24AM 1 getting pagination to work on joined tables
10:21AM 0 [Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] London Web Frameworks Evening - Nov 17th @ Cabot Square]
9:42AM 1 Transaction Error: Cannot abort
9:28AM 0 How to do a web proxy server?
5:16AM 6 Getting Params (easy)
5:10AM 0 Chicago.rb Meetup
5:06AM 4 MySQL 5 and database.yml
5:00AM 1 How to retrieve the individual value for a date field
4:52AM 0 "recursive" eager loading ?
4:34AM 3 internationalization bug or impropper use?
3:54AM 2 correct way to handle multiple Toggles
2:21AM 0 Validating a date field
2:00AM 0 Empty strings in YAML fixtures
1:52AM 10 habtm no subselect
1:40AM 2 Caching differences in Production and Development modes?
1:40AM 1 Using the Request object with ActionMailer
1:24AM 0 RMagick error using script/server but works in unit test
12:59AM 0 Pagination documentation issue
12:24AM 5 component remotely call it's own contoller doesn't work
Tuesday November 1 2005
11:15PM 1 Question about database design and normalization - Help with Rails app implementation
11:15PM 5 Self-referential many-to-many relationship?
11:12PM 5 Strange error(s) on windows only
11:10PM 0 Strange error(s) on Windows
10:45PM 1 Accessing class variables in models
10:44PM 4 dispatch.fcgi processes not terminating with 0.14.2
10:37PM 2 activerecord via standalone script + vendor rails
9:05PM 4 find_by_sql not working as intended?
8:55PM 0 webrick pid file?
8:52PM 0 "RubyConf for Stragglers" has moved (mp3/video from the conf)
7:57PM 1 is the list still working?
7:21PM 1 Routes with "/"
7:04PM 1 not updating non-changed fields
7:03PM 2 Rails vs J2EE
6:58PM 0 starting an external application on webrick startup
6:45PM 6 Rails Migration killed my data?
6:26PM 0 Trouble accessing a file_column in the model
6:08PM 5 Log in to remote site on POST request
4:17PM 49 Rails Engines + Login Engine
3:50PM 0 Configurable views
3:33PM 1 transaction rollbacks in tests
3:19PM 0 Generic Models or Mock Models
2:08PM 0 Possible bug in URI.parse (path needs leading /)
12:23PM 2 Models generated through the generate command
12:14PM 0 ActiveMailer error: both user and secret are required
11:29AM 2 Turn off logger coloring ?
11:11AM 0 altering a model for multiple tests
5:57AM 1 acts_as_list must be with parent-child relationship?
2:44AM 2 problem running hello world
2:39AM 0 segfaults with large query's involving 'IN'
2:29AM 1 Problem with rescue_action_in_public /local_request? In 0.14.2
2:29AM 2 habtm help
1:50AM 22 rails documentation
12:33AM 6 Textilize() Not Doing What I Expect
12:22AM 3 Commit/Dev Mailing Lists?
12:11AM 1 Advance rails book?