(my original post hasn''t shown up on the list, so I''m trying again). I recently upgraded to the latest Rails and Typo. Now when I am in the admin section of Typo and I submit a form I often get this error: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Reason: You''re speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port. Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please. Hint: https://www.example.com/ I was on this page: https://blog.dang.us/admin/categories/list and ended up on this: http://blog.dang.us:443/admin/categories/list What''s happened is that somewhere in the request, "https" has been changed to "http" and the port number 443 has been appended to the server address. I''ve started poking around in the code, but wonder if anyone else has encountered this or knows if a fix is already in the works. Thanks, Jamie O-H http://blog.dangdev.com