No this does not work for me; when I setup my own WEBRick in the
public directory then the (very simple) class file and a static page
is served just fine. However, rails WEBrick does not serve the .class
file. I can''t figure this out yet.
2005/11/6, Gábor SEBESTYÉN
> On 2005.11.06., at 17:10, Stephan Oehlert wrote:
> I am unable to figure out why WEBRick (started from rails) does not
> seem to serve Java Applets. It does serve static html pages but with
> Applets I keep getting Applet Failed.
> Consider you have an applet_test controller and view:
> View should contain like this:
> <applet name="my_applet" code="com.myself.Applet"
codebase="<%= url_for
> :controller => "classes" %>" archive="... other
jar names ..." width="10"
> height="10">
> </applet>
> Your applet should be in path [rails root]/public/classes.
> It works for me.
> Best regards,
> Gábor
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