Hello. I''d like to put all my data model classes into a module to avoid name clashes with other classes. However, when I do so, I get a superclass mismatch error. My class hierarchy for the class in question looks like this: class ViewCTI < ActiveRecord::Base end module ORM class Molecule < ViewCTI end end I load the model classes from the ApplicationController class class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base model :orm layout ''layouts/standard'' end When I try to execute a controller I get the following error: TypeError in <controller not set>#<action not set> superclass mismatch for class Molecule RAILS_ROOT: . Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/orm.rb:51 #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/application.rb:4 This error occured while loading the following files: ./app/controllers/application.rb => model orm.rb orm.rb Any ideas why this might be happening? Are there any special considertations to be kept in mind if collecting the model classes in a separate module? Thanks Luca