Hi all, I''m trying to do something for a project. Herez what im trying to do. The user name gets passes from the view to the controller. On line2: The user name gets displayed. On line 3: (If this command works the way I think it works, the sad part is I always get it wrong) anyways, The entry in the data base with the given user name gets searched and the user info gets stored in the variable @user. On line 4: Now how do i print it out? Is it a variable. 1. @some_variable = @params[:user_name] 2. render_text @some_variable.to_s 3. @user = User.find(:all, :conditions => [ "user_name = ?", ''@some_variable'']) 4. render_text @user.to_s I''m very sorry for this long and anoying post. I''m new to this and really need help! Thanks S -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Sushruth blah wrote:> Hi all, > > I''m trying to do something for a project. Herez what im trying to do. > > The user name gets passes from the view to the controller. > > On line2: The user name gets displayed. > On line 3: (If this command works the way I think it works, the sad part > is I always get it wrong) anyways, The entry in the data base with the > given user name gets searched and the user info gets stored in the > variable @user. > On line 4: Now how do i print it out? Is it a variable. > 1. @some_variable = @params[:user_name] > 2. render_text @some_variable.to_s > 3. @user = User.find(:all, :conditions => [ "user_name = ?", > ''@some_variable'']) > 4. render_text @user.to_sThe method you''re after is @user.inspect. @user is an instance variable of class (I presume) User. -- Alex