Is it possible that your data is already in the table BEFORE you run your
test? That is, the test is not loading the fixture, but the test is using
data that was in the table at the beginning?
I''ve made this mistake a few times- if you don''t specify that
a fixture
should be loaded, then the test framework isn''t going to do anything to
table- it''s not going to load any data, but it''s also not
going to clear any
pre-existing data.
On 11/30/05, Pat Maddox <>
> I''ve been having a strange issue with some fixtures being loaded
> I don''t think should be. Anyway, I took the entire fixtures
> out to see what the problem might be. It turns out that the fixtures
> are being loaded even if there''s no fixtures directive.
Here''s the
> entire test file.
> require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper''
> class TicketTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
> def test_create
> t = Ticket.find(1)
> assert_kind_of Ticket, t
> puts t.inspect
> end
> end
> I would think that I should get some error, because the tickets table
> is never populated, thus there should be no record with id=1. However
> this runs just fine, and shows the object that''s specified in my
> tickets.yml fixtures file.
> I thought fixtures don''t get loaded unless you specify them with
> fixtures directive. Obviously I''m wrong about that...but
it''s the
> behavior I''d like to have, so how can I get that? Rails 0.14.3,
> 1.8.2, the test_helper.rb is the default with
> use_transactional_fixtures=true and use_instantiated_fixtures=false.
> Pat
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