It is bizarre that SOAP4R ''barfs'' on .asmx?WSDL since the
common .WSDL is
simply a convention of some toolkits. In fact, there is nothing to say that
a URL to a WSDL has the letters WSDL in it anywhere!? Perhaps the URL
handling in SOAP4R simply doesn''t like parameterized URLS (anything
a ''?'').
On 11/19/05, Philippe Creytens
> Hi
> For an application we need to obtain data from a .NET
> based web service. I''ve been "playing" with some
> sample code to invoke web services as a soap client.
> They work ok with services that offer a .wsdl link.
> However, .NET based services are called with
> "*.asmx?WSDL".
> The wsdlDriver (I guess SOAP4R) barfs on this.
> Anybody have practical experience and willing/able to
> help me out?
> --PC
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