I''ll add an ''engine generator'' (i.e. script/generate
YourEngineName) as time permits. In the meantime, you just need to
mirror parts of the structure of a normal rails application -
controllers should go in a directory called my_engine/app/controllers,
and so on. Looking through the Engines README should make things
fairly clear - if you have an specific questions, just let me know
- james
On 11/9/05, Nathaniel S. H. Brown
wrote:> How can I build a default engine with the directory structure mentioned in
> my_engine??
> Is there a default engine package I can rename or something of the like?
> Warmest regards,
> Nathan.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Nathaniel S. H. Brown Toll Free 1.877.4.INIMIT
> Inimit Innovations Phone 604.724.6624
> www.inimit.com Fax 604.444.9942
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