Followed steps from,+MySQL+and+Windows
But Is there a way to package it so that my users don''t have to go
through all that?
kghose wrote:> Hi,
> I''m trying to build a browser driven application using RoR and
> have followed one of the tutorials and I can get a web based database
> query running fine (Its hard not to with RubyOnRails!)
> Now, I don''t want the user to have to got to MySQL to set up
tables etc.
> I want to do that from the app itself. I was thinking of using the DBI
> extension for mysql to talk with the server directly and to that end I
> used the simple code simple.rb
> require "dbi"
> begin
> # connect to the MySQL server
> dbh = DBI.connect("dbi:Mysql:research:localhost",
"root", "")
> # get server version string and display it
> row = dbh.select_one("SELECT VERSION()")
> puts "Server version: " + row[0]
> rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
> puts "An error occurred"
> puts "Error code: #{e.err}"
> puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
> ensure
> # disconnect from server
> dbh.disconnect if dbh
> end
> But when I run it i get this error
> is not a class/module
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/dbi/dbi.rb:499:in `load_driver''
> Press ENTER to close the window...
> (The first letter is a blank)
> I''m lost :(
> thanks
> -kg
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