I have a Routes question. Say I have the following routes.rb
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect '':controller/:action'', :action =>
''index'', :requirements => { :action =>
/(?:[a-z](?:-?[a-z]+)*)/ }
map.connect '':controller/:id'', :action =>
''show'', :requirements => { :id => /\d+/
map.connect '':controller/:id/:action''
Notice that I want to use hyphens in the action name? Is there
any way to "rewrite" this inside Rails so that the hyphen becomes
an underscore?
So for example I want:
to map to:
:controller => ''person'', :action =>
I prefer to use a hyphens in my URIs because in an underlined link
the underscore character can sometimes be mistaken for a space.
Also, for the third connect call, do I have to specify the requirements
for the :action and :id that were specified earlier if I want the same
requirements to continue to apply?