hey, in my rhtml i got this: <%= time_zone_select (''firm'', ''gmt_zone'', TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort, :model => TZInfo::Timezone) %> output is this: <select id="firm_gmt_zone" name="firm[gmt_zone]"><option value="Africa/Abidjan">Africa - Abidjan</option> <option value="Africa/Accra">Africa - Accra</option> <option value="Africa/Addis_Ababa">Africa - Addis Ababa</option> <option value="Africa/Algiers">Africa - Algiers</option> <option value="Africa/Asmera">Africa - Asmera</option> <option value="Africa/Bamako">Africa - Bamako</option> .... more options value="">-------------</option> </select> and i want to have the time difference also for each option ex. <option value="Africa/Accra">Africa - Accra(GTM +6)</option> i know i have the other list with the differences, but i need TZInfo for converting times. i just want to change the text for each option not the value