R help - Jun 2002

Sunday June 30 2002
5:34PM 1 simple ANOVA problem
4:43PM 0 Loop and 3D-Densityplot
4:47AM 4 modifying a vector
Saturday June 29 2002
8:41AM 2 NA=NA
7:43AM 3 Scripts in R?
Friday June 28 2002
10:54PM 1 browser/debug and for loop
7:30PM 1 FW: R languange
5:24PM 1 Upgrade R and the current workingspace
3:57PM 1 Transpose a dataframe
3:02PM 0 handling of missing values in aov/lm
1:54PM 2 GUIs
12:51PM 1 Fitting several spectra simultaneously
12:28PM 2 : RODBC and Sybase
12:15PM 0 dataplot oen source? (was: RE: FW: re: GUI's for teaching)
11:01AM 1 nnet
9:18AM 1 Indexing time series objects
9:03AM 0 Symmetric persp()-plot
8:27AM 2 Ordering in factors ...
4:12AM 4 R for simple stats
12:27AM 2 writing a R package
12:00AM 1 windres problem
Thursday June 27 2002
11:43PM 1 Mac OS X installation
5:13PM 0 FW: re: GUI's for teaching
4:05PM 1 signal extraction
3:57PM 0 aov/glm
3:53PM 1 using identify() with scatterplot3d()
3:46PM 3 plot(..., type="h") w/ origin not at y=0
3:30PM 1 lattice and dates (correcting e-mail formatting glitch - sorry!!)
3:12PM 2 Fastest way to find the last index k such that x[k] < y in a sorted vector x?
3:08PM 1 Simple Matrix plot question
1:04PM 2 large survey data set
12:56PM 1 Building from a source-code library under windows
11:37AM 0 lattice and dates
6:56AM 7 missing values
12:23AM 4 R won't start right
Wednesday June 26 2002
8:27PM 6 GUI's for teaching
8:16PM 0 benchmark comparing Splus, R and others
7:52PM 1 R-News2002-2 (little suggestion!)
7:20PM 1 formatting
6:21PM 0 sum up breaks
6:05PM 0 Tenure track statistics position at UNB.
5:43PM 1 readline/R
5:36PM 1 re: GUI's for teaching
3:52PM 2 contrast matrix in package multcomp
3:46PM 3 Bug or failing understanding?
2:56PM 0 AW: sapply() and Monte Carlo
2:50PM 1 aic calculus for glm models
2:49PM 3 Help with concatenation and arrays
1:50PM 0 vacancy in spatial uncertainty analysis
1:32PM 2 change column name in a function
12:15PM 2 compute stats for each line
9:06AM 4 evaluate a string
7:32AM 0 GRETL (GUI's for teaching)
4:51AM 3 sapply() and Monte Carlo
2:29AM 1 Output from make check
Tuesday June 25 2002
5:08PM 2 predict.mlm bug?
3:38PM 0 distances analysis
1:37PM 5 Sourcing files with library
1:05PM 4 re: GUI's for teaching
9:31AM 4 re: GUI's for teaching
12:36AM 1 commandArgs: feature request
Monday June 24 2002
7:14PM 1 problems with assigning a class to an environment
5:11PM 10 code optimization
4:34PM 3 An "update.packages()" problem?
3:53PM 1 save many graphs
2:07PM 1 fit with parameters under some condition
1:35PM 1 Please, explicitly quote the source of non-base functions
1:33PM 1 barplot
11:26AM 1 Covarianz matrix from an aov model
10:44AM 1 multiple graphics in separate windows
10:26AM 1 Function Dev2bitmap
9:07AM 0 Tuned Rblas.dll available on CRAN (for Windows)
Sunday June 23 2002
12:43PM 1 configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (int), 77
12:36AM 1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests: overflow
Saturday June 22 2002
10:58PM 1 KS test and data format
9:29PM 1 Does matmult exist?
3:02PM 1 quality control pkg?
6:56AM 0 job challenge
Friday June 21 2002
9:44PM 1 problem with SJava
9:35PM 1 naming things in functions
7:13PM 2 Load prediction
5:56PM 1 Rgui 1.5.1 crashes constantly with the following script
4:48PM 0 Help about iterations
4:48PM 3 generating points over a function, its possible???
4:04PM 0 Interpreting output from glmmPQL
3:19PM 3 R News Volume 2/2
2:18PM 0 configure for R 1.5.x on Solaris
1:22PM 1 lme: anova vs. intervals
10:48AM 0 dist(a,b) ??? knn1?
9:58AM 1 rbind
9:50AM 1 textConnection appears to be slow
7:32AM 3 Question
1:35AM 2 a question on statistics (rather than R-specific)
Thursday June 20 2002
10:25PM 3 Line plot with 3 points
7:31PM 1 errors installing R-1.5.1 on linux debian
7:18PM 16 problem with predict()
7:12PM 0 reverse engineering
5:24PM 1 Questions on Instalation of SJava Package to R1.5.0
4:14PM 1 dist(a,b) ???
3:47PM 1 new package `multcomp'
2:48PM 0 interp.surface on data frames
2:43PM 2 scatterplot3d
2:30PM 4 small ps
1:35PM 2 cat output To data.frame.rows ?
1:27PM 6 Legality of copying from Splus.
1:21PM 1 Help: sorting data frames
1:03PM 1 Argument visible of addTaskCallback
11:58AM 4 how to skip NA columns ?
11:55AM 2 understanding the output
11:30AM 1 cut with infinite values -> NA
10:38AM 0 Installing Packages
9:20AM 2 Problem with installing packages
9:13AM 2 tabulate means & NA
7:09AM 1 function returning all arguments of current call
6:54AM 1 Psychometric curves, two altnerative force choice, glm, and budbworms
Wednesday June 19 2002
11:17PM 1 function plot.double (different data on the same plot)
9:13PM 0 Publication presentation of lme ANOVA tables
8:26PM 3 unexpected results
8:26PM 3 R-1.5.1 for Darwin/X11
6:23PM 1 Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : subscript out of bounds
5:32PM 2 split plot design with missing plots
2:48PM 2 solve() doesn`t work
1:48PM 1 superscripts in xyplot labels
1:29PM 2 problem with boot
9:35AM 1 simple plot with magnified cex.axis & cex.label
8:42AM 1 best selection of covariates (for each individual)
7:04AM 4 drawing ellipses
Tuesday June 18 2002
7:08PM 2 model.tables
4:06PM 0 Correo no entregado
3:25PM 2 Problems with url/download and http_proxy
3:10PM 1 Carbon R 1.5.1 + Bioconductor released
2:19PM 0 2d histogram interpolation
2:10PM 1 Extracting part of an array
1:25PM 3 Problem with histogram
8:30AM 5 insert number in vector
8:16AM 2 generic/method consistency ?
6:43AM 2 Line width in graphs
Monday June 17 2002
10:25PM 2 Rgui crashes
9:47PM 2 trouble getting R program to open a data file
3:58PM 0 Re: R-1.5.1 is released (<Auto Reply> On Leave)
3:48PM 0 Re: R-1.5.1 is released (<Auto Reply> On Leave)
3:16PM 1 Clusters of adjacent bars in barchart()
3:01PM 3 list of lists
2:21PM 2 layout() and postscript()
2:20PM 3 Help
2:11PM 3 Error bars.
1:16PM 3 Second axis in a plot
12:06PM 5 R-1.5.1 is released
9:16AM 1 OT: Journal of Statistical Software
1:43AM 2 Random Beta variates
Sunday June 16 2002
10:36PM 3 lm() function to get coefficients doesn`t work
Saturday June 15 2002
9:11PM 1 plot.hclust with lots of objects
8:28PM 1 importing large objects
6:28PM 2 problems with gzip
6:26AM 2 using integrate on a function defined with if
1:47AM 1 "displayed" output of cat(..., stderr()) is garbaged
Friday June 14 2002
6:55PM 1 "landscaping" the graphics device
5:16PM 2 combination of different vector values
4:10PM 2 minor quirk in rnbinom
3:59PM 0 Normalising and pivoting tables
3:20PM 1 Error: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
2:43PM 0 course
1:58PM 2 software downlaod-urgent
11:21AM 2 exponential smoothing
8:36AM 1 data.frame - transform
3:59AM 0 Rcmd on Windows (fwd)
1:05AM 3 calling an editor on MAC and Linux
Thursday June 13 2002
10:37PM 1 Problem about Rconsole: R for Windows Version 1.5.0 Patched (2002-06-05 and 2002-06-12)
8:15PM 1 A random insertion position in a vector
8:10PM 2 text and expressions in labels
7:49PM 1 assign to data.frame
7:39PM 0 Mild bug in rnorm().
6:58PM 2 R make on macosx
5:57PM 1 using MAKEFLAGS in compiling C code as a shared library using R CMD SHLIB
5:49PM 0 Local influencial measure
4:59PM 3 installing R on Red Hat 7.1
3:48PM 0 results of knn() command
3:42PM 1 Using RSPerl with add-on package ctest and named parameters
2:09PM 1 problem with read.fwf
1:58PM 1 umlauts in a plot label in X11
1:05PM 0 Verbatim text to file
1:00PM 2 Summary: recursion over list
11:29AM 2 Output of clustering packages
8:21AM 1 RMySQL package for Windows
5:02AM 1 Increasing Max Vector Length
4:46AM 0 possum sleeping: thanks and fisher.test() FEXACT error
1:04AM 1 saving a global workspace?
Wednesday June 12 2002
8:24PM 3 package lattice
4:29PM 4 Opening all files in a directory
4:12PM 0 more in contour plot for non-linear models
4:11PM 0 Help with Varimax (mva)
4:10PM 0 bootstraping
3:25PM 2 data mining: finding association rules
3:22PM 1 Bagged clustering (package e1071)
2:24PM 1 confidence intervals
2:23PM 1 identical calls are not equal !?
1:36PM 5 How to stack the columns of matrix
1:26PM 3 help debugging segfaults
9:25AM 3 How does R compares for speed?
8:24AM 3 histogram
6:19AM 6 Rcmd on Windows
2:08AM 4 table problems
1:24AM 0 Lots of data problems
Tuesday June 11 2002
10:02PM 1 extra 0 in ccf
8:36PM 0 compiling 1.5.0 under Solaris 2.7 with Sun C and FORTRAN and gcc C++
5:00PM 2 Puzzled by what Rprof is telling me
3:29PM 2 Installing R with g77 fortran compiler
3:13PM 2 Perl vs. R
12:39PM 3 show messages during a long process
10:40AM 5 Different y-axes
8:58AM 1 How to convert R help files to Splus 6 Help?
8:58AM 1 ATLAS & R unser Windows
12:12AM 1 significance tests with gee?
Monday June 10 2002
9:47PM 2 library() with v. 1.5.0 for Mac OS X Carbon
7:13PM 1 XML to Dataframe
6:00PM 1 Automating R with DDE, OLE or COM
2:39PM 1 R's RNG produced garbage when called from f77 (Irix)
1:03PM 3 %in% in R?
12:23PM 1 Recursive function for lists
Sunday June 9 2002
10:38PM 1 Help with the 'legend' command
6:44PM 0 Example in R-intro "Vector arithmetic" is wrong
3:02PM 1 rw-patched destiny
12:28PM 0 split.data.frame & sql.Save
10:25AM 1 Logical operators
6:22AM 1 Scrollable Listbox?
1:52AM 1 S or R used in natural language processing (NLP)?
12:44AM 2 GUI Command Equivalent for setwd()
Saturday June 8 2002
10:44AM 2 More on for() Loop...
10:33AM 3 contour plot for non-linear models
3:39AM 0 Factor analysis (correction)
Friday June 7 2002
6:39PM 1 Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Test
3:46PM 0 new book on R and S-PLUS
2:57PM 0 Ploting betas and p-values together
12:54PM 2 offset labeling boxplots
10:54AM 0 Problems in installation of package HMISC
9:41AM 1 filter data frames
9:28AM 2 Hope fo help - functions, fits and for cycles
7:30AM 1 Rank of a matrix?
Thursday June 6 2002
11:49PM 0 tcltk and locator interaction
6:39PM 2 R correlations.
3:12PM 3 R & PHP
3:06PM 1 generating overdispersed poisson & negative binomial data
2:36PM 3 Problem with get.hist.quote (tseries library)....
2:18PM 1 Dealing with data of varying format
12:54PM 4 R and mysql on debian
12:48PM 0 dendrogram's number of nodes
10:29AM 1 score in LRT testing for trend
9:59AM 2 covariance analysis model
9:48AM 0 Thanks and Summary (was par(new=T) with xyplot)
7:24AM 1 sampling from data frame
Wednesday June 5 2002
11:59PM 5 Monte Carlo
9:52PM 2 par(new=T) with xyplot
8:59PM 0 data manipulation, tapply
7:25PM 0 Qualcuno ti ama in segreto
3:04PM 1 How to put values of 25 and 75 percentile on boxplot?
1:48PM 1 as.generic
10:23AM 1 R-patched for Windows
10:06AM 6 mixing different modes of lty line type specification in legend() ?
9:26AM 1 [Re: Re: Scaling on a data.frame]
7:05AM 0 XLS***R/Splus Courses in London (England) - July 2002
1:00AM 5 hairy indexing problem
Tuesday June 4 2002
10:12PM 1 documentation inconsistency for [.data.frame ?
9:11PM 1 data format of x in x <- sqlQuery()
8:49PM 1 how to draw two histograms in one figure
8:24PM 2 machine dependency [polr()/optim()]
7:31PM 0 Two courses in Washington D.C.
7:22PM 4 par(xaxp)
6:57PM 1 compiling packages
12:08PM 4 "X11 font at size 16 could not be loaded"
9:07AM 2 Scaling on a data.frame
Monday June 3 2002
10:26PM 1 symbols: zero radius circles are drawn.
6:39PM 1 LTS
6:07PM 0 (Summary) R and S interface
5:15PM 2 Error at save.image() with SetupRpatched.exe
4:34PM 0 R 1.5.0 packages for SuSE i386
2:59PM 0 discrete values for dynamic javaScript
1:33PM 1 MG, Triumph, Austin Healey, Mini, JAGUAR
5:34AM 2 Link on R-help doesn't work
Sunday June 2 2002
11:45PM 2 R 1.5.0 printing problems on Win98?
3:10PM 0 quantreg 3.09
2:56PM 0 dichotomous independent variables in binomial glmm model
10:17AM 2 selections using text strings (result of noquote)
12:05AM 1 predicting non-numeric values
Saturday June 1 2002
6:15PM 1 x labeling in an interaction.plot
2:38PM 1 Question about Title of Plot
12:34AM 1 R beyond 2 Gb