Don't know if it is an issue in this case but lazy evaluation can
sometimes lead to difficulties in interpreting Rprof ouptut since the
time used to evaluate arguments is attributed by the profiler to the
function that forces the argument evaluation.
On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 10:00:37AM -0700, Don MacQueen
wrote:> I am using Rprof() to help find ways to improve performance.
> I found a function whose total seconds and self seconds were large. I
> replaced it with something else. The something else had a small
> number of total seconds and self seconds. But the total time did not
> decrease.
> I don't understand how that could be, and would appreciate any
> Thanks
> -Don
> Details, unfortunately lengthy, are here:
> The snippet of code I'm profiling is given below. 'inmat' is a
> numeric matrix with 128347 rows; I need to apply a function, sfun(),
> to each of 4191 subsets of rows, indexed by indat$grpi. sfun() is
> fairly complex, and requires information from all of the columns of
> inmat, so simple uses of, for example, aggregate() don't do the job.
> Rprof('Rpf3n')
> for (i in unique(indat$grpi)) {
> ssnew[i,] <- sfun(inmat[indat$grpi==i,,drop=FALSE])
> }
> Rprof(NULL)
> ----------------- Rprof output, v1 ----------------
> Each sample represents 0.02 seconds.
> Total run time: 404.999999999922 seconds.
> Total seconds: time spent in function and callees.
> Self seconds: time spent in function alone.
> % total % self
> total seconds self seconds name
> 100.00 405.00 0.00 0.00 "source"
> 100.00 405.00 0.11 0.46 "eval.with.vis"
> 99.88 404.50 4.70 19.04 "sfun"
> 83.98 340.10 41.25 167.06 "nrow"
> 42.68 172.84 42.68 172.84 "=="
> 3.08 12.48 0.50 2.04 ""
> 1.72 6.96 0.23 0.94 "median"
> (remainder omitted)
> nrow() has 340 total and 41 self seconds, a large portion of the
> total run time.
> There is only one call to nrow() in my code,
> ntot <- nrow(dati)
> where dati is a subset of the numeric matrix, indat.
> I tried replacing nrow(dati) with length(dati[,1])
> The profile is then:
> ----------------- Rprof output, v2 ----------------
> Each sample represents 0.02 seconds.
> Total run time: 403.699999999923 seconds.
> Total seconds: time spent in function and callees.
> Self seconds: time spent in function alone.
> % total % self
> total seconds self seconds name
> 100.00 403.70 0.11 0.46 "eval.with.vis"
> 100.00 403.70 0.00 0.00 "source"
> 99.88 403.20 46.03 185.82 "sfun"
> 42.37 171.06 42.37 171.06 "=="
> 3.00 12.10 0.59 2.40 ""
> 1.70 6.88 0.22 0.90 "median"
> (skip many lines until)
> 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04 "length"
> (remainder omitted)
> This is where I'm puzzled.
> nrow() has disappeared as expected
> length() has not taken its place
> Yet the total run time is about the same.
> As an aside, I had previously been using sapply() and split(), and
> that was far slower. Rprof() helped me find out why it was slow.
> Also, the matrix ssnew is created before the loop, with the right
> dimensions, so it's not being grown during the loop.
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Don MacQueen
> Environmental Protection Department
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> Livermore, CA, USA
> --------------------------------------
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