Dear All, I have a pair of .cpp and .def file can be compiled using VC++ and works perfectly well in S-PLUS. I wanted to do the same for R; so I followed the guidline given in "Building from a source-code library under Windows" as much as possible and manage to compile them using VC++ and call it from R. But it gives different answer from the one called from S-Plus. I know that I did something wrong likely at the compiling procedure or the calling from R procedure, but I don't know what; it is even harder to debug something when it doesn't crash!! Does anyone have any idea how I can improve this situation? Your help will be very much appreciated. In-Sun ( the relevant details are as follows) ############ # COMPILE # ############ set R_HOME=C:\progra~1\R\rw1051 path; PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw1051\tools;C:\PROGRA ~1\R\rw1051\MinGW\bin PATH=%path%;C:\PROGRA~1\perl\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw1051\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw10 51\share\perl\R PATH=%path%;C:\PROGRA~1\pfe;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\bin;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1 \Shared~1\bin PATH=%path%;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\include ## go to the directory that you want to make the outputs cd C:\Rtest lib /def:%R_HOME%\src\gnuwin32\R.exp /out:Rdll.lib /machine:IX86 set INCLUDE=C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\include cl /MT /Ox /DDLL_LOAD /D "Win32" /I\INCLUDE /c zotcilag.cpp link /dll /def:zotcilag.def /out:zotcilag.dll *.obj Rdll.lib /LIBPATH:C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\lib ############## # Calling from R # ############## dyn.load("c:\\rtest\\zotcilag.dll") /* construct a function containing; same as one in S-plus" Odata$dv <- .C("nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag", as.integer(length(Odata$ID)), as.double(rev(Odata$order)[1]), as.double(cbind( Odata$TIME, Odata$ITIME, Odata$CL, Odata$CLD, Odata$V1, Odata$VSS, Odata$Tlag, as.character(Odata$ID), Odata$order )), as.integer(length(Ddata$ID)), as.double(rev(Ddata$order)[1]), as.double(cbind( Ddata$TIME, Ddata$DOSE, as.character(Ddata$ID), # factor Ddata$order, as.character(Ddata$EVID) )), as.integer(LogParam), as.integer(LogResp), resp= as.double(rep(0.00,length(Odata$ID))), NAOK=T)$resp ############## # CPP and DEF # ############## ;****************************************** ; zero order Two Compartment constant infusion with lag time ;****************************************** LIBRARY ZOTCIlag EXPORTS DllMain nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag #====== #if defined(DLL_LOAD) #include <windows.h> #include <Math.h> /* Standard DLL entry/exit procedure */ BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE hDllInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* initialization code here */ break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* clean-up code here */ break; } return(TRUE); } #endif void nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag (long int *norow, double *maxoorder, double *OMAT, long int *ndrow, double *maxdorder, double *DMAT, long int *logparam, long int *logresp, double *Resp) { long int i, j, No = *norow, Nd = *ndrow, LogParam = *logparam, LogResp *logresp; double Tdiff, a, b, k21, origReset, counterDose, id, T1, constReseti, constResetj, MaxOORDER = *maxoorder, MaxDORDER = *maxdorder, *OTime, *ITIME, *CL, *CLD, *V1, *VSS, *Tlag, *OID, *OORDER, *DTime, *DDose, *DID, *DORDER, *DEVID, *OrigDTime, *OrigDDose, *OrigDID, *OrigDORDER, *OrigDEVID, *tempDTime, *tempDDose, *tempDID, *tempDORDER, *tempDEVID; OTime = OMAT; ITIME = OMAT + No; CL = OMAT + No * 2; CLD = OMAT + No * 3; V1 = OMAT + No * 4; VSS = OMAT + No * 5; Tlag = OMAT + No * 6; OID = OMAT+ No * 7; OORDER = OMAT + No *8; /* */ DTime = DMAT; DDose = DMAT + Nd; DID = DMAT + Nd * 2; DORDER = DMAT + Nd * 3; /* */ DEVID = DMAT + Nd * 4; /* */ OrigDTime = DTime; OrigDDose = DDose; OrigDID = DID; OrigDORDER = DORDER; OrigDEVID = DEVID; origReset = 999999.0; counterDose = 0.0; constReseti = 0.0; for(i = No; i >0 && constReseti==0.0; ){ *Resp= 0.0; constResetj=0.0; if(LogParam==1.0){ *ITIME = exp(*ITIME); *Tlag = exp(*Tlag); *CL = exp(*CL); *CLD = exp(*CLD); *V1 = exp(*V1); *VSS = exp(*VSS); } a = (((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1))) + sqrt(pow((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)), 2.0) - 4.0 * (*CL/ *V1) * (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)))) / 2.0; b = (((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1))) - sqrt(pow((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)), 2.0) - 4.0 * (*CL/ *V1) * (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)))) / 2.0; k21 = *CLD/ (*VSS - *V1); if(*OID !=id){ origReset =999999.0; counterDose = 0.0; } for(j = Nd; j >0 && constResetj==0.0 ; j--){ if(*OORDER > origReset){ /* run once for the first subject of a case; notice where is the first*/ OrigDTime = tempDTime; /* first dose info. shifted*/ OrigDDose = tempDDose; OrigDID = tempDID; OrigDORDER = tempDORDER; OrigDEVID = tempDEVID; counterDose = 0.0; DTime = OrigDTime; /* starting dose shifted */ DDose = OrigDDose; DID = OrigDID; DORDER = OrigDORDER; DEVID = OrigDEVID; origReset = 999999.0; /* this loop will not be used again until origReset is resetted */ } if(*OORDER < origReset && ((*DID==*OID && *DEVID==4.0) || (*DID!=*OID && *DEVID == 1.0)) && counterDose==0.0){ /* run once for the first subject of a case; to know where is the end*/ if(*DORDER < *OORDER){ /* false starting */ *Resp = 0.0; /* reset Resp*/ *DEVID = 1.0; OrigDTime = DTime; OrigDDose = DDose ; OrigDID = DID ; OrigDORDER = DORDER ; OrigDEVID = DEVID ; } else{ origReset = *DORDER; /* reset max. order*/ tempDTime = DTime; /* last dose info*/ tempDDose = DDose; tempDID = DID; tempDORDER = DORDER; tempDEVID = DEVID; *DEVID = 1.0; counterDose = 1.0; } } if(*OORDER < origReset && *DID==*OID && *DEVID==1.0 && *DORDER < *OORDER){ Tdiff = *OTime - (*DTime + *Tlag); if(Tdiff < *ITIME ) T1 = 0.0; else T1 = Tdiff - *ITIME ; if(Tdiff>0) *Resp = *Resp + *DDose / *ITIME * ( ((a - k21)/((a - b) * *V1)) * (exp(-a * T1) - exp(-a * Tdiff)) / a + ((k21 - b)/((a - b) * *V1)) * (exp(-b * T1) - exp(-b * Tdiff)) / b); } if(*DORDER==MaxDORDER) constResetj = 1.0; /* to handle overflow problem */ else{ DID++; DTime++; DDose++; DORDER++; DEVID++; } } DTime = OrigDTime; /* go back to First dose info*/ DDose = OrigDDose; DID = OrigDID; DORDER = OrigDORDER; DEVID = OrigDEVID; id = *OID; if(LogResp==1.0){ *Resp = log(*Resp); } if(LogParam==1.0){ *ITIME = log(*ITIME); *Tlag = log(*Tlag); *CL = log(*CL); *CLD = log(*CLD); *V1 = log(*V1); *VSS = log(*VSS); } if(*OORDER==MaxOORDER) constReseti = 1.0; else{ /* to handle overflow problem */ OID++; OTime++; OORDER++; ITIME++; CL++; CLD++; V1++; VSS++; Tlag++; Resp++; } } } In-Sun Nam School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
Dear All, I have a pair of .cpp and .def file can be compiled using VC++ and works perfectly well in S-PLUS. I wanted to do the same for R; so I followed the guidline given in "Building from a source-code library under Windows" as much as possible and manage to compile them using VC++ and call it from R. But it gives different answer from the one called from S-Plus. I know that I did something wrong likely at the compiling procedure or the calling from R procedure, but I don't know what; it is even harder to debug something when it doesn't crash!! Does anyone have any idea how I can improve this situation? Your help will be very much appreciated. In-Sun ( the relevant details are as follows) ############ # COMPILE # ############ set R_HOME=C:\progra~1\R\rw1051 path; PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw1051\tools;C:\PROGRA ~1\R\rw1051\MinGW\bin PATH=%path%;C:\PROGRA~1\perl\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw1051\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw10 51\share\perl\R PATH=%path%;C:\PROGRA~1\pfe;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\bin;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1 \Shared~1\bin PATH=%path%;C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\include ## go to the directory that you want to make the outputs cd C:\Rtest lib /def:%R_HOME%\src\gnuwin32\R.exp /out:Rdll.lib /machine:IX86 set INCLUDE=C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\include cl /MT /Ox /DDLL_LOAD /D "Win32" /I\INCLUDE /c zotcilag.cpp link /dll /def:zotcilag.def /out:zotcilag.dll *.obj Rdll.lib /LIBPATH:C:\Progra~1\DevStu~1\VC\lib ############## # Calling from R # ############## dyn.load("c:\\rtest\\zotcilag.dll") /* construct a function containing; same as one in S-plus" Odata$dv <- .C("nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag", as.integer(length(Odata$ID)), as.double(rev(Odata$order)[1]), as.double(cbind( Odata$TIME, Odata$ITIME, Odata$CL, Odata$CLD, Odata$V1, Odata$VSS, Odata$Tlag, as.character(Odata$ID), Odata$order )), as.integer(length(Ddata$ID)), as.double(rev(Ddata$order)[1]), as.double(cbind( Ddata$TIME, Ddata$DOSE, as.character(Ddata$ID), # factor Ddata$order, as.character(Ddata$EVID) )), as.integer(LogParam), as.integer(LogResp), resp= as.double(rep(0.00,length(Odata$ID))), NAOK=T)$resp ############## # CPP and DEF # ############## ;****************************************** ; zero order Two Compartment constant infusion with lag time ;****************************************** LIBRARY ZOTCIlag EXPORTS DllMain nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag #====== #if defined(DLL_LOAD) #include <windows.h> #include <Math.h> /* Standard DLL entry/exit procedure */ BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE hDllInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* initialization code here */ break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* clean-up code here */ break; } return(TRUE); } #endif void nlme_two_comp_zero_CI_lag (long int *norow, double *maxoorder, double *OMAT, long int *ndrow, double *maxdorder, double *DMAT, long int *logparam, long int *logresp, double *Resp) { long int i, j, No = *norow, Nd = *ndrow, LogParam = *logparam, LogResp *logresp; double Tdiff, a, b, k21, origReset, counterDose, id, T1, constReseti, constResetj, MaxOORDER = *maxoorder, MaxDORDER = *maxdorder, *OTime, *ITIME, *CL, *CLD, *V1, *VSS, *Tlag, *OID, *OORDER, *DTime, *DDose, *DID, *DORDER, *DEVID, *OrigDTime, *OrigDDose, *OrigDID, *OrigDORDER, *OrigDEVID, *tempDTime, *tempDDose, *tempDID, *tempDORDER, *tempDEVID; OTime = OMAT; ITIME = OMAT + No; CL = OMAT + No * 2; CLD = OMAT + No * 3; V1 = OMAT + No * 4; VSS = OMAT + No * 5; Tlag = OMAT + No * 6; OID = OMAT+ No * 7; OORDER = OMAT + No *8; /* */ DTime = DMAT; DDose = DMAT + Nd; DID = DMAT + Nd * 2; DORDER = DMAT + Nd * 3; /* */ DEVID = DMAT + Nd * 4; /* */ OrigDTime = DTime; OrigDDose = DDose; OrigDID = DID; OrigDORDER = DORDER; OrigDEVID = DEVID; origReset = 999999.0; counterDose = 0.0; constReseti = 0.0; for(i = No; i >0 && constReseti==0.0; ){ *Resp= 0.0; constResetj=0.0; if(LogParam==1.0){ *ITIME = exp(*ITIME); *Tlag = exp(*Tlag); *CL = exp(*CL); *CLD = exp(*CLD); *V1 = exp(*V1); *VSS = exp(*VSS); } a = (((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1))) + sqrt(pow((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)), 2.0) - 4.0 * (*CL/ *V1) * (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)))) / 2.0; b = (((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1))) - sqrt(pow((*CL/ *V1) + (*CLD/ *V1) + (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)), 2.0) - 4.0 * (*CL/ *V1) * (*CLD/ (*VSS - *V1)))) / 2.0; k21 = *CLD/ (*VSS - *V1); if(*OID !=id){ origReset =999999.0; counterDose = 0.0; } for(j = Nd; j >0 && constResetj==0.0 ; j--){ if(*OORDER > origReset){ /* run once for the first subject of a case; notice where is the first*/ OrigDTime = tempDTime; /* first dose info. shifted*/ OrigDDose = tempDDose; OrigDID = tempDID; OrigDORDER = tempDORDER; OrigDEVID = tempDEVID; counterDose = 0.0; DTime = OrigDTime; /* starting dose shifted */ DDose = OrigDDose; DID = OrigDID; DORDER = OrigDORDER; DEVID = OrigDEVID; origReset = 999999.0; /* this loop will not be used again until origReset is resetted */ } if(*OORDER < origReset && ((*DID==*OID && *DEVID==4.0) || (*DID!=*OID && *DEVID == 1.0)) && counterDose==0.0){ /* run once for the first subject of a case; to know where is the end*/ if(*DORDER < *OORDER){ /* false starting */ *Resp = 0.0; /* reset Resp*/ *DEVID = 1.0; OrigDTime = DTime; OrigDDose = DDose ; OrigDID = DID ; OrigDORDER = DORDER ; OrigDEVID = DEVID ; } else{ origReset = *DORDER; /* reset max. order*/ tempDTime = DTime; /* last dose info*/ tempDDose = DDose; tempDID = DID; tempDORDER = DORDER; tempDEVID = DEVID; *DEVID = 1.0; counterDose = 1.0; } } if(*OORDER < origReset && *DID==*OID && *DEVID==1.0 && *DORDER < *OORDER){ Tdiff = *OTime - (*DTime + *Tlag); if(Tdiff < *ITIME ) T1 = 0.0; else T1 = Tdiff - *ITIME ; if(Tdiff>0) *Resp = *Resp + *DDose / *ITIME * ( ((a - k21)/((a - b) * *V1)) * (exp(-a * T1) - exp(-a * Tdiff)) / a + ((k21 - b)/((a - b) * *V1)) * (exp(-b * T1) - exp(-b * Tdiff)) / b); } if(*DORDER==MaxDORDER) constResetj = 1.0; /* to handle overflow problem */ else{ DID++; DTime++; DDose++; DORDER++; DEVID++; } } DTime = OrigDTime; /* go back to First dose info*/ DDose = OrigDDose; DID = OrigDID; DORDER = OrigDORDER; DEVID = OrigDEVID; id = *OID; if(LogResp==1.0){ *Resp = log(*Resp); } if(LogParam==1.0){ *ITIME = log(*ITIME); *Tlag = log(*Tlag); *CL = log(*CL); *CLD = log(*CLD); *V1 = log(*V1); *VSS = log(*VSS); } if(*OORDER==MaxOORDER) constReseti = 1.0; else{ /* to handle overflow problem */ OID++; OTime++; OORDER++; ITIME++; CL++; CLD++; V1++; VSS++; Tlag++; Resp++; } } } In-Sun Nam School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._