> Hello,
> I wonder if anyone has a function for calculating confidence intervals for
> ratios. I have mortality rates calculated for several groups from sample
> data -- but these can be treated as ratios?).
Do you mean a conficence interval for a ratio parameter (e.g. ratio of
means) or for measurements that are defined as ratios?
In the first case the exp of the t.test conf ints of the log-transformed
data can be used (under the assumption of log-normality):
R> x <- rlnorm(20)
R> y <- rlnorm(20)
R> exp(t.test(log(x),log(y),var.equal=TRUE)$conf.int)
[1] 0.7530694 3.5936215
[1] 0.95
(works with wilcox.{test,exact} for the ratio of medians, too).
In the second one, you'll probably have to think about the parameter to
calculate confidence intervals for ...
> I am entertaining the idea of
> bootstrapping them.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> TIA, Marwan
> ------------
> Marwan Khawaja - http://departments.aub.edu.lb/~mk36/ If you have MS
> Internet Explorer!
> ------------
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