Hello, Using R 1051 in win98
When I try to build a library Addreg with DESCRIPTION, Index and Title
in R and subdirectories Man and R. From a Command window I do:
c:\> c:\rw1051\bin\Rcmd INSTALL c:\r_src\src\library\addreg
make: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/rw1051/src/gnuwin32'
make DLLNM= \
-C c:/r_src/src/library/addreg PKG=addreg RHOME=c:/rw1051
RLIB=c:/r_src/library \
-f c:/rw1051/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg
make: make: Command not found
make: *** [pkg-addreg] Error 127
make: Leaving directory . . . .
the path includes
c:\tools and c:\bin are identical, the set of function from BDR site
Can somebody guess what is wrong?
R. Heberto Ghezzo Ph.D.
Meakins-Christie Labs
McGill University
Montreal - Canada
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