Tak Wing Chan wrote:>
> Dear all
> I am running R 1.4.1 on a Linux box. I have tried to label data points
> in a 3-d scatterplot, but without much success. What I did was as
> follows:
> > scatterplot3d(x, y, z)
> > identify(x, y, z, row.names(Data))
> When I tried to click on/near the data points, I either receive this
> msg:
> warning: no point with 0.25 inches,
> or some numbers in Data, not the row names, come up on the graph. So I
> wonder if I've got something wrong. Is it possible to use identify()
> with scatterplot3d() ?
Yes, but it's tricky. Since scatterplot3d() performs a projection 3D -->
2D and identify() is designed for 2D, we have to use the following
scatterplot3d() returns invisibly some useful functions to do the
transformation for the generated plot. So let's assign the result into
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x, y, z)
# No we can use:
identify(s3d$xyz.convert(x, y, z), row.names(Data))
For details see the Values section in ?scatterplot3d.
Anyway, if you want to label *all* points, you can use:
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x, y, z)
text(s3d$xyz.convert(x, y, z), label = row.names(Data), pos = 4)
Uwe Ligges
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