Data management isn't all that easy in R, but it's certainly
possible. There are some good tips here:
You can also put the data in a database and access them with one of the
database interfaces available (RODBC, RMySQL, RPgSQL).
I'm not sure what you mean by "handle" weights, clusters, and
strata. I'm guessing you want to use the nlme package, but it really
depends on what questions you want to ask.
Andy Perrin
Andrew J Perrin -
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
clists at * andrew_perrin (at)
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 rpietro at wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Hello,
> I am analyzing a weighted, stratified, clustered survey data set
> with approximately 1 million observations and 50 variables.
> I am new to R (I'm a Stata user), and so far
> couldn't find any documentation on how to handle survey data. In
> other words, is there a specific package to handle a combination of
> weigths, clusters and strata. I am also struggling to
> handle such a large data set. Any suggestions and/or references regarding
> these two issues would be greatly appreciated.
> Rick
> Ricardo Pietrobon, MD
> Assistant Professor of Surgery
> Duke University Medical Center
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