Rails - Mar 2005

Thursday March 31 2005
10:22PM 4 fixtures & foreign keys
8:38PM 1 Typo Install Problem
6:46PM 1 Legacy Schema - no "id" field
4:48PM 0 Layouts inheritance
3:50PM 3 postgresql -- records are not displayed but template is
3:15PM 0 rails article on http://www.linuxjournal.com/
3:13PM 0 Seattle.rb meeting tonight (4/31) at 7PM PST
2:45PM 6 Text in boxes for regular web pages
12:08PM 4 Transactions
7:36AM 157 Java people want to beat us
6:29AM 16 text editor for productivity?
5:18AM 2 Was i hallucinating
4:17AM 2 Performing validations without saving
12:28AM 5 Outputting XHTML strict
Wednesday March 30 2005
11:56PM 4 Extending a has_and_belongs_to_many -- does that make sense?
10:07PM 3 Rails 0.11.1 Debian problem
9:54PM 0 List archives are broken, and I'm not receiving email either.
9:41PM 9 active record and field mapping.
9:30PM 0 An ActiveRecord doubt: mistake or problem?
7:53PM 2 ActionWebService: problem with dates/times
7:51PM 0 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 6, Issue 214
7:38PM 7 HTML-ify text before saved to DB
7:26PM 1 rake & postgres problem (1.8.2?)
7:23PM 2 Production Log Analyzer 1.1.0
6:33PM 8 Pagination support with custom SQL queries
6:28PM 5 Field name reflection and synonyms in Rails
6:21PM 1 Returning to a previous view
5:53PM 1 Redirecting to the previous view
5:12PM 5 Question on associations
3:49PM 2 Beginner question: serverside singletons?
3:38PM 5 Portland, Oregon Rails Group?
3:20PM 35 Respect and Disappointment
3:00PM 10 WebDAV CRUD?
1:37PM 0 Re: Poor efficency of Ruby...
10:25AM 3 NameError after 0.11.1 upgrade
9:28AM 1 Rendering actionmailer templates?
9:20AM 0 Help - dependencies.rb - `const_missing': uninitialized constant
9:07AM 3 Boolean types in ActiveRecord
7:08AM 1 CGI execution from Rails/Webrick
5:49AM 1 Re: Encryption Libraries
5:00AM 4 RoutingError (No route for path)
3:13AM 1 overriding ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate
2:49AM 9 Packets out of order: 1<>3: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cyclogs
2:31AM 1 Component Action Direction Question
1:06AM 2 Problems with Paginator and SQL Server
12:42AM 5 Helpers in Rails
Tuesday March 29 2005
10:05PM 5 Undo Destroy
8:48PM 7 Fade Anything Technique (FAT)
8:29PM 1 Can't get pagination to work with Pagination Helper
6:04PM 1 InterBase/Firebird adapter for ActiveRecord
4:32PM 1 AR relationships with table prefixes
3:43PM 1 understanding single table inheritance
2:56PM 2 How would I model this?
1:05PM 1 What the Hack - anyone going?
7:44AM 0 ActionMailer tmail/quoting.rb problem
5:58AM 2 Wiki markup tools in Rails
5:32AM 5 unit tests explode in upgrade to rails 0.11.1
5:04AM 1 Invalid argument in find_by_sql
4:47AM 1 What is the right way to escape non-URL characters in URLs?
4:30AM 4 Double error messages after validation
3:24AM 1 Calendar app in Rails?
3:14AM 1 [OT] New api.rubonrails.com template and gem_server
3:08AM 0 RE: [ActiveRecord] 1.9.0SqlServerAdapteradd_limit_with_offset! Not returning expected results
12:36AM 0 HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication?
Monday March 28 2005
11:25PM 0 RE: [ActiveRecord] 1.9.0 SqlServerAdapteradd_limit_with_offset! Not returning expected results
10:57PM 0 [ActiveRecord] 1.9.0 SqlServerAdapter add_limit_with_offset! Not returning expected results
7:49PM 2 using login_generator and the Cookbook tutorial
6:42PM 0 Handling return from modal pages on rails
6:42PM 0 Using ActionView or ERb outside of the web application
6:16PM 0 Easier file uploads
5:03PM 2 formatting a timestamp in a view
4:49PM 16 Rails + PostgreSQL problem (sequences)
3:24PM 1 Prevent modification for some model attributes
2:42PM 1 Windows and FastCGI errors again
2:00PM 22 Web stats app in Rails?
1:45PM 0 Installing Ruby-Oci8 driver on Redhat Linux
8:42AM 0 setup cpanel host for rubyonrails app
7:30AM 0 Problem Deploying Multiple Applications
7:15AM 7 human_attribule_name mappings wish
6:41AM 0 Active Record: finding records based on :belongs_to values
4:36AM 3 ActionWebService debugging: Works for in MarsEdit but Ecto explodes
4:23AM 5 Getting the class from an object passed to an observer give typeerror
Sunday March 27 2005
11:11PM 0 RubyGems 0.8.10
8:13PM 3 Re: I have a dream for easier meta-programming
6:48PM 2 Problem getting startet with Active Record
3:36PM 0 Rails 0.11.1: More Ajax, Verifications, SQL Server updated, loads of fixes
10:25AM 0 (slightly OT) problem upgrading ruby?
7:25AM 1 commenting blocks of code in rhtml?
3:35AM 22 I have a dream for easier meta-programming in Ruby
Saturday March 26 2005
4:50PM 4 Model object in session problems
4:08PM 10 Web page load time is exceedingly long
3:16PM 4 after a gem &rails update I get "allocator undefined for Float"
10:19AM 2 ActiveRecord help needed
4:26AM 1 Newbie trouble with tutorial, "/todo not found"
12:53AM 2 Problem with GEM
12:30AM 2 AWS change headsup
Friday March 25 2005
10:18PM 0 dynamic public directory
10:04PM 0 got a Knowledge Base written in Rails, anyone?
10:01PM 5 eXPlain Project Management Tool - 1.0
9:21PM 2 Rails installation problems?
7:47PM 1 FormOptionHelper
7:31PM 2 Rails PDF Documentation
7:27PM 1 Rails 0.11.0 Ajax Helper: Pass field value
6:38PM 4 CollectionTableHelper
5:52PM 8 Some Thoughts on Keeping the Table Schema in the AR Model Code
3:00PM 1 Ruby on Rails advocacy documentation?
2:41PM 6 validation problem
1:52PM 8 OT: Looking for a lightweight ruby framework
1:18PM 1 Pagination routing syntax
10:51AM 3 Selectable tablename prefix in Rails configuration
10:04AM 4 ajax and clearing the form
7:50AM 1 change request for password_field
5:54AM 0 Death To Rails, Long Live Rails (Serverless Interfaces)
2:31AM 1 where should cross-model logic go?
2:01AM 3 how to clear sessions?
1:59AM 1 Setting My Own Errors
1:57AM 0 packets out of order
1:36AM 0 singular table names and model generator
12:54AM 0 Recipe Browser Demo
12:12AM 1 inheritance of activerecord
Thursday March 24 2005
11:47PM 0 Paginator help (resent, no response)
11:44PM 0 TMail Broken
11:33PM 5 Using html_options with link_to_remote??
10:54PM 6 how do I do client-side caching?
10:18PM 0 Component views broken?
9:56PM 1 load, require, webrick and dynamically reloading changes
9:41PM 7 Taking Baby Steps
9:14PM 1 ActiveRecord problem with SQL Server
8:28PM 3 Caching computation in rails?
7:48PM 0 Ruby on Rails Presentation
7:40PM 0 pagination_links keeping current url's parameters (patch)
6:38PM 8 HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication
6:21PM 2 Active Record 1.9.0 Sql Server Connector Adapter Errors
5:07PM 6 Trouble Getting Started
4:57PM 1 43Things.com on the Today show?
3:57PM 0 Re: Installation of ROR 0.11.0 on Windows doesn't
3:10PM 2 Installation of ROR 0.11.0 on Windows doesn't work
3:07PM 3 Ajax, validations and oh my god you inputted the wrong values.
2:41PM 7 How to sort html table rows by clicking headers?
12:53PM 1 ActiveRecord Translations
11:43AM 3 Poking around inside AR
8:35AM 2 when do I need to use model :my_model
5:34AM 0 TMail Patches
4:09AM 2 why am I getting an error when running rake?
3:36AM 0 PATCH for Active Record 0.9 SQL Server Adapter problem => Rails 0.11does not work with SQL Server
3:25AM 0 Active Record 0.9 SQL Server Adapter problem => Rails 0.11 does not work with SQL Server
1:27AM 0 Large record insertion with Active Record
Wednesday March 23 2005
8:49PM 1 Help on Date Helper
8:46PM 2 Auto-naming problem
8:17PM 7 How do you usually handle pagination for returning page visits?
8:12PM 5 Modelling Inventory locations?
6:49PM 1 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)
6:03PM 2 ActionMailer with Windows?
5:53PM 19 Database timestamps
2:43PM 2 Rails install problem (noob) - no such file to load -- iconv (LoadError) - with solution
2:30PM 5 Offline Rails' manual is driving me nuts
1:38PM 2 TextDrive Upgraded?
12:32PM 1 Action Mailer example - receiving emails
11:33AM 3 RoR site up -> Friendr
10:06AM 0 How to set 'Return-Path' in ActionMailer to avoid SPF
7:38AM 13 bug in rails website driving me nuts!
7:19AM 5 ANNOUNCE/RFC: Eteos Client 0.3.0
5:23AM 3 Lighttpd + Apache Proxy
4:48AM 0 Paginator help
4:07AM 3 RE: Next Release of the One-Click Installer
3:49AM 0 0.11 Weird Behavior
3:43AM 2 Having some problems running gem install rails
3:38AM 2 No 0.11 announcement?
3:10AM 8 Rails won't install on a fresh Windows XP system using One-Click Installer
2:46AM 3 Determining the hostname
1:11AM 0 Rails on Windows
1:10AM 18 Login Authentication ?
12:19AM 2 0.11 problems
Tuesday March 22 2005
11:25PM 1 problems upgrading
11:13PM 0 ignore
10:56PM 6 File Upload Size Limits
10:41PM 1 Problem Rails 0.11 + Win32
10:30PM 2 RoR Idiom Questions
10:14PM 10 File Upload with Progress-Bar?
9:47PM 1 experimental rails rpm
9:23PM 0 {attr}_before_type_cast method
9:18PM 2 unit testing performance on Windows XP
9:12PM 5 dispatch.fcgi bug in 0.11.0 ?
8:31PM 0 ActiveRecord Newbie
8:18PM 3 Problems with 0.11.0 - flash.rb?
8:15PM 9 am i the only one with this problem?
7:59PM 1 Don't name an action "process"
7:34PM 0 first stab at Boolean search
6:35PM 9 Rails 0.11.. damn you!
5:53PM 0 sorry testing
3:04PM 1 Rails and Java client integratiob
11:03AM 0 testing
9:29AM 1 nil value trips :maximum length validation... ?
9:21AM 0 Storing emails in an rss feed
5:59AM 2 proper syntax for pagination helper
5:55AM 8 Formatting dates with erb
4:38AM 1 Accessing Models from Modules: what am I missing?
3:36AM 2 upgrading web apps
2:24AM 1 Packaging Rails App - All In One Ruby?
1:22AM 0 pagination helper
12:30AM 2 Creating controllers (?)
12:17AM 14 24 Hours on Rails
Monday March 21 2005
11:54PM 0 senior data architect position
9:25PM 3 routes.rb question.
9:14PM 0 Aggregates initialized with null parameters
8:47PM 7 Can''t install Postgres gem
7:39PM 0 Ruby On Rails in Brazil
5:12PM 7 Support for 10x Productivity Increase with Rails!
4:28PM 1 update_attributes side effect?
4:06PM 0 ANNOUNCE: Wi-Fi Thank You
4:00PM 4 Lighttpd, fcgi, and Session Problems
3:35PM 1 FastCGI process names
1:30PM 1 Testing ActionMailer?
12:43PM 1 cut out bad habits/use transactions?
3:22AM 6 Introduction
12:32AM 3 Oracle Adapter on Mac OS X?
12:16AM 3 About Template Handlers
Sunday March 20 2005
5:39PM 12 rails + orbjson
5:15PM 5 rails not reading config/database.yml on osx
1:39PM 7 Windows gems installer stuck
12:58PM 0 File structure
12:56PM 8 habtm havoc (?how to save additional cols in lookup table)
8:58AM 7 storing a heirarchical structure in a relational db
8:18AM 2 Safari File upload problem
7:31AM 13 Call for Ideas/Developers: Qanah Open Source Enterprise eCommerce
6:20AM 2 RPM packages now
5:40AM 3 docs on session management
1:54AM 1 Advice needed: implement hierarchy of directories site as Rails MVC?
1:10AM 0 Announce: Qanah Enterprise eCommerce
Saturday March 19 2005
3:50PM 1 url_for in template bug?
2:55PM 5 Apache rewrite or Rails route?
11:09AM 3 Multiple model creation. Newbie problem.
8:44AM 2 routing problem 1.8.2/0.10.1/webrick?
2:33AM 1 Webrick slowdown over time
Friday March 18 2005
11:13PM 7 Bla-bla Lists
10:43PM 3 Newbie question: Rails as a solution for existing databases
6:37PM 3 ActiveRecord, Associations and Updates
5:57PM 1 newbie question on ActionMailer
5:24PM 3 rails rpms
5:18PM 0 how I got apache2 fastcgi working
5:12PM 11 Ror questions from a J2ee captive
4:08PM 2 Windows, Apache2, FastCGI:
3:35PM 1 Rails postgres support
3:17PM 0 scaffold generator, pluralization and tutorials
2:12PM 4 NoMemoryError on "gem install rails"
12:37PM 0 gem install fcgi
12:11PM 1 RoR on Yahoo Buzz Game
9:15AM 6 does rails make you feel dirty?
8:23AM 0 mixed results with lighttpd/fastcgi
7:45AM 2 Trace actual SQL statements per request?
3:33AM 4 postgresql connection error - LoadError in Todo#index No such file to load -- postgres
12:48AM 0 [patch] Ajax support for login uniqueness in login generator
12:12AM 4 client-side java-script validation support
Thursday March 17 2005
8:41PM 3 Respecting URL subdir?
7:34PM 2 login_generator and generate
7:03PM 2 TextDrive and RedCloth
6:28PM 0 Solution: Using gettext to localize your rails app
6:08PM 1 Non-rails dynamic content
6:04PM 0 Quick introduction
3:49PM 5 Moving to FastCGI on TextDrive
3:37PM 4 Rake problem
2:41PM 1 non persistent session information
2:02PM 1 before_filter block and params in functional tests
1:10PM 2 Using gettext to localize your rails app
11:03AM 5 setting the path in OS X: no bash shell
10:02AM 1 lighttpd error-handler not found: error
9:02AM 0 Ruby Syntax Highlighter v2
2:42AM 4 TextDrive and ActionMailer
2:12AM 4 Specifying Which Environment I Am In
1:00AM 11 Rails project with no relational database component?
Wednesday March 16 2005
9:30PM 2 Newbie ActiveRecord::TimeStamp questions
9:00PM 2 Newbie Scaffolding w/Foreign Keys Questions
7:34PM 2 Uploaded file appearing as String object??
6:25PM 0 (no subject)
2:55PM 0 PlanetRubyonRails moved to Rails Code
2:37PM 0 Rails Bug? View named ''display''
2:27PM 0 wiki spam
12:09PM 0 postgresql environment variable (ab)use
11:39AM 0 SHOW FIELDS FROM clientes
10:24AM 1 Is there an opposite of Inflector.Camelize
9:26AM 1 Column value become nil
7:25AM 6 caches_page problem
4:44AM 16 Getting random db entries...
4:41AM 10 Editing an object with associations
4:29AM 0 subdomaining questions: default routes and db partitioning (ThreadLocals?)
Tuesday March 15 2005
11:28PM 2 Yet Another TinyURL clone.
7:40PM 3 Action Web Service problems
7:16PM 4 Newbie with big project
6:55PM 2 pagination helper rails 0.10
6:53PM 0 multiple database users
6:31PM 4 async http request
5:37PM 2 Closing slash on URLs (routing question)...
4:12PM 1 Textdrive and Rails
4:06PM 1 :anchor problems (still no reponse)
3:54PM 5 WEBrick index_controller option problem
3:13PM 2 Problem with Rails and OCI8
2:05PM 1 Re: Rails Digest, Vol 6, Issue 100
9:30AM 1 dispatch.fcgi dies, problem in raw_post_data_fix.rb
7:43AM 15 Web-based Ruby Syntax Highlighter
6:40AM 6 New Beta version of Rake for Rails Users ... Fix for Ruby 1.8.2 unit test bug
6:38AM 1 Menus / Navigation classes
6:22AM 0 Best Practices for extracting and reusing code/componants/generators
6:09AM 13 What''s the thinking behind pluralisation?
4:17AM 0 0.10.0, Routes and Query strings
12:04AM 2 one liners...
Monday March 14 2005
10:43PM 0 Bus Error & Segmentation Fault in Rails 0.10.1 on Mac OS X 10.3 with sqlite3
9:49PM 0 new flash module (request for feedback)
5:10PM 1 (newbie) /tmp/fcgi_ipc ?
1:07PM 0 White characters in output
10:34AM 4 [ANNOUNCE] RubyURL.com or 2 late hours on Rails
8:44AM 18 MuraveyWeb -- Ruby CMS (with demo)
Sunday March 13 2005
11:53PM 11 [SOLVED] time validation (the feb. 31st problem)
11:29PM 12 Email address vs Nickname?
5:37PM 3 0.10.1 Bugs Controller Name and App In Subdir
2:36PM 1 Semantics of push_with_attributes
10:03AM 5 Using active_record from cron jobs
8:07AM 0 NoMethodError in Registration#new
7:04AM 0 re: Updating a production sqlite database
6:12AM 0 Redirecting to Paginator Helper page
5:33AM 0 (no subject)
1:40AM 3 Can I fork() in a model?
1:19AM 0 [BUG] time handling/impossible rails time verification situation
Saturday March 12 2005
7:58PM 0 scaffolding issue
7:29PM 2 "belongs_to" associated decided by another value in the model?
6:12PM 0 Location of method
12:22PM 0 [OT] Updating a production sqlite database
11:44AM 3 UTF-8 and AR length validation
9:23AM 3 possible bug in rails helpers
9:20AM 4 how to validate that date is really a date?
9:17AM 0 Reflection
8:16AM 1 XSS and Rails?
3:22AM 5 Alternative to ''h'' method for sanitizing data from the database?
2:14AM 3 Accessing model''s not associated with the current model of a controller.
Friday March 11 2005
11:53PM 1 how to create unit tests for postgresql schema support
10:03PM 0 fastcgi non-vhost public/ access
9:04PM 2 [Newbie] New to ROR
8:09PM 3 More Then One Validation Rule For One Instance Variable
6:23PM 1 Displaying error_messages_for when view is in one controller and processing in another
4:22PM 2 Ommitting application layout file
3:31PM 3 Rolling My Own RSS Feed
3:27PM 12 Error Validation in Controller?
2:35PM 1 error installing rails
9:00AM 2 rails on suse
8:19AM 0 Amrita2 1.9.3 and Ajax Demo
8:03AM 2 Unit Tests - Is this right?
6:34AM 2 test_validates_numericality_of failing in rake test_postgresql
1:49AM 3 Strange problem with belongs_to
12:49AM 4 actionmailer settings
Thursday March 10 2005
10:48PM 0 RoR on a 1and1 Account
9:20PM 1 ActionMailer examples?
9:00PM 0 Trac Triage - Time to fix them
8:50PM 7 Order of Processing
7:51PM 11 Default Values
6:52PM 6 problems with ActionMailer
6:41PM 4 error messages, loops and saves, actionmailer and finaly authentication
4:34PM 2 Newbie question - form validation
4:29PM 4 :anchor won''t work in 0.10.1
3:53PM 7 Forking FCGI dispatcher
3:48PM 0 Need Help with Flaky FastCGI on Windows
3:41PM 10 Some Basic Questions
3:35PM 8 Login controller additions
1:05PM 6 Expiring Cache Fragments and fcgi
12:54PM 5 dispatch.fcgi dieing randomly
11:55AM 24 (Online) documentation for 1.0
10:45AM 6 images from database + caching
6:49AM 1 Running unit tests on SQL Server
3:32AM 2 NoMethodError in Event_type#create
1:14AM 0 RE: Confused about extending the login generator ''user'' [fixed]
Wednesday March 9 2005
11:54PM 15 SQL "editor"
11:16PM 0 Setup Help - Apache/FastCGI/subdirectory
10:41PM 4 max requests for fcgi interface
9:15PM 10 mysql vs postgres
9:08PM 7 Getting started with contributing to Rails
6:53PM 1 rails apps with a nice functional test suite
4:32PM 6 auto increment id
2:35PM 1 Re: Tons of shiny new stuff (Tobias Luetke)
2:26PM 2 LoadError
8:40AM 1 Newbies perceptions and questions
8:25AM 16 rails on low memory vps
7:37AM 8 How to set ''Return-Path'' in ActionMailer to avoid SPF failure?
6:48AM 10 Confused about extending the login generator ''user''
4:34AM 9 Unit testing + instance variables
12:34AM 21 Converting time retrieved from MySQL
Tuesday March 8 2005
11:39PM 3 Configuring WEBBrick for Port 80
10:56PM 1 Adding to model (newbie)
9:30PM 1 Updating Join Attributes
9:23PM 1 Pluralization rules?
8:53PM 3 Making a module method available in view
6:13PM 3 Chapter Numbering in Hieraki
5:10PM 43 e=MCv
4:18PM 2 ActiveRecords on the command line?
3:18PM 4 change the model''s table name
1:55PM 2 ActionWebService SOAP Faults aren''t schema valid
10:08AM 1 Moving to production?
7:17AM 19 find_by_sql ON STEROID possible?
5:17AM 3 is there any rails hosting out there?
4:42AM 3 Extracting images from a DB
12:04AM 15 Rails 0.10.1and WEBrick
Monday March 7 2005
11:09PM 3 Tons of shiny new stuff
10:45PM 0 Routing problem
10:36PM 0 Routing error follow-up
10:07PM 2 erb and builder in same view ....
9:33PM 0 Failed route on 0.10.1
9:19PM 1 0.10.1
8:56PM 1 0.10.1 problems
6:48PM 2 Problem with Rails 0.10.1
4:08PM 3 exclude an attribute from save
4:00PM 0 an escape from using find_all
3:28PM 6 Automatic timestamping in join tables [596]
2:27PM 0 0.10.1 Upgrade Problem
1:48PM 1 Legacy DB Guide?
1:10PM 2 Login generator question
11:35AM 2 Threaded logging?
10:07AM 0 In praise of rails
9:45AM 1 postgres unit testing in 0.10.1
5:50AM 2 radio_button helper and "checked" option
4:52AM 2 0.10.1 Upgrade prob, me too
4:28AM 1 Request for those familiar with internals of the Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2 adapters
4:00AM 2 0.10.1 Upgrade problems
2:47AM 0 Rails 0.10.1: FCGI stability, WS generator, tons of fixes
Sunday March 6 2005
11:37PM 8 Tutorial about XMLHttpRequest+Rails
10:25PM 3 Accessing login name from login_generator
8:43PM 2 Recipe Browser 0.4.1
8:38PM 12 Where to place custom classes?
5:19PM 10 A Nightmare on Rails Street: Windows Lives!
3:58PM 0 Mac OS X Tiger
3:17PM 0 ActiveRecord: casting and saving
8:40AM 0 Ruby Developers Almanac
7:56AM 4 has_many and order
7:44AM 3 question about testing
6:55AM 1 Force a file download AND render a page
6:32AM 9 How to do SQL queries outside of AR
5:25AM 3 permission error in rake''s clone_structure_to_test
3:14AM 8 Session ids and identification
1:40AM 2 Using url_for in ActionMailer templates
Saturday March 5 2005
11:39PM 4 ''Session id'' hacking?
11:02PM 1 RE: Best practice to manage ''id'' hacking? - can Rails help?
9:22PM 1 How to provide Rails hosting on Apache/FastCGI enviroment?
2:49PM 3 some macosX icons for RoR
1:14PM 3 routes inconsistency?
12:09PM 9 Best practice to manage ''id'' hacking?
8:46AM 1 problems with authentication -- restrict certain actions to certain users
1:51AM 3 login generator problem
Friday March 4 2005
10:47PM 0 Time input with select_time
9:17PM 0 RoR mention on AWS
8:41PM 24 Rails speed?
5:27PM 3 Boolean values
2:53PM 3 Whoo Hoo... We''re on the Slashdot front page!
8:04AM 17 active record logs format
4:42AM 5 Rails and SCM Best Practices
4:00AM 2 Part 2 of ONLamp.com Rails article is online
3:21AM 4 Upgrading broke the .find methods???
2:17AM 3 optimization
12:55AM 3 Need volunteer for cool RubyForge add-on
Thursday March 3 2005
10:10PM 2 table lookup?
5:13PM 0 where is :overwrite_params ?
5:10PM 12 bug in postgresql ''now'' time handling??
4:42PM 0 uniform handling of timestamps
3:58PM 1 session variables
3:41PM 0 routes and link_to
8:09AM 0 Scaffold in 0.10
7:48AM 0 passing parameters to filters
7:48AM 19 Better tools for authoring the view
5:27AM 4 Loading data with fixtures
4:40AM 5 Whats ''favicon.ico''
12:34AM 7 Another question about the tutorial
Wednesday March 2 2005
10:48PM 2 Rails book has a page at Pragmatic Programmers
9:21PM 4 Development without server restart?
9:06PM 0 Re: AWS Client Usage
8:59PM 0 Using a params from down the model relationship tree
7:11PM 9 date validation
6:54PM 1 Cleaning up has_and_belongs_to_many?
6:28PM 0 AWS WSDL Client Consumption
6:17PM 4 Don''t Try This at Home (rails --help)
6:08PM 1 gem install rails error
5:17PM 2 form action in mail (actionmailer)
5:13PM 1 using subdomains as account keys
2:07PM 3 uprgrade to 0.10: uninitialized constant Class::Object
2:04PM 1 postgresql date
1:00PM 4 Action ''display'' doesn''t work in 0.10.0
12:18PM 0 rails daily digest is not really daily?
11:46AM 2 Validation question
11:36AM 1 404 and NameError
1:17AM 3 App behaves differently on Apache and Webrick
12:52AM 1 Defect question?
12:34AM 4 All I want for Christmas
12:07AM 2 Problems installing gems using rails
Tuesday March 1 2005
9:59PM 1 Scratch 1.0
9:49PM 1 rename associations
4:12PM 3 problems with apache
3:20PM 2 @request cycle variables
3:01PM 0 has_and_belongs_to_many problem
7:42AM 0 acts_as_tree counter_cache
1:00AM 4 PostgreSQL Schema and Rails