I released Amrita2-1.9.3. Get it from http://rubyforge.org/projects/amrita2 This release contains Ajax Demo -- Ajax version of Todo tutorial. Running demo: http://www.brain-tokyo.net:3000/todo/json_list description: http://amrita2.rubyforge.org/js.html sources: http://amrita2.rubyforge.org/rails/todoajax/ http://amrita2.rubyforge.org/js/ This is a new feature of Amrita2. Amrita2 now generates a JavaScript Code as well as Ruby code from HTML template. So the code can be used by any client-side JavaScript code including Ajax. I think this is good for making UIs with JavaScript. Here is a sample def json_list_script #path = File::expand_path("~/amrita2/sample/rails/todoajax/views/todo/json_list.a2html") #tmpl =Amrita2::JS::TemplateFile.new(path) tmpl = Amrita2::JS::TemplateText.new <<-END <div> Not done: <div id=''not_done''> <input id="item_done" name="item[done]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> <span> </span> <span id=''description'' /> <span> </span> <a id=''edit_link'' href="/todo/edit/">Edit</a> <span> </span> <a id=''destroy_link'' href="/todo/edit/">Destroy</a> </div> Done: <div id=''done''> <input checked="checked" id="item_done" name="item[done]" type="checkbox" value="0" /> <span> </span> <span id=''description'' /> <span> </span> <a id=''edit_link'' href="/todo/edit/">Edit</a> <span> </span> <a id=''destroy_link'' href="/todo/edit/">Destroy</a> </div> <span id=''now'' /> </div> END # compiling the template to JavaScript functions js = Amrita2::JS::CodeGenerator.new tmpl.js_template(''tmpl'', js) Amrita2::JS::RUNTIME_SRC + js.results.join("\n") end The HTML template is compiled to JavaScript function using DOM methods. And it will be embeded to another HTML template. And I have a question. In this sample, the TEMPLATE is embeded in helper method. But this can be separated. In RoR, what directory is best for this template and how should the view logic get the path of it? --- Taku Nakajima