R help - Nov 2002

Saturday November 30 2002
5:18PM 3 About building R1.6.1 on Cygwin
3:32PM 2 pch as single character
Friday November 29 2002
7:38PM 1 configure fails on Mac OS 10.2.2
7:29PM 1 need help with make failing for R 1.6.1 in Solaris 8
5:16PM 2 Regular Expressionsionism
12:30PM 2 lrm
10:41AM 0 R GUI development mailing list
10:29AM 2 Obtaining the variable names of a glm object
9:26AM 4 reference
8:49AM 3 Subsetting from data.frame
7:12AM 1 KS for goodness of fit
Thursday November 28 2002
7:31PM 0 looking for help on repeated measure ANOVA
6:32PM 1 output on glm.nb
5:59PM 1 big model on modest computer.
3:44PM 3 Running R away from windows (to Linux)
3:39PM 2 Logistic Regression with 9 classes
11:41AM 0 Hello, how can I create several lists, whose names are composed of "Lst" and the number "i" of the loop (Lst1, Lst2... Lst3000)? Thank you for your help.
8:47AM 1 function writeClipboard()
1:31AM 4 Mime-Version: 1.0
Wednesday November 27 2002
11:01PM 0 subscripting a column from a data frame: row.names are dropped
9:37PM 1 read.table: colClasses when num. of columns is unknown
8:41PM 1 problem with attr()
6:49PM 1 [No Subject]
6:23PM 6 Rbind help needed
6:20PM 1 Contrast problem
5:45PM 0 Job Posting in Biostatistics/Statistics
5:10PM 0 Generate a time series from a data frame
5:00PM 1 No subject
3:22PM 2 Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 09:23:31 -0600
2:39PM 2 Error message: missing value where logical needed
2:38PM 2 Leaving out graduations and numbers on y axis plot
2:34PM 0 R genetics package now available
2:04PM 0 load( ) and URLs
12:58PM 1 R on the Zaurus
11:27AM 2 grid package and lines
7:59AM 1 dump() bug?
6:30AM 1 Mozilla 1.2
2:36AM 5 further on ESS/XEmacs for Windows
12:42AM 1 polymars package
12:14AM 0 independent bootstraps for difference of means
Tuesday November 26 2002
10:09PM 0 nlme: gnls with weights and correlation arguments
8:40PM 4 [NB] lm problems
8:25PM 5 unexpected behaviour of rnorm()
7:11PM 3 Scheduling Library or routies in R
6:58PM 1 Another Mozilla issue
5:42PM 1 Reshape by multiple variables
5:39PM 3 R-announce moved from majordomo to [procmail+mailman]
5:20PM 0 degenerate cases in RPART
5:13PM 1 Problem with accented characters in portuguese
5:07PM 1 filled.contour and points
4:29PM 2 clipboard with R
4:17PM 2 Existence of non-vectorised functions
3:37PM 0 R in Linux on Sun
3:36PM 4 how to identify the outliers
1:21PM 0 scope (was URGENT Help required)
11:57AM 0 Defining a Design Matrix for Correlation
11:29AM 2 URGENT Help required
9:29AM 1 size of a glm-like object
2:54AM 1 permutation
Monday November 25 2002
11:24PM 0 more on vectoring a simple for
9:31PM 1 pairs and triples of a data.frame
9:14PM 3 How top print intermediate values from inside a function?
9:05PM 2 vectoring a simple for
8:48PM 2 Pspline smoothing
7:47PM 0 RE: Final CFP: DSC 2003
7:17PM 1 Plotting continuous line types w/large datasets
7:09PM 0 Re: re| R-list| internal-fields
6:13PM 3 Full enumeration, how can this be vectorized
5:12PM 1 library help files
4:19PM 3 scale for the y-axis
3:25PM 3 R.1.6.1 under mandrake
2:34PM 0 Fw: compile from source (win2000)
2:07PM 0 GraspeR - functions and GUI for spatial predictions written for R
12:32PM 0 SumUP: Segmentation fault at all commands ?
7:15AM 2 Q: Segmentation fault at all commands ?
6:05AM 0 mda
4:24AM 0 Installing netCDF module in R
2:51AM 2 Logistic Regression on a Windows Machine
1:03AM 0 away from my mail
Sunday November 24 2002
11:39PM 0 NEW STOCK PICK: TBIN - SYPY UP 309%........................................................................................................................................................................................................ iqjr
9:17PM 1 unif_rand() and exp_rand()
7:55PM 2 illustration of graphics terms in R?
3:40PM 2 R CMD build
2:18PM 3 Using XEmacs and ESS with R for MS/Windows
11:37AM 2 Include "print" output into plots
12:17AM 1 Understanding function residuals()
Saturday November 23 2002
7:39PM 1 Branch and Bound
6:24PM 1 t-test for correlation matrix?
5:27PM 1 No subject
4:18PM 0 Library QVF from Carroll et al.
4:16PM 0 princomp question
12:28PM 0 YOUR HEALTH CARE........................................................................................................................................................................... lyl
12:02PM 0 r-logo as ps od xfig format available ?!
8:18AM 3 Possible solution for Mozilla/help.start() search problems
6:07AM 1 No subject
Friday November 22 2002
9:08PM 3 simple test on slope of lm()
7:25PM 0 jacobian of matrix?
4:58PM 1 R on the Zaurus (the return)
4:54PM 1 Plotting all lines of a data frame
4:37PM 2 hosmer-lemeshow
4:22PM 4 Use of variables to reference to objects
4:16PM 0 two questions
4:03PM 0 RArcInfo:Â can't read arc coverage
11:14AM 0 Re: Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
11:06AM 1 how to remove rows of NA
9:42AM 1 Scatter plot with labels
8:12AM 0 some help with this contour plot
4:41AM 2 Need help with pipe()
Thursday November 21 2002
11:51PM 1 html Search Engine not working
9:40PM 1 tkclipboard.append(...) and TCL_LIBRARY not set
7:08PM 0 Analysis of Data with Observation Weights Revisited
6:16PM 4 Mixing text and graphics in PDF
4:53PM 0 Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 18:01:56 +0100
4:47PM 0 test. do not open
4:28PM 0 Calling R from Java
3:39PM 1 Distance between points and a polygon?
2:53PM 0 R editor:
2:50PM 0 Re: RArcInfo question(basic=T, newbie=T, annoying=T)
1:43PM 3 Data Export
1:40PM 1 more than one level of grouping in xyplot
11:16AM 1 AW: Improving R Editing: New JEdit Edit Mode for R
11:09AM 1 Is R a good choice for this?
4:47AM 1 Pearson's correlation coefficient?
1:31AM 2 taking rows from a data frame
12:52AM 0 RArcInfo: can't read arc coverage
12:41AM 1 How to run S-Plus script
Wednesday November 20 2002
11:46PM 1 compiling R from source for windows
11:36PM 2 How to update without new installation?
10:48PM 4 Improving R Editing: New JEdit Edit Mode for R
9:39PM 2 Defining/Checking constants in packages
8:57PM 0 Johansen cointegration
8:48PM 3 FW: using R under windows
8:43PM 3 using R under windows
5:39PM 2 R and default library
3:58PM 1 sum(rnorm(n)), calculate more efficiently
3:07PM 0 Plots by subject
2:47PM 0 Polya distribution
1:56PM 5 re| memory.limit()
10:55AM 1 regression
10:45AM 3 survival analysis
10:07AM 1 un-install R 1.6 built from source
9:09AM 1 HAC Standard errors
2:30AM 3 Bioconductor 1.1 Released
Tuesday November 19 2002
11:28PM 2 adding SE to bar plots
9:38PM 4 fast way to check an object is a member of a list?
8:59PM 1 mem.tally.* in R
8:18PM 1 Which DBMS to use?
7:31PM 1 Another plot question
6:11PM 5 help reading a variably formatted text file
6:03PM 1 fexact.c
5:49PM 0 Pie Graphs
5:23PM 0 a little questions
3:28PM 0 Kalman Filter
2:26PM 0 Units of measurement
1:17PM 3 filled.contour - plot.axes
12:31PM 0 memory
11:39AM 0 Help on variogram.gls (nlme package)
6:40AM 5 plotting intersecting planes
2:04AM 1 From: Marc Schwartz <mschwartz@medanalytics.com>
12:06AM 0 page numbers
Monday November 18 2002
10:30PM 0 using mozilla browser in Linux RH 8
8:16PM 1 plot(...,type='h') and the pdf driver don't play nice
8:08PM 1 Ordering of rows/names
7:24PM 1 R on Sharp Zaurus 5500?
7:20PM 5 order and rm()
1:21PM 2 vector of center of
1:15PM 2 library() help for Windows
9:56AM 2 several functions in the same plot
9:05AM 2 No subject
Sunday November 17 2002
8:55PM 1 SVD for reducing dimensions
8:43PM 1 Specifying line types
2:54PM 1 position of windows-dialogue
2:31PM 2 Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
10:40AM 2 compile
12:06AM 1 Xgobi II
Saturday November 16 2002
11:33PM 0 loading X11 device in R
4:05PM 1 Xgobi
3:04PM 1 using the function "expression" with "paste" in a plot
2:19AM 1 shelling out to R for one command
Friday November 15 2002
11:59PM 1 Plotting in the margin
10:50PM 3 shared ATLAS library?
10:30PM 3 simple for loop
9:18PM 2 What's going on? (strange standard deviation)
5:36PM 1 Graph Problem
5:35PM 1 collapse rows in a matrix
4:57PM 1 lattice: formatting tickmark labels of log scaled axes
4:55PM 2 postscript help
4:43PM 5 confidence interval in "predict.lm"
3:11PM 1 analysing data with case weights: rejoinder
2:06PM 1 C++ interface?
10:58AM 2 Why no colSDs etc
9:00AM 1 postscript()
8:41AM 0 MANOVA: sd of coefficients
7:07AM 0 ISwR Exercises
3:19AM 0 RQuantLib [ an interface to QuantLib from R ] updated
12:38AM 1 Scaling part of a data frame
Thursday November 14 2002
11:19PM 1 Redirecting Output to Clipboard
11:14PM 0 exec-ing R from Java
10:46PM 2 sort.list, order
10:02PM 1 Chen Huashan's searchable archive?
6:31PM 1 bibtex citation?
5:48PM 1 Problems when plotting (related to RArcInfo)
5:43PM 0 Hsieh
4:32PM 0 summarizing "alternative to rep"
4:22PM 1 analysis of data with observation weights
3:34PM 0 nlm / fscale
3:30PM 1 evaluating density objects
3:13PM 1 X11 resources
2:43PM 1 plot rotation
2:19PM 1 chron and locales
11:34AM 3 compile from source (win2000)
Wednesday November 13 2002
11:21PM 2 Putting value labels inside the bars of a bar plot
10:50PM 2 alternative to rep
5:32PM 2 Importing with read.table
5:00PM 1 Package documentation and rd.sty
4:18PM 0 problems with read.ssd in foreign
3:04PM 4 [Newbie] Is there any support for work with grouped frequencies?
2:27PM 0 Biostatistics Expert Job Opening
2:03PM 2 Comparing GAM objects using ANOVA
1:14PM 1 building a formula for glm() with 30,000 independent vari ables
10:47AM 1 DLLs adding in C++ code
5:44AM 0 How call method of root "class" directly?
2:02AM 3 using list to pass argument to function
Tuesday November 12 2002
5:40PM 4 trouble positioning legends on barplot written to a file
5:10PM 4 R: Error in plot.new() : axis style "d" not implemented
3:31PM 0 Treemaps
3:15PM 1 Probabilities for bivariate normal distribution with adapt
2:32PM 1 Stellenanzeige
12:22PM 1 problem with `legend' + `substitute'
10:18AM 0 Where is the 'ts' package ? Is there a problem ?
8:29AM 1 is r-help-digest working?
3:52AM 0 test availability of this address - please ignore
1:04AM 2 How to get a degree sign into a lattice factor level?
12:49AM 0 test: ignore
Monday November 11 2002
8:27PM 2 numerics only
7:38PM 3 Wind roses
7:16PM 2 Bootstrp help
6:33PM 2 listing objects loaded by load()
6:18PM 2 R 1.6.1: help with debugging error in RunGenCollect(), R_gc_internal
4:23PM 0 smoothing again
3:49PM 1 problems downloading R-1.6.1
1:22PM 0 R to SAS
12:07PM 2 New package: msm for multi-state models
11:02AM 1 lines on class objects table
10:47AM 0 AOV and general formula sintax
10:32AM 2 repeating a dataframe n times in the direction of the rows
6:24AM 1 library() - Error: Package foo was built for Win32
5:29AM 0 nonparm. ts
1:07AM 0 Macros and functions
Sunday November 10 2002
11:50PM 1 binomial glm for relevant feature selection?
2:28PM 7 building a formula for glm() with 30,000 independent variables
10:55AM 4 frequency table
10:22AM 1 graphics window closes after invoking
Saturday November 9 2002
5:47PM 2 Nonlinear regression and categories
1:15PM 1 MFWorks and R
3:44AM 2 importing data from Excel using RODBC
Friday November 8 2002
10:35PM 1 Using the ``...'' argument.
9:05PM 1 Merging data.frames
8:18PM 3 Windows binary for R 1.6.1 FIXED
5:30PM 1 Corrupted file error message installing from rw1061.exe
4:38PM 0 nonparametric survival regression
3:26PM 1 pdf() and pdflatex
3:13PM 1 Memory R and Windows2000
2:05PM 0 R-Core performance question
1:55PM 0 Polar plot, circular plot (angular data): II
1:10PM 0 math symbols in plots
12:48PM 0 How to solve equations involving exponentials with different bases?
12:42PM 1 Using R --gui=GNOME
12:02PM 0 Directory name of a sourced file.
8:22AM 1 extracting response from arima obj
12:49AM 0 Fwd: RE: Macros versus functions
Thursday November 7 2002
10:45PM 0 problem with BIC model selection
10:30PM 1 boot&table
10:27PM 1 language inconsistency puzzle (in the tradition of Bill V enables (Hi Bill) puzzle "what is x")
9:41PM 0 dyn.load & DLL files created from LCC-WIN32 and Compaq Visual Fortran
9:13PM 1 Macros versus functions
7:51PM 2 combinations
7:27PM 2 The integration of the square of the c.d.f of normal distribution
7:10PM 0 language inconsistency puzzle (in the tradition of Bill Venables (Hi Bill) puzzle "what is x")
6:27PM 3 Rcmd? Where?
6:15PM 4 negative and positive values in diff. colors
5:38PM 3 Compiled help for 1.61 in Win XP ?
5:34PM 0 How to access R primitives in C code?
3:43PM 1 Save method
9:36AM 4 Preferable contrasts?
8:55AM 2 Qualitative factors
5:25AM 0 Finalizer function?
1:18AM 0 OT : sensible analysis of censored rank data
Wednesday November 6 2002
9:28PM 1 tcltk package under Windows
8:18PM 2 Re: some questions!
7:20PM 1 Aggregating a List
6:52PM 1 R-1.6.0 to 1.6.1 diff?
6:43PM 0 signal to interrupt R evaluation
6:27PM 3 Q. regarding shadowed 3D plots
6:26PM 1 estimate statement?
5:09PM 1 predict.rpart and large datasets
3:36PM 1 Combo Box Wdget for Tcl/Tk under R
2:49PM 1 "chemical" plot -> ternary plot
1:51PM 2 chisq.test on a matrix
1:16PM 0 causality test
1:07PM 6 how to update installed packages to a new version of R?
12:54PM 2 Combined use of the nlm and adapt methods
9:22AM 5 "chemical" plot
9:21AM 0 Intercept by level in GLM
7:51AM 0 deparse in subset-fct.
4:01AM 3 R bug? (if-else problem in main program)
1:51AM 1 What else do tab-delimited and csv do differently?
Tuesday November 5 2002
10:34PM 1 graphics display problem
7:34PM 0 reading XML-tables into R?
6:06PM 0 summary: Sweave - documenting a long function
5:08PM 3 tsplot function
3:52PM 1 last.warning and function problem
2:32PM 1 function showMethods and inheritance
12:24PM 2 Which columns give rise to linear dependency?
11:58AM 2 Canonical variates
10:48AM 0 3 or 4 level Split plot
9:07AM 2 eigenvectors order
5:30AM 5 LaTeX Output?
12:47AM 1 add1 in glm
12:00AM 0 Jean-Francois RAMI/RPG/SEMENCES/EURALIS est absent.
Monday November 4 2002
10:38PM 2 Problem Installing RODBC under RedHat 7.3
9:33PM 2 interpolation
8:25PM 2 Sweave - documenting a long function
4:39PM 0 Novice question: how to solve the issue of hitting RAM limit
2:43PM 1 Installing R under Unix (Solaris 2.6).
12:12PM 1 CFLAGS
11:35AM 3 write table and dinnames
9:28AM 0 persp(), x- and y-axis with character strings
Sunday November 3 2002
7:28PM 1 continuous lines?
2:03AM 0 convex hulls ... other methods
Saturday November 2 2002
7:36PM 1 R: Use of the Foreign package to import Stata files
5:12PM 2 Partial Least Squares
5:11PM 1 problem with expand.model.frame
4:33PM 1 fitting simple y(x) data
11:20AM 0 Re dyn.load()
4:50AM 0 Success in compiling & running R 1.6.1 on MacOS X 10.2.1 using darwinports
4:07AM 5 problem compiling R-1.6.1 on WinNT: pcre
3:06AM 0 differential equation
2:58AM 0 derivatives
Friday November 1 2002
11:46PM 1 Reshape function
10:57PM 2 installing R on debian linux
10:07PM 1 init.data function error
9:17PM 0 Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
9:02PM 0 File access from within a DLL
8:24PM 3 Line plot with date-time on X-axis
8:16PM 1 Manipulating dataframe
7:48PM 0 Warnings
7:45PM 2 Empirical distribution
6:00PM 0 load of methods package causes strange return values
4:18PM 1 recordPlot in 1.5.x, replayPlot in 1.6.0 problem
3:48PM 0 nonlinear estimation
12:19PM 0 symbols for male & female
11:41AM 8 R-1.6.1 is released
2:54AM 0 batch multiple regressions and pipe results to file
1:02AM 3 How do I save a file as .R ?