At 09:12 29/11/2002 +0200, vous avez ?crit:
>Dear All,
>I have two distributions which I don't their nature. I want to check
>whether they come from the same distribution. I know that I can use KS
>test however the standart function ks.test applies only the ks test for
>testing the difference of two samples (non-parametric). By the way the
>distribution are of Euclidean distances. One of observed and the other of
>shuffled data.
It seems to me that if your two distributions are not significantly
different, you can conclude that they come from the same (theoretical)
distribution. The KS test seems appropriate.
Emmanuel Paradis
Laboratoire de Pal?ontologie
Institut des Sciences de l'?volution
Universit? Montpellier II
F-34095 Montpellier c?dex 05
phone: +33 4 67 14 39 64
fax: +33 4 67 14 36 10
mailto:paradis at
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