Thanks Rolf,
The necessary function do indeed exists in the spatstat package, but
rather well hidden I would say.
But after looking thru the bdist.points code I came up with this example:
> library(spatstat)
#Define a matrix with all the points> points<-matrix(c(1,3,3,3,6,3),3,2,byrow=T)
#Define a matrix with the points the polyline consists
of> pl<-matrix(c(1,1,4,1,4,4),3,2,byrow=T)
#Returns the minimun distance for each point to the
polyline> apply(distppll(points,cbind(pl[-nrow(pl),],pl[-1,])),1,min)
> [1] 2 1 2
Hans Gardfjell
Ume? University, Sweden
Rolf Turner wrote:> Look at the spatstat package, available from CRAN.
> The function bdist.points() does ***essentially*** what you want. It
> assumes that the points are the points of a spatial point pattern,
> and that the polygon is the window though which the pattern is
> observed. But it would not be at all hard to hack this function
> into a form that would work in a more general context.
> Hope this helps.
> cheers,
> Rolf Turner
> rolf at
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