Did you edit MkRules? If you do, use an editor that respects tabs (and
apparently WinEdt is a culprit here). Line 92 starts with a tab, so that
*does* seem to be the problem. Note the warning in line 2 of the file.
How did you unpack the sources? This sort of message often indicates the
use of the shareware WinZip (which corrupts files with amazing frequency
even when used to unzip). I have got used to asking if WinZip is used
whenever files appear to have been corrupted.
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, John Marsland wrote:
> I have been using R for some time now and decided to have a go a compiling
> from source.
> I have carefully followed the guidelines set out by Prof Ripley and others,
> but I get the following message when I try to make:
> MkRules:92: *** missing separator. Stop.
> If I comment the line out, I get the same message for the next line.
> I have searched on Google and many people have mentioned an issue with make
> about spaces vs. tab marks, but this doesnot seem to be the problem.
> I am working with Windows NT and trying to compile R version 1.6.1, can
> anybody help?
> Regards,
> John Marsland
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