(full replication code and results below)
I observe a sometimes significant performance difference between writing to
a list element via [[<- and $<- . Under RW1.5.1 and RW1.6.1 I find that
ListOfListOfVector[[SomeName1]][[SomeName2]][SomeInteger] <-
ListOfListOfVector[[SomeInteger1]][[SomeInteger2]][SomeInteger] <-
can be substantially slower than
ListOfListOfVector$SomeLiteral1$SomeLiteral2[SomeInteger] <-
Why is that?
The effect depends on listsize and my impression is that the [[<- more often
triggers garbage collection than $<- .
Interestingly the performance problems of specifying an elementname at
runtime can be reduced by using something like
<- Something, list(SomeLiteral1=SomeName1, SomeLiteral2=SomeName2)))
Is it recommended to call eval(substitute()) to do performant assignments?
Thanks for any explanation
Jens Oehlschl?gel
t1 <- function(n1=5, n2=5, n3=10){
cat("preparing ..\n")
l2 <- 1:n2
names(l2) <- l2
l2 <- lapply(l2, function(i)rep(1, n3))
l1 <- 1:n1
names(l1) <- l1
l1 <- lapply(l1, function(i)l2)
cat("measuring ..\n")
tim <- system.time(
for (i in 1:n1)
for (j in 1:n2)
l1[[i]][[j]][1] <- 2
#also slow with l1[[as.character(i)]][[as.character(j)]][1] <- 2
)[3] / (n1*n2)
cat("seconds per assignment =", tim, "\n")
s1 <- function(n1=5, n2=5, n3=10){
cat("preparing ..\n")
l2 <- 1:n2
names(l2) <- l2
l2 <- lapply(l2, function(i)rep(1, n3))
l1 <- 1:n1
names(l1) <- l1
l1 <- lapply(l1, function(i)l2)
cat("measuring ..\n")
tim <- system.time(
for (i in 1:n1)
for (j in 1:n2)
eval(substitute(l1$ii$jj[1] <- 2, list(ii=as.character(i),
)[3] / (n1*n2)
cat("seconds per assignment =", tim, "\n")
t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100) /
s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100)
t1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100) /
s1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100)
t1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000) /
s1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000)
t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000) /
s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000)
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 1
minor 6.1
year 2002
month 11
day 01
language R
> t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100) /
+ s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0012
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 1e-04
[1] 12>
> t1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100) /
+ s1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.000683
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.000199
[1] 3.432161>
> t1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000) /
+ s1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0908
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0052
[1] 17.46154>
> t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000) /
+ s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.1008
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.005
[1] 20.16
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 1
minor 5.1
year 2002
month 06
day 17
language R
> t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100) /
+ s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 2e-04
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.001
[1] 0.2>
> t1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100) /
+ s1(n1=100, n2=100, n3=100)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.000677
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.000198
[1] 3.419192>
> t1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000) /
+ s1(n1=5, n2=5, n3=100000)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0888
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0052
[1] 17.07692>
> t1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000) /
+ s1(n1=10, n2=10, n3=100000)
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.0991
preparing ..
measuring ..
seconds per assignment = 0.005
[1] 19.82
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